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Tema: First Gig on Friday - 18th Birthday Party...please help me!!

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Right so I'm doing my first proper gig for a friend's 18th birthday party (for free as a present I might add) but I was just wondering if I could get a few tips from some more experienced folk around here.

1) Obviously I don't want to play all my best songs right from the off, so are there any recommendations as to how I actually start my gig off music wise, obviously building to the big hitters as the night goes on...

2) At what point during the night do I introduce myself? Obviously I don't want to do it straight away when there's hardly anybody there yet, and then start playing music, but I would like to integrate it into the set? Like for example, do I have to completely stop the music while I do it, or can I just lower the volume, speak, and then crank it back up?

I've only ever done gigs for charity before, and they've just been a simple case of playing music, without speaking, but this is my chance to shine, and I would greatly appreciate any help I can get!!

Thanks in advance :)

Mensajes Tue 08 Jun 10 @ 3:14 pm
1) Start with some older, slower stuff. Then, as the night progresses, build up both tempo and popularity.

2) You can do voice-overs (sort of a "live" DJ drop) periodically throughout the night by dropping the music volume and saying your piece. Just don't do it over any vocals in the music...Wait for instrumental breaks and go for it. Speak clearly, and don't shout.

Mensajes Thu 10 Jun 10 @ 12:24 pm
l23royHome userMember since 2010
1 lesson to learn is you can never have enough tunes....MORE IS BETTER....

as the message above says the start of the night you want slow, recognisable tunes with lyrics. Being an 18 birthday i am guessing early on there will be family members there so go for safe tunes lke stevie wonder / prince / michael jacskon / dee lite / fatback band / de la soul / james brown / tribe called quest / funkadelic i could go on and on... songs that everyone knows (well if they dont they need shot haha)...DJ'ing is the easy part its having a good knowledge of tunes from way back when right through to the present day nothing better dropping a classic from 20/30 years ago....i find it very frustrated in the digital age that there is so many wana be DJ's that know jack shit about music.

when the night starts picking up you will no doubt start getting requests for songs i personally find this really frustrating but its unavoidable at parties, i normally DJ in clubs so not bothered by the punters but done a couple of favours for friends for birthdays and family doo's... you could always ask the person who's birthday it is if there is any preference on tunes and if there is going to be family members what tunes are they into, at least you are prepared before you go.

you will obvioulsy know what tunes your friends are into, so later-on should be easy, its keeping the older family members happy at the start of the night then a few hours into it they will be so drunk they will dance to anything haha!

as for shout outs i dont see the need to 'introduce your self' its not like you are famous you are just doing a birthday party....of course there will be the cake cutting moment so ask to be pre-warned when that is happening and have a really well known tunes to play as after the happy birthday singing is finished thats when you will find everyone up dancing use this as the transistion from middle of the road tunes to 4-4 house music (if thats what you play).

right i am rambling, good luck....dont panic as i said its just a 18th birthday party just read the crowd and have fun!

good luck

Mensajes Tue 15 Jun 10 @ 8:59 am

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