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Tema: Problem of sample number - Page: 1

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Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009
there is a problem with the allocation sampler

when I map "sampler_pad 5" it's the sample No. 9 which is played, and so on.

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 6:19 pm
I'm a bit confused.

Using sampler_pad 5 will play the sample that is on pad 5


Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 6:38 pm
I've just noticed (whilst investigating the above claim) that the samples jump around the pads and renumber themselves when the sampler window is resized.

For example I assigned sampler_pad 5 to a button which plays sample 5, but if you resize the window, that sample (in my case) jumps to sample pad 10.

It still plays when the button is pressed.......but it's labelled as 10 not 5.


Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 7:10 pm
Can't reproduce that either.

Can you do a step by step of what you are doing?

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 7:15 pm
OK I'm using the VDJ 8 Fullscreen Browser skin on a 1920x1080 monitor.

I have the 'famous' sample bank loaded, so the first 4 slots are saxo, this, shots and hands up.

On pad 5 I have a loop I recorded from Mama Do The Hump. The sideview is open so that I see the pads in a 2 wide by 4 deep config.

Set like that, pad 5 is below pad 3 (shots). If I then drag the sideview bar left, the pads move to a 3x3 grid, then 4x2.

Keep pulling the sidebar left. Eventually it'll switch to 5x2 and the sample labelled 5 will jump right, over to pad 10 and rename itself 10.

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 7:24 pm
Ok well i was able to re-produce something similar but not identical. When i got the 5x2 it was ok - but at 3x3 it was wrong.

Will report though - thanks guys.

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 7:32 pm
Even weirder that it's not consistent. You've actually got three in the wrong place in that 2nd pic!

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 7:40 pm
Yep - its been reported and a link to this thread also.

Will leave for the development team now. Thanks again.

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 7:43 pm
Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009
Thank you!

How will we know if the problem is corrected (or not)

Mensajes Sat 31 May 14 @ 8:55 pm
like me
on the left deck i can try sampler from 1 to 8 (by 2 x 4 pads)
also, on the right deck, only the sample from 9 to 16.
I can't play firts 8 samples by right deck pads !!!
I use NS7II, mapped with SAMPLER_PAD x (1 to 8) or SAMPLER x PLAY
Everytime the right deck play x+8 sample.

How i can play the 1 to 8 sample with right deck ?
some VDJscript solutions ?

Best Regards

Mensajes Mon 30 Jun 14 @ 12:44 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
You have a unit which offers 16 pads, so the common sense says, give me the opportunity to control 16 samples using all my pads.
Version 8 by default assigns both sides to control the same pads if the Bank has less than samples than one side offers, so in case of the NS7II, if a Bank has less or equal to 8 samples, both sides play the same samples, and if larger, the left side controls samples 1-8 and the right side samples 9 to 16.

It wouldnt make sense to limit the available triggered samples to 8, as you have 16 pads available.
If for some reason you need to control the same samples on both sides, the best solution is to have Sample Banks with maximum 8 samples per Bank, and use the PARAM buttons to switch banks.

Mensajes Mon 30 Jun 14 @ 2:33 pm
many Thanks to replay and great solution.
Now i organize my samples bank on maximun 8 items
selectable by arrow key, mapped about SAMPLER_BANK +1 (or -1).
because on other deck i want use loops, rolls, slice, cues, etc.
Your tips i very good !

Augh !


Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 3:09 am
Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009
I go back this bug because it is still not resolved :

if the map "sampler_pad 5" on my keyboard it is the 5 sample is played. it's ok.
But If I map the same script on my launchpad nothing happens !
Whereas if I map "sampler_pad 9" the sample 5 is played!

And it's the same probleme with then sample 6, 7 et 8

Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 9:52 am
What is the sample number in the list view? Does it variate from pad view?

Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 10:06 am
Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009
I uninstalled then reinstalled VDJ8
Then I added some samples in the AUDIO FX bank (I took origin samples that I moved)

Here a screen :

here the keyboard mapping for the sample 4, 5 and 6

and the Novation Launchpad mapping :

you can see that is exactly the same script, but with the Launchad it don't work !

SuperAceMan thank you for this idea, it prompted me to look further. If I change the pad layout and select 4 columns, I have that :

you can see that the samples have changed their number!!

another testimony here (in French) :

Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 3:40 pm
I reported that in message #3 of this thread last month and Dan confirmed it.


Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 4:04 pm
Yes it is still outstanding on the Bug Tracker.

Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 4:19 pm
Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009
ah ok, I was afraid that is forgotten

Mensajes Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 5:25 pm
your problem is inside at definition of controllerPad

Mensajes Wed 02 Jul 14 @ 6:08 am
Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009
no Bazzooka, I don't think so. I fully mapped my launchpad on the V7 as the V8 and everything works perfectly except the samples.
Especially now that Launchpad is a native in VDJ8, therefore no device file.

In addition you can see here that another member has the same problem on an Akai APC40 (post of Tue 01 Jul 14 @ 7:35 pm)

Then the controller does not explain the changes in numbers of samples on VD8 !

(sorry for my english)

Mensajes Wed 02 Jul 14 @ 8:42 am