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Tema: Spout for Virtual DJ - Page: 3

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freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
Windows 7 64
Asus G55 16 Gb ram / 2 Gb GTX 660

Resolume is not stable at all, vdj keeps pushing out and the setup system with sender on spout is not that great alternative.

Mensajes Sat 03 Sep 16 @ 4:12 pm
Resolume is stable,

I made this video a few years ago with the same machine that now isn't working with Resolume and Spout ;-(

Mensajes Fri 09 Sep 16 @ 12:36 am
leadedge wrote :
OK sorry that didn't work. If the NVIDIA graphics was activated, this should have solved it.

Maybe when you install a new driver, existing profiles might be excluded or reset.

Although the Spout demo programs still work, the thing to look for is "Spout Memoryshare Sender". This means that the Intel graphics is being used and will have limited compatibility. VDJ will send (to the demo receiver) but not receive as you have found. One idea might be to set up a profile for the Spout demo sender to find out whether the profile settings have any effect. You want to see "Spout DX11 sender". Also make sure you have un-checked "Memory" in SpoutDXmode and you have selected "High performance".

I don't know what your hardware is, but is there any way to disable Intel graphics in the BIOS?

Also has it worked at all before? Upgrade to Windows 10 maybe? Other people are having a lot of problems with Resolume with Windows 10 and certain hardware. Have a look at the forum topic "black output with Resolume Arena" to see whether there is anything to give some idea on what to do.

Ok after a COMPLETE reinstall of everything I got it working!!

Fps are little lower then I like but then again I’m using an older i7 so its probably time to upgrade the PC.

Ill test over the weekend and make sure everything keeps working, lol!!

Thanks for the time, info and badass program

Mensajes Fri 09 Sep 16 @ 4:17 am
Good news. It seems that managing Optimus is sometimes difficult, but if it’s working now it should keep working.


Mensajes Fri 09 Sep 16 @ 4:47 am
Did alittle tweaking lastnight and got my fps back up to around 55/60 within Resolume so I'm happy with that.

So ill keep testing all weekend and I'm still looking for a stronger PC though. One with an i7 quad core.

Mensajes Fri 09 Sep 16 @ 2:08 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
freppa wrote :
Windows 7 64
Asus G55 16 Gb ram / 2 Gb GTX 660

Resolume is not stable at all, vdj keeps pushing out and the setup system with sender on spout is not that great alternative.

Sorry for saying the wrong program, Spout is not stable for me.
It keeps pushing me out and I have to connect with sender plugin all the time..

Mensajes Sat 10 Sep 16 @ 8:35 pm
Hello Virtual DJ team, I would like to know why I am trying to insert the VDJSPOUTVIDEOSENDER video effect VST plugin, and virtual version 2020, 8.4-64 b5308 says that the suspected vdj 8 incompatibility plugin, which I used he in version 8.3, clarifying my doubt, I make the projection mapped with the VDJ video, and I need this plugin to get the video out inside Resolume Arena 6.

Mensajes Sun 06 Oct 19 @ 9:51 pm
Are you trying to use a 32 bit plugin with the 64 bit VDJ?

Mensajes Mon 07 Oct 19 @ 8:25 am
I can receive a signal in virtual Dj from Resolume using spout but I cannot send the signal to Resolume from virtual Dj. Any ideas as to why is happening?

Mensajes Sat 23 Nov 19 @ 6:40 am
this old thread seemed like the best place to ask as it ties in with questions already asked to keep it all together.

Is there any chance of a 64 bit version of this? As VDJ is now officially 64 bit it no longer works, would be appreciated.

Mensajes Sat 21 Dec 19 @ 2:39 pm

Mensajes Sat 21 Dec 19 @ 4:32 pm
ok, I was really hoping for 64 bit reciever, but good find. thanks.

Mensajes Sat 21 Dec 19 @ 6:35 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
The github was updated with an "alpha" stage 64 bit receiver

Mensajes Tue 14 Jan 20 @ 5:37 pm
I just tried using this for the first time...

I'm outputting at 1280x720 from Resolume, but when I turn on the receiver in VDJ, the image displayed is tiny and not filling the video window - it's just a small box in the top left corner - and no apparent way to adjust it.

This is with the 64 bit version and latest builds of both VDJ and Resolume Avenue on Windows 10.

[edit] Exactly the same issue with NestDrop (plays Milkdrop graphics).

Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 12:36 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Yes this is why it goes to Alpha (with spout 2003) and it is worth as audioonlyvisualization
We never found a correct way to get the size of image to give to vdj in a way to display correctly everytime...
Size of screen, size of preview, size of video, output size, track sizes... all have a specific resizer which apply differently and interact with other in different order depending on where the plugin is called from!!
never be able to figure out when and why it fails and how to fix
The same size of image will gives sometimes too large too small and sometimes correct result depending on tracks, main window, screen ratio, dpi ... and something else (same conditions giving randomly different results)
and finally, this crashes VDJ in some undefined cases
(In MultiTrans plugin (with less resize possibilities) i had to compensate what multiple resizers will do but never be able to get everything correct either)

Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 1:21 am
groovindj wrote :
I just tried using this for the first time...

I'm outputting at 1280x720 from Resolume, but when I turn on the receiver in VDJ, the image displayed is tiny and not filling the video window - it's just a small box in the top left corner - and no apparent way to adjust it.

This is with the 64 bit version and latest builds of both VDJ and Resolume Avenue on Windows 10.

[edit] Exactly the same issue with NestDrop (plays Milkdrop graphics).

Have you tried changing the resolution within Resolume??

There’s a box you click on until you get the right resolution.

Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 2:17 am
Is that the Advanced Output window?

I also found that when I enabled the Spout output in Resolume, it became extremely crashy. I couldn't get it to run for more than about a minute. It didn't give me much time to adjust anything.

Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 10:13 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Anyway this are known problems with Spout receiver64 used as a deck plugin
(THIS does not affect plugin when used as master video)

Don't know what size to pass to VDJ at a given time

it only resizes to size of preview when no track is playing
I DO NOT KNOW how to get/set correct size
(test with a skin with multiple previews - i.e. multitouch V2)
when small (normal) preview is shown, size is small
when medium (bottom video tab) medium size is shown
when big (deck) preview shows size is bigger

when a track is playing only green is showing the CORRECT size :§


Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 1:40 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
I have worked a bit with the Spout developer. We figured out that in VDJ, go into settings and change the Record resolution to the resolution that you need. I don't use it quite the way that you do, but maybe this will help. I am usually sending VDJ into other apps (Resolume & vMix).

Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 2:06 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
It's quite easy to know the size to pass to VirtualDJ, it's the width and height properties of your plugin object during the OnDraw() call.
In OnGetPluginInfo() you can further set the flag VDJFLAG_VIDEO_OUTPUTRESOLUTION if you want to ensure you have the full output resolution available on deck regardless of the video loaded.

Mensajes Mon 04 Jan 21 @ 2:43 pm