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Tópico: I need help with Virtual DJ database - Page: 1

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1. I need help with Virtual DJ database
2. I counted 22,000 tracks with Virtual DJ on my home system . (my home system is used just for analysing files, laptop is used at live gigs)
3. It took days for this to complete and the Virtual DJ database file size was huge
4. I then copied the database file to my laptop external firewire drive
5. When I loaded virutal DJ on the laptop , I copied the "virtualDJ Internal Database" to the virutal DJ directory
6. I then launched virtual DJ on the laptop and the tracks were not counted!
7. I have to recount all 22,000! ack :-(

I need to know exactly how to transfer the Virtual DJ database over, step by step. Can the drive letter and path change?

can anyone help?


Mensajes Tue 16 Sep 03 @ 2:17 am
the file names and drive letter MUST be identical.

ahhh! ok. I have no idea what drive I mapped. My drive letters change around often. I wish there was a way to repoint them to the correct drive letter without having to re-do it. I can't read the virtual DJ database file to see what drive I used.

Lesson learned: here is a suggestion for external drive users...

if you analyse your tracks on your home system,
do not move tracks around (leave them in the same directories)
copy the database file over to the new system
make sure the drive letter is the same
launch virtual DJ

I really see no need to analyse all 22,400 of my files. I analyse them as I need them. The only group that I analysed in full is all of my remixes. I searched out the word "mix" and analysed all of those. Then I sorted them by BPM and manually counted the obviously wrong ones. The rest of the songs are analysed as they are needed. If someone requests something I haven't played before, I'd analyse it then and play it where it fits into the set. Face it, of the entire archive, There's probably only 3000-4000 songs that you'd ever actually play on a gig.

Don't be misled by the numbers. That is not the point I was trying to make. 22,000 is just the amount of files I have on this HDD. 4000, 2000, it doesn't matter how many.

Here is how I understand it: analyse sets the gain and counts the bpm of the tracks. this information is stored in c: | program files | virtual dj | virtualDJ | Internal Database and not in the mp3 file itself.

When a track is analysed, the volumes are set right and the bpms are listed in the recordcase. This means...

I often use the bpms of the songs to determine what will mix with what. I know that a 100bpm song will not mix too well with a 140 bpm song. It is just as important as the file name.
It is good that virtual DJ can count the bpms and show it in the recordcase.

The gain on some tracks is louder than others. If they are all gain scanned, then it eliminates the need for DJ to have to lower and raise the volume constantly. I like that virtual DJ has this feature.

I feel it that it would be nice if Virtual DJ would read "other" dj program tags like bpm studio and pcdj. both of those programs store the bpm and gain in the same place (mp3 header?). that way, no matter where you move your files to, it retains the information. if you burn your files to CD, they will retain the bpm and gain


Must admit that would be nice...

I use two laptops and a desktop and it is a pain analysing for each....

If it could be stored in the header it would be handy..


Dj Rick, you may wrong, Wireless ..i have good news for you,
for the way Vdj handle mp3 files.
That was the first i tested in Vdj, because i had really suffer
from other progs like Pcdj.
I found Virtual DJ to be very smart on this..
According to my tests it uses 2 files:
virtualDJ Internal Database, store bpm/gain/comment info,
the size and filename, but NOT the address NOR the drive letter for each file you play or analyze.
This info is stored in the mp3database.txt file.
You can move freely mp3 files, outside the program,
and you just have to update the mp3database.txt file,
while always keep backup of the virtualDJ Internal Database file. You can even delete and re-create mp3database.txt,
and you loose nothing. It takes only some seconds, or a few
minutes to re-create mp3database.txt to update your files
I found this VERY clever !
Wireless, what i thing is the problem in your case:
You are using Pcdj or other progs that writes direct at the
mp3 tag (v2) of your files. This affect the size of these mp3s,
so Vdj can't recognize them anymore....
So you have to choose now...

well wireless i'm with you, the info should be wrote to the mp3 header,one reason is that to let VDJ find the BPM for u, and for it to be wrong, and then u correct it, and then lose it, WELL that is bad, VERY BAD,

I have been using a software called mp3 collector for two reasons:

1 it corrects all my mp3 titles and makes them correct with the id3 tags in the file

2 because it reads the id3 tags for all fields, including BPM,and Comments this was i can refer back to the list if a BPM is in correct in VDJ and i can correct it on the fly

It would be good if one of the GREAT progammer on the forum would create the parse.dll file that would make the software read these tags and fix the software so that the user can disable it if this was not a feature the they would like.

