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Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: Congrats For 2.1!

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First of all congrats to the virtual dj team for stepping up with video.
I wish you guys the best of luck.

Unfortunately, I run a laptop & I heard from cyder your software requires monstrous system power & resources... Although I have an athlon 64 3400+ CPU, I only have a 64 mb video card so I'm guessing it doesn't stand a chance... I Called HP & it ain't upgradable, so no video for me!

OH, well... will have to stick with final scratch 2 & cds until denon makes their dvd dual...\


Congrats to those people who can stand the weight of rackmount pcs ;)

Mensajes Sat 07 May 05 @ 11:05 pm
it does not require a monster pc...

You can do fine with software emulation

I have no hardware acceleration of video, and video mixing works great ;)

rackmount pcs will continue to lead the way, those with craptops will someday understand what its truely compromised in a laptop config this latest verion of vdj solidifys my point laptops wern't ment for djing. After all it doesn't take a lot of graphic muscle to run powerpoint. I'm amazed at the comment I'll stick to cd's cause i can't take the weight of a rack pc. Humm but you don't mind carting around 1000's of cds and a cd player and mixer. Sorry just a rant laptop dj's just get on my nerves when they whine about not being able to use the latest software. Now don't get offended DJN you already know the limits of your laptop. I think people will come around eventually and say you know cyder was right all along...ok doubt it but still. Xio we remember you or at least I do, you got busted awhile back with a cracked version of each his own i guess.

You are right Cyder... you where all along ;) hehe...

It not that... its what you say, laptops have less power than desktops.
And I'm fine with that fact ;)

VDJ works GREAT on my laptop with P4, 1,8 ghz, 512 ram... no problems what so ever ;)
And with new mobile ATI and other good graphic cards, I guess the difference between laptop and desktop is less...

Anyway... video mixing works fine on my laptop :)

And he still uses a cracked version.. @Dj Xio... The cracked version you are using have huge bugs.. I have tested it :) Only way to have a smooth fully working program is to buy the full legal version

crack version my ass... last time I post in this forum.... you have a tendency to accuse people for shit you don't even know.. screw you & screw this software... I do real DJing @ clubs.... cds & vinyl is the only thing that rules, video w/ pc would be considerable but still w/ a pair of pioneers you don't need anything else...


by your reaction alone, I can say were right all along. I guess I must do fake djing at the clubs I spin at :) Also lets break it down cost wise with the dvj's

1. pair of dvj's 5000
1 video mixer 950
1 tripler monitor bank 1000
1 audio mixer 350

vdj 130

hummm I think I'll stick to the fake way.

bye bye :)


If they only knew.

When you learn how to beatmatch on your own, then we can talk!

c ya!

I thought you were done posting here? Why don't you go back over to slodj come back when you grow up. You don't know shit about me if you did that comment you made last wouldn't be. I was mixing on turntables while you were still shitting yourself.

Man- I didn't want to get into this. BUT....
First off- i'm runnin my laptop P4 1.8 768 ram. Works PERFECT (with new version) Secondly- DjXio needs to get the hell out- cause he doesn't know what he's talkin about. Using TCV- you HAVE to beat match. You can look at the BPM, but thats exactly what antique DJs did. Mark the bpm on their vinyl- shit even I still do that. also- I first owned a pair of techs and a vestax. Thats it. Then got TCV with VDJ. Then got a pair of Denons, and finally settled on two Techs with VDJ. If you can't see the possibilities with this setup, then YOU have some learning and evolving to do with your own DJing. This isn't an insult. You will reach this echelon if you practice. pioneers can only take you so far. From your posts, it seemed like you were just trying to justify the reason you use CDs and not VDJ with TCCDs or TCV. Perhaps your scared of your image? Well I'll tell you- if your making your impact on your audience by how you LOOK and not how you sound- then you gotta do ALOT of practicing. Secondly- if you go into a venue and people don't like how you look...if you play a great set, and really make em dance- you WILL change their stereotype of a "DJ". Consider it, but in the meantime- as my man Cyderhouse said, go back to slodj until you grow up and decide to join the Big-boy, REAL djs, who are CREATIVE. (Ever heard that word before DjXio?)


we shoudln't waste our breath on this one, he's too ignorant to realise that every time he comes to this site the team can see his cracked version of vdj. Venture over to and you can see for yourself.


I agree with Cyderhouse. Please ignore.
like this guy has to Pioneer DVJ's for €3800 each. I like the video possibillity a lot. Buy some Promo only DVDs, convert them to mpeg. Get your laptop, VDJ and your time code vinyls or cds and you are off to go...

