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Tema: HELP! Hot Cue and Loop

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Very simple, I wanted to ask if anyone has ever made a hot cue that can make a loop run automatically, for example...Once a hot cue is placed within a song, is there a way to have a specific loop be triggered once it hits or goes over that hot cue? I've looked into this topic within the forums and some of the responses requires that I work within a script? Sorry, but looking at that stuff makes me dizzy! Well not really familiar with that sort of stuff. Does someone have one mapped out for the Vestax 100? or simple how to?

EL Matador

Mensajes Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 9:38 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
You can have a script for activating hot cue and loop at the same time. But only when you hit a button. Meaning when a song is playing when it reaches the hot cue point it will not activate the loop automatically, unless you hit a button.

Mensajes Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 11:31 am
It's not currently possible to do this automatically.

However, as above it is possible to do this manually on demand using a keyboard shortcut or MIDI controller button mapped appropriately, e.g:

hot_cue 2 & loop 4

...Will jump to cue point #2 and activate a 4 beat loop at that point.

Mensajes Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 1:26 pm
jakovskiPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2006
Also you can create a cue point for a loop and rename it as loop. Then you create a hotkey with this action:
goto 'loop' & loop 4 & play

With that Hotkey you can jump to a predefined loop on every track. You only have to give the loop the same name like in this example the name loop.

Greets, Heiko

Mensajes Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 1:31 pm
Hmmm, I see.... it seams that the best option would be to keep doing what I currently do now, selecting the loop 4 button when the hot cue comes up and that's it! ;( It's not all bad, it works perfectly but was wondering if there was a way to do some of the stuff I planned to do by mapping out some new info to the hot cue buttons.

Thanks guys

Mensajes Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 2:29 pm
@ El Matador...The responses regarding scripting above will allow you to accomplish what you are hoping for, but I do understand that it may all come across as jibberish.

To incorporate this additional functionality into your VCI-100 mapping:

*Important...make sure your controller is plugged in.

1) select "Options"

2) Select the "Mappers" tab

Now you will be presented with the mapping for your controller (it'll be in the list box above the list of controls and actions on the left).

The list of controls is split into two columns, on the left the controls names are listed (such as PLAY, CUE, etc) and on the right the action that is associated with a control.

e.g ACTION play_pause

lets continue to add this extra functionality.

So your on the "Mappers" tab and the VCI-100 controller controls and actions are listed.

Scroll down the list of controls until you find the one that you wish to use, such as HOT_CUE1 or whatever it may be called - it'll probably have an action such as "hot_cue 1". Now to add a loop to it click on the control name (HOT_CUE1 or whatever it may be called) and you will see that it's action is now displayed in a box on the right of the mapper tab, then add the following to the action - & loop 4 - so the complete action will look like "hot_cue 1 & loop 4"

You can change the hot_cue number to match your control, such as hot_cue 1, hot_cue 2, etc and you can change the loop value to whatever you might want, such as loop 1, loop 2, loop 4, loop 8, etc.

Don't worry if you mess it up, you can always press the far left button at the bottom of the mapper tab to reset the mapping back to factory.

Hope this helps.


Mensajes Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 6:49 pm

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