See YA

I have been asking for that a long time vdj and atomix to read mp3 tag info that were made in pcdj or bpm pro,all they need to do is update the record case so it can put all mp3 info in the right place show all info like how bpm & pcdj do,artist/title/album/genre/year/bpm/time.I don't know why they brought the same record case from atomix into vdj plase do something about it.hopefulley we get this in update 1.7 thank you.

Read mp3 tags-already stored in files- is one thing, and write mp3 tags is another thing. I can't see anything wrong if Vdj display tag info, somehow, although i believe that there is not enough space for all these columns if one have the playlist window open.
Maybe a right click command for display tags is a good idea.
On the other hand, i like that Vdj keep mp3 files
unchanged, writing all the data it needs to a single, easy
to move/copy file (internal database)
You have to back-up your files only once,
while you have to care only for the database file,
for those important cue settings / coments etc.
Lets say you have 30,000 like many of us, stored on cd-roms
and have also a large hard drive, with all these files copied
on it (it is easy with todays hard drives and prices)
If any program writes directly to the mp3 files(tags)
Then you will never have your ''latest versions''
of these files on cd's, unless you make new cd's with the same
files every time you change a cue......THINK about it.
And what happens in a hard disk CRASH......

George V.

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry apopsis no email address is allowed from a demo user

I don't know how long you been useing pro dj mp3 sofware take look at pcdj fx and bpm pro and see how nice the recordcase display all mp3 info,we need a batter recordcase in vdj.not all djs look for songs the same if someone came and ask for a song I look for it by name album or year ect.maybe they should just add album/year/genre.or if you think vdj can't didplay all the song info at once but I think it can,when the good guys at vdj get it together maybe in update 1.7 we will get some improvement in the recordcase.VDJ miles ahead in mp3 DJING.

I used PCDJ, hated it. Especially the record case. I haven't tried their new FX, but I'm told by a couple guys who use pcdJ That it has problems. I like VDJ exactly the way it handles the files... no "record case", just your files, and a great search engine. I don't want it making ANY even minor modifications to any of my MP3 archives that it took me so long to name and encode.

If you will not add this support, can you at least add a way for it to remember the bpm and gain info no matter where the file is moved? Using a CRC check, have virtual dj remember the bpm/gain in the database regardless where the track is moved or stored on the HDD.

thank you


if you don't like it in pcdj and bpm pro recordcase that's you 99 % of us want the recordcase in vdj Improve may be they could add /album/genre/year/ at least those,why you don't want anything change? well if they do make improvement in the recordcase say like in 1.7 you just hold on to version 1.6 that's all.thank you!

I think you are wrong. I've only ever (in Atomixmp3, and virtualDJ) seen just a few posts complaining about the way either of these programs display the files. This program already displays them properly.
Just because you feel something is needed, doesn't mean that 99% of the other users want it that way to.
With all of the other DJ softwares I have tried, Atomixmp3, and VDJ give me the most useable way to access my files.

Wireless, please read my 1st post on this topic.
I think is working already the way you ask
(about moving files)
Can you test and confirm?
Dj Rick ?

Do this simple test.
Delete or move the internal database file
so the program will create a new empty one, next
time you run it.
Then play a song + analyze and/or create some cue points.
Unload it, and move the mp3 file to another directory/partition.
Load it again to vdj from its new location.
Voila ! All the cues/ bpm / comments are there...
unless you edit the file's header using another program.
Pcdj sometimes modify the tag by just loading the file.

I paid for virtualdj, but my computer crashed, how do I get it back?

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what you call properly ? artist/title/bpm/time/comment I think a little more will do album/genre and year is very good info for djs to look for a song,let say a artist has 300 songs and someone came and ask you for a song you don't want to be looking all over you just ask them what year or album.and stop crying down good things that will make the software greater for every one.thank you!
