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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Tópico: Timecode users......... [SOLVED] - Page: 40

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Hey Guys,

just wondering if anyone here is from the UK and is attending this?

Re: that BPM announcement, "zero latency" ?!? How us that even possible?? Thumbs up from me for everything else, but " zero" seems to be a to good to be true statement..

They should put depending on hardware, not even Rane are able to achieve zero latency so if this is true then Atomix may be at the fore front of innovation. Much love to the DEVS that are putting work in though. I think they realised that without a fully functional DVS system VDJ would always take the back seat no matter how many controllers they support

Let's say it is all true, why don't we have it???

beatbreaker1 wrote :
Let's say it is all true, why don't we have it???

Grand unveiling at the BPM show here in UK, that's the debut

To be fair, I think it's good to say that we had the best treatment here, an I highly appreciate that we have been listened to and became part of the process of getting timecode emulation to the point where it is now. A huge thank you for that! Because only a few are still experiencing issues, but most do not, I understand if the following question remains unanswered and even a no, anyway, here it goes:

Will the version that gets released at bpm be also released to the public at the same time, or will the version be released as a beta prior to bpm? Reason for asking, I fear that something's might suffer from regression bugs, will WE make sure the version will be point on? Or do we have to wait until bpm or even later?

On the same note, care to give out some additional information on what to expect , e.g will the 8+ engine be the engine we are using ATM, or is it another new engine that even we did not see before?

I'm really excited and lookin forward to the new 8+ engine as it seems really promising and confident of yourself to advertise this function especially *stoked

( now, if only the timeline system/ editors could also be reworked to please us users jut like the DVS got tweaked to please us, we get the v8 that we've all been eager for ;) but i think theres still Plenty of Time to solve that :D )

Finally some love for Europe! In your face America.

*I love you all really.*

the teaser/message in the FB post is of course to highlight that timecode will work 100% as expected and been taken very seriously last builds to make sure its as die hard as possible.... and flawlessly by the show start at BPM

now anyone knows "zero latency" is a bit of sales pitch, of course means as low as possible given your hardware. And is a term used by everyone when there is no latency to speak of, and is as good as it gets.

The main message is of course that the engine has gotten a great overhaul and upgrade, to be working rock solid, and that timecode users gotten lots of love and focus, from all the development lately with a showcase on the coming BPM tradeshow.

Bottom line, timecode is to be 100% solid and performing best possible.
You all will get the feature you'd be waiting and fighting for ;)

And something to be happy about ;)

dj-in-norway wrote :
the teaser/message in the FB post is of course to highlight that timecode will work 100% as expected and been taken very seriously last builds to make sure its as die hard as possible.... and flawlessly by the show start at BPM

now anyone knows "zero latency" is a bit of sales pitch, of course means as low as possible given your hardware. And is a term used by everyone when there is no latency to speak of, and is as good as it gets.

The main message is of course that the engine has gotten a great overhaul and upgrade, to be working rock solid, and that timecode users gotten lots of love and focus, from all the development lately with a showcase on the coming BPM tradeshow.

Bottom line, timecode is to be 100% solid and performing best possible.
You all will get the feature you'd be waiting and fighting for ;)

And something to be happy about ;)

And i'm happy with this comment, I can sleep well tonight :-)

Thanks to all the team for finally showing some transparency, we appreciate your change in approach in dealing with us end users

Don't sleep yet there's a new beta out. Get testing.

Yes I can only second that, or give a +1 or whatever, to everyone involved, be it mod or Teamer or dev, you really did a great job of turning the wheel, so to say, and keep on steering in the right direction! The change of direction and added communication is a big step towards a very good reputation for you guys, finally I feel as Vdj is ready to bustin loose, all my best wishes for BPM, may all go well and hopefully there'll be a lot off buzz about da XTREME DVS (sounds so badass xD ) *so stoked for the public feedback and especially the turntablism world too

An update,
Beta build 1957 is available and fixes the "sticker-drift" with backspins in relative mode.
You can give it a try.
In my tests i have tried fast backspins up to 10 full vinyl rotations without any drift in the sticker even if the needle skips physically..

Also now you have options to make the pitch slider respond faster.
In the advanced options find : TimecodePitchSensitivity and TimecodePitchSpeed.
The default values might still be slow for scratch dj's but you can try my settings.
For TimecodePitchSensitivity try 1.00 and for TimecodePitchSpeed 10.00

These are only my personal favorites, we would like to have feedback for what works best for you.