I'm going to jump on this one, one last time for the hell of it & to clarify things up!
Yes virtual dj, looks like a great software & I'm sure it works great with the timecoded vinyl.
However, I don't use turntables. Too heavy, too old, too impractical...
I use CDs, WHY?
Because I do club djing as much as I do mobile DJing.
I can't take a damn rackmount to a club, it doesn't work that way.
Plus promoters & owners don't like it. I attempted once at Mango's (yes the famous mangos)
in south beach. I took a laptop for special requests only, you should've seen the managers face.
Besides, I like the feel of djing with cds. PERIOD, let's just leave it as that.
Now, why don't I still use the timecoded cd's?
I do, I own Final Scratch 2. However, I use it at mobile gigs for private requests only. Because the cueing problem is too heavy on FS2, Serato & Virtual DJ. It's almost impossible to beat mix.

Why I attempted looking at the software again?
For video, unfortunately it isn't fast enough.
Even if it were, it's only a temporary solution, because I'm sure I'll be integrating video mixing into clubs in the future. Some clubs already have the pioneers here in Miami & I'm sure some more will jump when the Denon duals come out at a much lower price, as will I. And guess what I would have to take to clubs?? yes only my dvds.... if you guys only do mobile, then I guess VDJ is great... I do way too much club work for that....

& Cyder, responding to your statement of me not knowing you about the beatmatching comment, you don't know me either about the crack comment.

If I have $700 to buy a piece of hardware (FS2) to work with a $200 software, I sure as hell have a $130 for a simple software. Why haven't i bought it? because I simply don't need it, nor do I use it.

Now, here's a challenge that might change this around a little bit.
Develop a fast video playing engine with 3 - 5 second load times per clip, have it be compatible & run smoothly with an external usb 2.0 hard drive & let a good controller work with it, like the upcoming DAC-3. I guarantee it won't take a day before I buy it & start using it.

BTW, yes it's possible, it's all in the coding you make for the software.
Unfortunately, the current one is not optimized to its maximum potential.

Work on it & then we'll have a talk!

Visual.......Overfull ceptic tank bubbling out around the cover.

Man this world just ain't big enough.
Hot, cold, hot, cold, you are full of it.
You are the last person I would have wanted to attract to VDJ with my thread on ProDj.
And now you show up with a stolen crack.
The demo is good for 20 days, and it's free, but that's not good enough.

Sout beach eh, eh, eh as Will Smith sings, was he talking about you???
No way.........WAY!

".....Because the cueing problem is too heavy on FS2, Serato & Virtual DJ. It's almost impossible to beat mix....SO PRETTY MUCH VIRTUAL DJ IS USELESS FOR "ME"..."

Well, thats almost an absurd argument. First time I have ever heard...
The usual "anti digital dj"-argument is usually that it is to EASY to make cues, to EAST to cue up and last but not least way to EASY to beat mix...

Read this forum, and you will see this discussion all over the place.... About it being very easy to beatmix with Virtual dj ;)

I work as a pro dj at one of the larges clubs in my town. I have used Pioneer decks for years...
And still with the new Pioneer 1000s (that have accurate BPM and even wave), its still easier to use Virtual DJ both for cuing and beat mix...

Why do I use VDJ? because it makes me a lot more efficient, a lot more effective, and lot more CREATIVE... and my club owner LOVES IT! ;) and guests do too....
My songs are better organized , I prepare better.... and have more room for planning what to play next

Sure, I still play cd's also... But Virtual DJ is what I use more and more... With timecode cd for controller (and that is using a REGULAR CD PLAYER ... so in many many ways its the same as if I was playing regular cds)

If you have any issues from club owners bringing your laptop, I'm sorry...
Digital djing is still new.... and will get more and more accepted
Its accepted in my town... Even such great local djs from my town such as Røyksopp and Ralph Myers use digital dj software :)
And I went to see the international DJ, Dimitri from paris.... he played mp3s also ;)

The discussion is the same as when CD players came around... all the vinyl jockes where against it.
DJ's are funny that way... now CDs are accepted, but digital djing is still in the beginning someplaces..

about the VIDEO MIXING part of VDJ
- come on... its BRAND NEW...the first release with video
OF COURSE its going to be developed further, for the better :)
But it works pretty good already, and I love it...
The future will bring fixed and updates for our members for even better videosupport :)

Well... best of luck with your a FS and decks

by the way... if you press my name, next to this post, you can see pictures of my gig setup at my club... I'M NOT A MOBILE DJ ;) loool... resident dj 3 times a week

see ya around, maybe

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