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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Tópico: Touch Pannel Skin - Page: 5

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Hi, im loving the skin, too.

Im gonna use it this weekend insted of my Modded VMix5.4

however, when i right click on deck1 > Sync the graphic is incorrect. Its perfect on Deck 2 > Sync though.

im wondering if this is something i could probably fix myself before the weekend? hm..

EDIT > I checked the BPM file, and its perfect. so it music have been when you set uo the code for 'Right-Click on CUE', cut n pase the code, but forgot to chance the part that shows the next part. (ie. Deck 1 > Sync)

marksmolinski wrote :
Hi, im loving the skin, too.

Im gonna use it this weekend insted of my Modded VMix5.4

however, when i right click on deck1 > Sync the graphic is incorrect. Its perfect on Deck 2 > Sync though.

im wondering if this is something i could probably fix myself before the weekend? hm..

EDIT > I checked the BPM file, and its perfect. so it music have been when you set uo the code for 'Right-Click on CUE', cut n pase the code, but forgot to chance the part that shows the next part. (ie. Deck 1 > Sync)

How's this for speed of service - 9Minutes!! - LOL

Have fixed the problem and uploaded the new version - please allow time for it to be approved then download again.

Thanks for pointing it out.... =)


If only Carlsberg made skins...

... Theres no need for Carlsberg, we have TouchDan :)

Will it be version 1.1 ??

I Like the 'FileInfo' button !!!

Your not the only person to say that. I am hoping to include a file info panel within my next skin - with edit buttons which will either give you a pop up text edit screen or the main file info screen depending on what the info is.

Looks pretty sweet at the moment - but its just an image - haven't coded it yet - lol.

Just between you and me, i already cant wait to tweak this. (cant help myself)

there are in essence 2 song pos displays, the top one has the cue markers, and the lower one is just a wave form. there are 3 different waveforms that can be displayed in songpos. (see VMix)

BPM TAP on the BPM number, and right click for change to pitch value?

Video cross fade when clicking the video preview?

12h clock :)

I can add these myself at some point for my own use, unless these are something you will be doing in a future revision??

Feel free to tweak what you need mate. I have no problem with that.

The only problem you may have is the Video Trans on clicking the preview - this was originally included however in beta testing it caused panel issues so removed it. I never had time to fully investigate the problem. FYI.


ive noticed on other skins, sometimes when you click the video preview to crossfade, it could flicker, but i think thats been fixed.

i'll use recent skins for reference..

Although for now, i can use the video crossfader un-linked. its certainly big enough to grab with my finger on this skin.


Good work Dan :)

Now it looks better :o)

Greeetz McJuli

The icons in the Browser don't look very good. Seems like they were copied from a jpg picture.
And please keep the original brown background.

7 days since upload - 530 download = CHUFFED!! =) Thanks for you support guys.

Have a new skin coming your way soon - development name - "TouchPro". Also working on a joint effort with listen2 to create a new "default" type skin.

wooooooooo oooooooooooohhhhh..... lol

tayla wrote :
wooooooooo oooooooooooohhhhh..... lol



awesome.... you think you can make a 1440x900? pretty please for mac? haha

but AMAZING stuff, havnt seen the jog wheels/video on any other skin where you can chose which one you want... genius!!!

yo Dan, i've been looking at my colour spectrum, lol (oh no) and i'm wondering when you get round to making the 1440 x 900 instead of the orange/yellow combinations as of now i wonder if it would be possible for an all yellow, i know somewhere along the line i suggested an all orange but using it in the "field" i think yellow is a more striking colour/effect, plus it will match my two glass eyes....

must say its also bean 7 days of pleasure using it !!
so far i'd say its the best skin out there for using with the rmx/steel bye a mile

new touchpro skin sounds interesting will keep my eyes open for that one

also great news you've teamed up with L2 to work on a new default-ish style skin
personally i really do think it needs something a bit more eye catching than the present one


Hey guys, greetz from Germany ;-)

thx 4 this great Skin! I like it !!

But... is it possible to add an Magic Beatmatch button ? It can be small but i need it ;-)

I would be gratefull ;-)

Sry for my bad english!

Greetz to all!