There is still a 'delay' before the software starts to react on your pitch slider changes.
This is normal and necessary as the software waits to see if you really change the pitch or just scratch, but this also might fine tuned in a future update.

apopsis wrote :
Some update,
Beta build 1957 is available and fixes the "sticker-drift" with backspins in relative mode.
You can give it a try.
In my tests i have tried fast backspins up to 10 full vinyl rotations without any drift in the sticker even if the needle skips physically..

Also now you have options to make the pitch slider respond faster.
In the advanced options find : TimecodePitchSensitivity and TimecodePitchSpeed.
The default values might still be slow for scratch dj's but you can try my settings.
For TimecodePitchSensitivity try 1.00 and for TimecodePitchSpeed 10.00

These are only my personal favorites, we would like to have feedback for what works best for you.

There is still a 'delay' before the software starts to react on your pitch slider changes.
This is normal and necessary as the software waits to see if you really change the pitch or just scratch, but this also might fine tuned in a future update.

Hey so far so good, won't be able to give a proper thrashing until Thursday night but my indoor tests seem VERY promising. I'll let you guys know what it's like on CDJs and the vinyl guys will do the same. Thanks

Im on my way home now so Il test tonight, hows the pitch so far??

We'll the scratching is good, no drift but the pitch is still terrible. It's like when I first started using turntables and I have to ride the dam pitch all night, ugh!! I do not like how the pitch acts now at all! It was perfect before and now it's all delayed no where near as accurate.

Also since this update I'm getting crazy dropouts and my CPU meter on screen is no lower then 40% and this is an i7!! My soundcard latency is set at 10ms! When I set it to 48000 instead of 44100 it's a hundred times worse.

Before this update I was recording my video sets with Bandicam with text 2 screen software running, online and 2 live camera feeds.........if I even try that now my videos stutter, CPU is in the red and the sound is crap. And yes I have the videos to prove that's how smooth it was running BEFORE this last update. And yes I turned off the wifi (which I haven't ha to do in years) and that still didn't help.

I'll give VDJ a couple of more updates, 1 lowering the CPU usage back down and 2 the pitch delay HAS to go or 3 have my 5500's work in midi mode (yeah I know that's a whole nother issue).

I don't even know what to do anymore here. It's sad when Serato and Serato video are running smoother then VDJ ON A DAM PC!!

Come on team, I'm glad the scratch is tight now but do I have to loose everything else for it?!?!

How do I go back like 3 or 4 updates?? I want the pitch back and I'll deal with the drift, I mean I've been doing it this long already.......


0,1 or 2 didn't make A difference.

apopsis wrote :
An update,
Beta build 1957 is available and fixes the "sticker-drift" with backspins in relative mode.
You can give it a try.
In my tests i have tried fast backspins up to 10 full vinyl rotations without any drift in the sticker even if the needle skips physically..

Gave it a quick spin - sticker drift seems to be fixed - good job..

But twice I did detected a small jump/skip(absolute mode like) when the needle jumped, not easily duplicated though but - I adjusted my needles and it didn't happen again.. I will test again when I have time..


beatbreaker1 wrote :
We'll the scratching is good, no drift but the pitch is still terrible. It's like when I first started using turntables and I have to ride the dam pitch all night, ugh!! I do not like how the pitch acts now at all! It was perfect before and now it's all delayed no where near as accurate.

Also since this update I'm getting crazy dropouts and my CPU meter on screen is no lower then 40% and this is an i7!! My soundcard latency is set at 10ms! When I set it to 48000 instead of 44100 it's a hundred times worse.

Before this update I was recording my video sets with Bandicam with text 2 screen software running, online and 2 live camera feeds.........if I even try that now my videos stutter, CPU is in the red and the sound is crap. And yes I have the videos to prove that's how smooth it was running BEFORE this last update. And yes I turned off the wifi (which I haven't ha to do in years) and that still didn't help.

I'll give VDJ a couple of more updates, 1 lowering the CPU usage back down and 2 the pitch delay HAS to go or 3 have my 5500's work in midi mode (yeah I know that's a whole nother issue).

I don't even know what to do anymore here. It's sad when Serato and Serato video are running smoother then VDJ ON A DAM PC!!

Come on team, I'm glad the scratch is tight now but do I have to loose everything else for it?!?!

How do I go back like 3 or 4 updates?? I want the pitch back and I'll deal with the drift, I mean I've been doing it this long already.......

My CPU is crying for help also, this update seems super demanding, BTW did you adjust your pitch sensitivity, what percentage do you have it set at?
