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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Tema: #SilverSleek2 - Page: 9

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PhantomDeejay wrote :
royvanmeel wrote :
On the sz: I can't clear saved roll loops with shift and pad.

On the controller itself ? Or on skin ?

Generally, the skin imitates "shifted" operations by rightclicking on an element.

If it's on the controller that's not working and you use the default mapper perhaps there's a bug we need to explore.

It's on the controller and also with the mouse. I do use the default mapper.

All it does is starting from the beginning of the saved roll loop / trigger the roll loop. I can't clear the saved roll loop with the controller hardware or mouse clicks (left or right). All actions I try, only triggers the roll loop again.

Mensajes Sat 02 May 15 @ 4:01 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
......"Auto Cover/Digital" and "Auto Cover/Custom" will be added on next build.

:) #happy

PhantomDeejay wrote :
PS: In order to use the custom cover you need to edit the png file of the skin.

That's no problem for me. I use PNG files a lot with webdesign and logo design. Already found the "your logo here" spot to replace :)

Mensajes Sat 02 May 15 @ 4:07 pm
Sorry if this has been asked before,

Why are the effects etc in a different order? cant really see from image but the tap thing is in a different place on one side.


When you have the side list in the middle of the skin in place of the mixer you cant adjust the volume of the software without been connected to a controller unless you switch back to mixer mode, would be nice when side list is selected if a little volume knob would appear next to the VU meter :)

Mensajes Sat 02 May 15 @ 4:30 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Wow phantom's like Ringo, he replies to everything.

Mensajes Sat 02 May 15 @ 6:15 pm
royvanmeel wrote :

It's on the controller and also with the mouse. I do use the default mapper.

All it does is starting from the beginning of the saved roll loop / trigger the roll loop. I can't clear the saved roll loop with the controller hardware or mouse clicks (left or right). All actions I try, only triggers the roll loop again.

I need to investigate the default mapper then and see if there's a bug there...
I will let you know as soon as I have an answer...

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 12:49 am
royvanmeel wrote :
PhantomDeejay wrote :
......"Auto Cover/Digital" and "Auto Cover/Custom" will be added on next build.

:) #happy

PhantomDeejay wrote :
PS: In order to use the custom cover you need to edit the png file of the skin.

That's no problem for me. I use PNG files a lot with webdesign and logo design. Already found the "your logo here" spot to replace :)

Cool. Then I assume you already know what you need to do.
The only drawback is that with every skin update you'll have to redo your edit...

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 12:51 am
Charlie Wilson wrote :
Sorry if this has been asked before,

Why are the effects etc in a different order? cant really see from image but the tap thing is in a different place on one side.


When you have the side list in the middle of the skin in place of the mixer you cant adjust the volume of the software without been connected to a controller unless you switch back to mixer mode, would be nice when side list is selected if a little volume knob would appear next to the VU meter :)

1) I can't understand what you mean. However the FX section offers 2 FX sections similar to most modern controllers mapping...
In particular the FX section follows Pioneer DDJ-SZ and DDJ-SX/SX2 default mapping.
It displays how the FX section of these controllers behaves (e.g. the 4th knob which is an encoder will jump 1 beat back and forth, or the 4th button once pressed it will act as a "beat_tap" action...

2) I will try to include such an option. However keep in mind that this skin's target is to be used mainly by users with an external controller connected, not by users that use just keyboard and mouse...
It's not impossible to use with keyboard and mouse of course, but I don't focus on this category of users as I think that the default VirtualDj skin is more suitable for that.

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 12:58 am
locodog wrote :
Wow phantom's like Ringo, he replies to everything.

Who's Ringo ?

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 12:59 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

Ringo Starr
The drummer from the beatles, he replied to all his fan mail (I'm sure your rhythm is better than his)

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 1:33 am
Good one...:)

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 2:15 am
Anyway, thanks for your replies ;o)

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 3:57 am
I take a first Look on youre Skin.
First i must say the Skin Looks very nice !!!
The clock is slightly cut off at the number of seconds.
I only Use Videos at the Weekend in my Resident Job
thats why i take a Look on the Video Variation of youre skin.
The video Windows are too small for me !!!
Is it possible to make a Option for :
the Scratch Wave Size to adjust it ?
Small , Middle, Large ?!? Denny have this Option in his Controller Skin.
Option to Switch about Gridlines in the Scratch Wave On / Off
Option to change the backround Colour from the Skin ?
Master Level Display above the Skin ?
Change the backround colour in the Browser section in Dark Black with bright White font colour ?
I think thats enough for the beginning ;)
Best regards sven

Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 5:02 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
I will add smart indicators.
I was thinking to get rid of cue & play glyphs on the decks screen (under hotcues) to add smart indicators for some time now.
When I initially designed the screens I had some other things in mind...
Otherwise I may even add a "bullet" somewhere...
For the time you can make the custom buttons toolbox visible and configure 2 custom buttons (one on each side) as "smart_play"

Thanks for the tip; I have programmed the two buttons either side of the centre MAX BROWSER button, and made them flash to indicate that they are engaged. It's not ideal but may be useable for now, works with my re-programmed MC6000 buttons too. I may give it a whirl at tonight's wedding. :-)

I like the "bullet" system as it takes up no more space than a single button, yet, can convey a lot of feedback info and make available a number of changeable options. I can't imagine anyone using the cues and glyph buttons as they are so tiny, but, maybe someone uses them.

