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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Tema: Letter to the users and to the dev/marketing team - Page: 1

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Just an observation:

I see a lot of people complaining about the stability of Version 8, even a thread called "just give me back version 7.4.1"....yet, before release... you would see all of these posts about "just release it already!! What's taking so long?" and so forth. Well.... to those now complaining about the stability and all the issues cropping up... you kind of asked for it...LOL.... but keep reading... I have some advice.

On the flip side of that coin... the VDJ dev and marketing people did admittedly kind of ask for the nagging posts concerning release date too.... "it's just around the corner" -- I think they said that about a year ago, or "we are in beta testing now, it would be long", and also having the version 8 seminars before release.... I think the seminar/learning things were cool, but I think they would have been better to do after release.

So... to the users who are annoyed about the instability, and think maybe it was released too early.... you kinda asked for it...LOL
And... to the virtual DJ people who are annoyed at the users response and complaints... you kinda asked for it too....LOL....

As for myself... I've seen this kind of thing all before. The bugs will eventually be worked out. ...and just like the only way for Microsoft to create a more stable, more efficient, more advanced OS (verses Windows 98 and earlier <definitely not comparing it to MAC, so don't get upset>) was to leave DOS behind, which did create some growing pains for their consumers.... VDJ needed to leave the old code behind, and make some significant changes.... which much like how DOS based programs would not work in WindowsXP, some custom mapper and other things from 7.41 won't work in version 8, etc.... it's growing pains... included in that is some bugs that still need to be worked out.

This software (version 8) is going to take a while to become rock solid. It will be worth it. It's the only way to move on. In the meantime, use Version 7.41. You might be using it for months to come, before Version 8 is ready for prime time. Don't stress it. In the meantime, those of you who have made custom mappers for your midi devices, myself included... time to start working out how to make them work properly in version 8, while you wait for other bugs to get fixed. You don't have to go in there every single night, working till your blood vanes rise in your forehead... just treat it as a hobby.... "Oh, I have a few, maybe I'll work in the mappers for a few minutes". De-stress it. Take it easy. Don't try to use your version 8 at your next gig. Take your time with it, kind of like you were moving to a whole different software... Imagine if you were going over to Traktor? If you liked your custom maps they way they were, you'd have to start from scratch. You'd also understand that it would be a good idea to work with it for a good long while before playing live. (not suggesting anyone move to traktor...just an anology) Treat Version 8 the same way.


Mensajes Mon 26 May 14 @ 11:50 am
well said..
and luckily there are already tons of reports saying "had a great gig with v8", "works rock solid " etc..

And crash reports a few .. But its not 100% solid for every single configuration and computer all yet, and with the new auto update feature of v8 fix updates rolls out quickly ;)

I feel confident it will get solid for all in short time ..
I already use it on radio, gigs and all .. no issues as far as stability goes..

Sure there are features that can improve, things that can change, new wishes to take into account, but most all of that is for version 8.0x .. and not v8. ;)
Lets patch the few and rare bugs first, and get it solid for all ;)


Mensajes Mon 26 May 14 @ 12:02 pm
rlovePRO InfinityMember since 2010
I've been both forgiving and harsh towards Atomix for VDJ 8. I think the problem is this (and feel free to tell me that I am wrong!)...

VDJ 8 is something that we've waited years for... Over the last two years we've been told, it's coming soon and just around the corner now... Then to late last year, it's going through beta and we will have something for you all very soon... They on Mothers Day here in the US, us Pro users had gotten the ability to download the pre-release.

What we all expected and what we had gotten, were two different things. I think most of us (or all of us... or just me), expected something a little more solid. Yes, one can say that software testing in a vacuum is only so good, and it requires the masses to find all of the issues, and partially I also believe in that, being a software developer myself.


I think the level of the issues that we have found were very 'pedestrian', meaning that anyone installing VDJ 8 for the first time is going to encounter. I think the more complex crashes and fine tuning are definitely fine to have released with since you need us to help with those, however the simple bugs such as dragging and dropping tracks to decks with cover art turned off should have been addressed EARLY on...

Mensajes Mon 26 May 14 @ 9:13 pm
In my opinion, there are a lot of school boy errors in this software especially as it took Atomix over 2 years to write it and promised everyone how stable it was. Even some of the the fundamentals that worked perfectly well in V7 don't work properly in V8 so I for one, as a professional DJ, am really disappointed. I feel that Atomix have totally wasted the last 2 years and should have just improved V7. At least then I'd have a piece of software that I could use. Now I have something that has less functionality than before and is full of bugs and basic errors.

