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Forum: Old versions

Tema: [Crash] Manual BPM Editting

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Whenever I'm editing the BPM manually the programm crashes on me!

Im running Mac Os X 10.9 Mavericks, and Virtual DJ 7.4.1

I load up a track in the deck and rightclick the bpm symbol, so the popup shows up!
After editing the number and closing the popup the client crashes. I can repeat the crash as often as I like.

Is that only me or does it apply to everyone... if yes, please fix it =)


Mensajes Sun 24 Nov 13 @ 11:24 pm
This is a known issue on Mac version side.

Just don't do this during a gig till we have released a solution!

Note:All registered licence user will get this update, like any other one, for free!

Mensajes Mon 25 Nov 13 @ 2:32 am
Same here :(
Should be fixed quick...

Mensajes Sun 01 Dec 13 @ 9:19 am
This is happening to me also! Extremely hard to organize and edit my music with this issue. Please notify when this bug is resolved!

Mensajes Thu 06 Mar 14 @ 9:10 pm

Mensajes Thu 25 Sep 14 @ 10:54 pm
It is already fixed in VirtualDJ v8.

VirtualDJ v7 will not be receiving any further updates.

Mensajes Fri 26 Sep 14 @ 5:52 am

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