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Tópico: Jog wheel sensitivity for scratching - Page: 1

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I use a VCI-380 and noticed a huge lag with scratching off the bat. has any one with a controller tested various sensitivity numbers? i only tried 1.0 and 1.5 im looking for ideas on how to get tight response

Mensajes Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:41 pm
Can you describe this 'huge lag' a bit more ? ', does this happen when you release the jog after scratching or backspin, or do you feel it during a scratch ?
Is it about the sound or about how it feels ?
Finally, are your sound settings correct (using the vestax asio driver) ?
How do you feel the latency when you just press play >

when i release the jog wheel after scratching and during the scratch. if i hold my hand on the platter and scratch back and forth using a typical sound it sounds good but wont keep up with my speed or rhythm yes im using the vcis asio driver. latency pressing play is great also using the fader and pads to beat juggle is normal...better then 7.4 so i figure its a sensitivity thing

Go to the options and search for 'touchwheelBackspin' and ''touchwheelForwardspin'.
- Disable these options and you will have a rapid start-up when you release the jog,.
- Change Pitch Quality to 1
And finally try some values for 'jogSensitivityScratch' and see what works best for you.
1.25 works for me but depends on the controller and the size of the jog.

Please ignore this message, I have sorted it by selecting vinyl mode

DJMikeJames wrote :
Please ignore this message, I have sorted it by selecting vinyl mode

I dont know what this guy is talking about lol...My VCI-380 is set to vinyl mode. and the settings helped alittle but there's still something off



its a little due to how its made .. unless its acts very different from using it with vdj7 ?
the vci-300/380 sends no signal at dead still, so the software gets no info, and there is a little split second "wait" .. that can be aided by pushing forwards the platter (like an old turntable would)

But shouldnt be any different than v7, hopefully even better.. . is it not?

Its been awhile since I used the VCI, but if I remember right there is a way to get it tighter, but sacrificing backspin on platter ... try go to vdj options, turn off "touchWheelBackspin", and that should get rid of that "wait" from the controller, when it does nothing ..


Its heavily different from V7 and other softwares...only problem in 7 was the v8 another problem has arisen.

if i scratch back and forth slowly or fast...everntually the song will move forward and a different beat will be scratched.

ouch, definitively sounds like a bug..

will try test some too, and if others have same issue worth reporting ..

Yeah at first i thought it was the new backspin and forwards spin settings and also maybe my sensitivity wasnt set right...I never had to set the sensitivity in V7 or serato.

I tested this using a hip hop beat. I dont scratch back and forth so slow that it would register as stopped.

There's an odd problem with scratching on the Denon HS5500 decks too. Grab the platter and pull back - then when you let go, the audio speeds up (and pitch goes up).

It does this regardless of whether master tempo is on or off in VDJ 8. Pull back, let go, speed and pitch rise.

The more you move back and forth, the more it goes up.

I've tried fiddling with the motor & jog/scratch options in config and nothing seems to affect it.

YES!! I have the same issue with my NS7 and Dennon mc3000. mad a post got no response. When i first grab the platters their is a delay every time. Fix please

Check the "rampScratchTime"
Default value is 0.1000, Have you changed that ?
My optimized default is 0.05000, try this or even 0.0000
Is there any difference ?

No difference here with the HS5500.

Yes, motorized controllers are different.

For non motorized, so far i cannot reproduce the problems reported above, we tested with various hercules, Reloop controllers and a Vestax vci-400

Should i try and make a video of it? its def a weird little bug that doesnt seem to be fixed by settings

Please do! we need a fix for this!

am having the same issue with my vci 380 when u release the platter from a scratch its like it has a small delay and for some reason i thought the scratch would have sounded way better is there a settings we could follow