Maybe the bugs will be slowly worked out and maybe it will all be fine in the end but the point is they have changed a lot of the features which were useful (full screen browser still doesn't work properly, my N4 doesn't work properly, my nanopad isn't recognized, the fonts are too small, you can't drag songs off of the playlist , you can't see where you are in slip mode, most of the V7 effects don't work properly and these are just a few of my top of the head examples) but they haven't actually added anything significant. I still use it the same way as I did except I am now missing some of the features that I used to rely on... and what happened to the timeline feature! The only reason I was staying with VDJ was because of the promise of the timeline. I personally don't think they managed to get it to work which is why they 'decided' to drop it. I have lost all faith and confidence in VDJ and think that they are now years behind the other software companies. Aaarrrrghgghhhh!!!! I just want to scream at how bad this is and how badly Atomix have handled this.

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 3:32 pm
He's right on many points regarding School boy errors , especially as some problems were mentioned before Public release despite the short time Pro users had to experience and report bugs or issues of which we are still experiencing. I did laugh earlier as a Pro user told me they didn't know there was a VDJ 8 and also he's not downloading as he has to pay so much for content unlimited Videos. I did explain that it had nothing to do with VDJ 8 :)

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 4:54 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
I dont see the less functionality here. Perhaps you could explain this a bit more ?

And even though i ve searched the forums, i haven't seen any report from you that your controllers are not detected or working properly (N4 and Korg device), unless of course i didnt search that well.
Have you reported that in a ticket maybe ?

We didnt promise a rock-solid/stable release version either.

Really, reading some posts here, and still confused.

EDIT. Found your Korg Nanopad post.. had to dig deep. Replied.

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 5:50 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
First things first, I am not jumping on the complaint wagon here. I understand that the recode needed to happen, etc to get to a way better future in due time. Stability and all will also come in due time with people's patients and persistence (not nagging and whining).

I have not tried 8 yet due to switching to a new machine and want to diagnose one thing at a time. As well as I don't expect 8 to be perfect day one. I just keep reading the posts and trying to plan my move into 8 which may be next week after my higher pressure events.

So we have established I have no first hand experience here, but from what I read a mod posted that there is no 64 bit Windows version yet.. Have not seen mention since. Feel free to correct me as I am not sure if it is true, but I definitely thought that would be accomplished in the re code.

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 8:31 pm
rlovePRO InfinityMember since 2010
djdad wrote :

We didnt promise a rock-solid/stable release version either.

Then why release to public? It should have stayed in pre-release with us for a month or two... If I buy a car, I expect it to stop when I press the brake pedal. There's certain expectations that we have with pre-release software, and other expectations when something is publicly released.

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 10:35 pm
gkon116PRO InfinityMember since 2006

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 10:40 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Easy now, these guys are working very hard to address these issues and responding to most of your concerns ASAP, so lighten up.. nothing is perfect the first go round...

Mensajes Tue 27 May 14 @ 10:48 pm
One thing about this forum, everyone has an opinion, and they are allowed to express it. In my opinion, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. In a perfect world (sad to say, he's no longer with us), we would all be in Eden. Wake up, this is the real world. What part of "nothings perfect" is so hard to comprehend? I do not have a problem with people bad mouthing the software. It does not affect me in any way. I'm still rocking the club three nights a week, getting paid, and using 8. If I don't like 8, I can always go back to 7. I have that choice. I choose to use 8. I do not have any show stopping issues, and have not had a crash, doing three 8 hour shifts a week, all video. So, let them have their say, and those that want to make it better, are already doing it. As for the car analogy, not a good choice. I got your expectations right here. (Child friendly)

Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 1:45 am
xgl_djPRO InfinityMember since 2004
No one is bad mouthing the software - people are just telling the truth. Their are cool new features within, but software is very buggy ..

For those who are lucky to have a problem free configuration then fine..saying how much your configuration works, does not negate all the other paying customers who still have issues with the software..

People have a right to express their happiness as well as their disapproval. The developers and Automix leaders need to hear about all bugs in the software as well as customer dissatisfaction level - that is the only way the company will improve.


Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 2:39 am
RobRoyPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2012
i guess the dev team welcomes all constructive reports about any issues...

Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 2:45 am
Please read the first sentence in my post. Reminding us how long it took for 8 to come, helps how? I am a paying customer, just like everyone else. I come to the forum for help. In return for those that helped me, I try to help others. If I have an issue, I state my issue, and usually, someone comes to help me, very quickly. The purpose of this release, is to find the bugs, and fix them. I believe they explained that very clearly. This is not 7, it's a total rewrite. I believe they told us that many times. I can only speak for myself, but I did not expect everything from 7, to work in 8. This is new software. Everyone that expected it to be bug free, please raise your hands. We may be different in a lot of ways, but we are all human. In case anyone missed that point, here it is. Two people are drowning. One is cursing and calling you names, the other is asking nicely for help. Who do you throw the vest to? Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier.

Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 3:19 am
prasanfPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I personally think the time between pre-release and release was too short. There were a lot of small things that could have been fixed before the release, which pro-users brought up. E.g. I brought up the fact that audio bitrate for videos was not showing, it got a response from VDJ but upto now it has not been fixed. Now I feel like that will take even longer, because the release has probably meant lots of other new problems cropping up.

I love the new features like automix timeline and ability to overlay videos with more control, sandbox (if it could be used with videos) and other small improvements. However, I will probably not use V8 on a busy night for at least a few months, because I am too scared that it is not stable. I currently use it for playlist editing, as it is easy to to drag and drop new songs into various playlists. So at the moment it is a very bloated sophisticated playlist editor ;)

However, I do appreciate that this will eventually work, and I am happy to be able to use the 'not so stable' version for practice so that when I finally do make the transition it will be easy to do. I am an advocate of early release for this reason. However, I really think it should have been called a beta version so that people knew to expect bugs. The disclaimer itself is not enough.

Anyway, all the best to the VDJ team to get the wrinkles ironed out. No doubt it will happen whether through obsolescence of old hardware or bug fixes. You will get users who are just completely pissed off about problems, but that is their right, and it doesn't make them wrong to say so. Constructive or not it is telling you that some people are very unhappy, which is still useful to know. The customer is always right, right?? :)

8 is here to stay. 8.1 round the corner I think LOL

Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 3:42 am
pseftPRO InfinityMember since 2009
A Man and His Music wrote :
I try to help others.

you do help others

Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 3:46 am
I guess that some of you guys still don't get it !................................

version 8 if a complete re-code , built from the ground up, its not just an update, a completely new piece of software, yes its skin looks like the good old version 7 , but this is a NEW piece of software

now, no matter how much testing you do in house, you are not going to be able to cover every configuration option, with every computer ever built , with every version of OS installed , with every combination of OS patch , with every version of installed programs, with every controller with every version of controller firmware........................need I go on or do we get the point here ????

I would be very surprised if there were even two virtual DJ users with exactly the same computer and hardware setup !

so its an epic scale of a beta test, yes it will take some time , yes there will be problems, many of which will only come to light with certain combinations of configuration, but we have to go through this process to get to the end result !

now some of you will think that this forum is for you to have a moan , point the finger of criticism, air you views, well that's just fine, get it off your chest!

For me this forum is all about giving quality feedback to the developers, firstly to beta this wonderful new version, and secondly to let them know how we are using the software, and what new features we like, would like, or hate, and lets face it we all work to different standards in different environments.

how much use is a comment , it crashes ? , what do you think a software developer can do with this tiny piece of info ?

I urge all you devoted users out there , if you Have a problem , report it , but do it right!, can you repeat the problem?, what were you doing at the time? , what version are you running?, OS?, GPU?, CPU?, crash guard info?, even down to the type of file in use, its only when problems get reported with all the info , that the developers can look into the issue properly.

so that's my rant over ,I look forward to my next post being more constructive in the testing of 8


Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 3:50 am
prasanf wrote :
The customer is always right, right?? :)

Until they are wrong. That's why we have bouncers in my club, and police on speed dial.


Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 3:51 am
xgl_djPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I excepted the software to be bug free or pretty close to it..

I get that you have to defend the company - everyone gets that..

But it is about business etiquette - you are representative of the company. Other customers have problems, but yet keep posting but vdj works for me, I use it 3 times a week(I am pretty sure I read this several areas in the forum already).. Sure this may be your reality but not the reality of others.. It is pretty disrespectful to other folks who have problems.

Imagine if that was the attitude customers get from a representative of any other company..
Customer : My car\computer\washing machine\TV has problems.
Representative : Well mine works - I use it 3 times a week..


Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 4:27 am
rlovePRO InfinityMember since 2010

Well said...

Just as I tried to make the analogy earlier... My car that I just bought is a brand new design from the previous one. I expect when I press the brake pedal, the car stops, just like my previous car stopped. If the car didn't stop, Nissan is not going to tell me that just because the brake in your old car worked fine, you can't expect it to be perfect in the new car since your car is a brand new model design.

I don't think that anyone is contesting the issues. I think we are all staying that Atomix didn't handle it right.

Mensajes Wed 28 May 14 @ 8:28 am