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Tema: Numark N4 Map

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HamryControlleristMember since 2007

Does anyone have a map for the Numark N4? I don't want to use the LE version that comes with it and would like a mapper for the Pro version.

Mensajes Thu 22 Dec 11 @ 11:16 am
HamryControlleristMember since 2007
Actually... I've created my own mapping but VDJ doesn't seem to want to work with my N4. Controls are not responding when pressed etc...

Mensajes Thu 22 Dec 11 @ 11:59 am

Mensajes Thu 22 Dec 11 @ 12:12 pm
Where did you get it from? I can't find one anywhere.

Mensajes Thu 22 Dec 11 @ 1:55 pm

Mensajes Thu 22 Dec 11 @ 3:24 pm
@Huey - the mapper is in the latest version (b380) and is labeled as the NS4 (Numark changed the name of the controller before it went to market).

Mensajes Thu 22 Dec 11 @ 9:25 pm
Naw Ace I was wanting to know where to get one from. All of the shops I've checked in the states don't have it yet. I see its available over seas.

Thanks for the input though

Mensajes Fri 23 Dec 11 @ 9:45 am
If you go to mappers in the 20 trail enabled version of LE and change an item in the N$ mapper then the program will save an N4 map file in the directory my document/virtualdjle/mappers, you can then move this to the mapper directory of your PRO, tried this with CUE however and it doesn't work. Like the guy said if you have a legit upgrade route go for VIrtual DJ pro 7.0.5 (b384) and it'll work anyway.

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 11 @ 2:53 pm
Simply copying the mapping file won't work for an older version of the software that lacks the built-in definition for the Numark NS4.

The definition files for native supported controllers are built into the software and cannot be accessed.

Mensajes Wed 28 Dec 11 @ 6:32 pm
My map will not restore to factory setting. Is there anywhere i can re download the n4 map again? basically my pitch faders have stopped working since i assigned the tap button as a stutter. also is there any way to colour ur channels on 6 deck mode so that 3 and 4 change colour?

Mensajes Wed 04 Jan 12 @ 8:05 am
my numark n4 doesn't work with my virtual dj pro but works with the LE (and i can't load samples on virtual dj LE) anyone knows how to either work the n4 with virtual dj pro? or how to load samples on the virtual dj LE that comes with the n4 controller?

Mensajes Mon 12 May 14 @ 9:33 pm
This is probably because you are using an out-of-date version of VirtualDJ Pro. The Numark N4 is natively supported in the latest version. Please register your VirtualDJ Pro serial number to your account and download the latest version.

If you have not purchased the full VirtualDJ Pro then please support the software and its future development by purchasing it (Especially if you are a working DJ and you are making money as a result of using it at your gigs.)

VIrtualDJ LE is limited software and doesn't support loading/saving samples outside of the 20 day trial of the full VirtualDJ Pro.

Mensajes Tue 13 May 14 @ 3:54 am
Please how can I edit my N4 mapper to my satisfaction... My n4 is working with virtual DJ 7 pro but I want to edit some key functions... Like making the shift key to on permanently so I will not have to press it before I can set cue or delete cue

Mensajes Sat 01 Nov 14 @ 2:25 pm
Hola! c{omo puedo hacer para comprar una versión pro de virtual dj para numark? mi tarjeta de crédito no es internacional! hay alguna manera de que pueda adquirir el software en Argentina?

Mensajes Wed 03 Dec 14 @ 2:44 pm
tengo una controladora numark n4, ya se pasó el tiempo de prueba y no encuentro la forma de adquirir la actualización ya que mi tarjeta no es internacional, díganme por favor dónde puedo comprar el software en Argentina o depositar dinero acá, gracias

Mensajes Wed 03 Dec 14 @ 2:46 pm
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Mensajes Tue 09 Dec 14 @ 1:28 pm

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