What I'd like to see is;

1. When the pitch fader is centred, it shows a steady green light. When off centre maybe a flashing green or red light so it is noticeable at a glance, especially when it's a little off centre and hard to make out whether it is centred or not. I know the value is shown in the player window but visual feedback from the fader seems more natural to me than a numerical value, otherwise, why have the fader onscreen?

2. Some people like the CBG Rhythm window some don't. I use it during beat matching as I have become a 'wave rider' beat matching without headphones. I also like to see it for setting cue points. I personally think it could be reduced in height by at least a third of it's current height and still be useful.

These are just ideas and suggestions, hope I'm not giving you a headache lol.


Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 5:54 am
mjay350PRO InfinityMember since 2014
Very funny! - But good bit of nostalgia about Ringo.

Not sure if Phanton is serious.

I agree with DJSoulman that CBG rhythm window could be 1/3 smaller- maybe an option/tick for size?


Mensajes Sun 03 May 15 @ 8:14 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
royvanmeel wrote :
PhantomDeejay wrote :
......"Auto Cover/Digital" and "Auto Cover/Custom" will be added on next build.

:) #happy

PhantomDeejay wrote :
PS: In order to use the custom cover you need to edit the png file of the skin.

That's no problem for me. I use PNG files a lot with webdesign and logo design. Already found the "your logo here" spot to replace :)

Cool. Then I assume you already know what you need to do.
The only drawback is that with every skin update you'll have to redo your edit...

I don't mind to spend a minute or two with every update.

By the way: I was curious if I could modify the XML myself to have the "auto cover / custom" to work, but your XML is not quite easy to read.. No matter if I open this with notepad or wordpad..
Am I right or do I need another program to have some sense in that file?


Mensajes Mon 04 May 15 @ 3:31 am
I don't know why notepad doesn't show the XML file properly.
Anyway, for a file like this you need a "proper" text editor.

So, use Notepad++ (That's what I use)
And it's FREE! :)

PS: No, it won't be an easy task for you to add auto cover/digital because you need to study the skins logic first.
Also the auto cover update is ready now. I have to add another few things on build 12 and upload it. Most likely in a couple of days

Mensajes Mon 04 May 15 @ 3:50 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
....won't be an easy task for you to add auto cover/digital because you need to study the skins logic first.

Hmmm so don't copy paste a rule or two.... study skin first.. With al that options and modular panels.. You already convinced me to wait a couple of days.. LOL

PS: Notepad++ did the job. (thumbs up icon placed here)

Mensajes Mon 04 May 15 @ 3:55 am
DJSoulman wrote :
I may give it a whirl at tonight's wedding. :-)

Had a look at it at the wedding, but, in the end I chickened out. Didn't feel comfortable, I find the scratch waves a major distraction.

It's funny, at my previous nightclub residency I didn't mind experimenting with new things or having the odd crash. I always had my iPod backup playing in the background. But, weddings feel different, I like to be safe and comfortable even though my iPod is playing in the background.

As a side note; after the wedding I called into my previous residency (they wanted me to do last night but couldn't because of the wedding). My former colleague was DJing with Traktor and an S4 Controller and trying to scratch (he's not very good). In 15 minutes I saw Traktor crash twice while I was in the booth and he didn't have a backup, oops! He also spent most of a song trying to find the follow up song and failed with the search and had to play something else. It's definitely not as good as VDJ for searching. I just smiled and decided to go home, I'd seen enough lol.

Mensajes Mon 04 May 15 @ 4:27 am
DJSoulman wrote :
It's definitely not as good as VDJ for searching.

There's one thing I do like about the Traktor browser, and that's the hotlinks which enable you to click on a search result (artist, title, genre etc) and get further search results.

So if you searched for 'funk' and among the results was James Brown, you could then click on James Brown and it would bring up all his tracks.


Mensajes Mon 04 May 15 @ 5:53 am
Don't think I've seen the hotlinks. My version of Traktor is from way back, Traktor Studio 3 iirc. Used it for 2 years, never updated it as they wanted more money and I was switching to VDJ to do video. Also got the version supplied with my Denon MC6000, never used it though.

Mensajes Mon 04 May 15 @ 10:54 am