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Tema: Problem with Sound Quality in Latest Builds 3523 & 3568-3573 !!! Please Help ... - Page: 6

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AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Ah right, read over the 'not' in your post.

Mensajes Fri 03 Feb 17 @ 3:51 pm
hmmmmm I've been cutting the kids and highs a lot lately on my pioneer sx2 and mac....interesting

EDIT: I assumed you meant mids instead of kids. If not, can I get the recipe using fava beans? AMAHM

Mensajes Sat 04 Feb 17 @ 10:57 am
haha oh wow. Yes Mids lol

Mensajes Tue 07 Feb 17 @ 9:37 am
Definitely the virtual DJ is still very amateur compared to serato dj and traktor, the question of audio quality, limiter's performance in the master output, effects still leaves to be desired ...

Mensajes Tue 07 Feb 17 @ 12:46 pm
Troll go away.

Mensajes Tue 07 Feb 17 @ 2:32 pm
Labrokratis wrote :
Finally, someone noticed the same thing!

I do gigs every second week on big clubs and around November I noticed that the sound from virtualdj wasn't so "rich" and the higher freq were "screaming". Later that month, even the owner of the venue told me that the sound wasn't good too, so some of my regular costumers. So I roll back to the 3390 build, the last build I used on my summer parties and I remember that the sound was perfect. The audio went back to what I used to remember and the same owner of the venue come and told me on my next gig on December the same thing!
I use a Hercules RMX 2 with windows 10, but I also tested the audio with an old semi-pro card from Terratec (Aureon Firewire) that works only on win xp on another laptop, with the same results.
But what I also noticed, is that rolling back to that summer build, on the same laptop, the CPU is now all the time overload and when I load a mkv / mp4 video, the soundwaves on the top of the screen, end before the track actually ends! With the latest builds that doesn't happened. But I used that 3390 build for about 2 months without issues, so what happened here?
The only thing that changed to that laptop, is that windows 10 upgraded to the latest version.

Anyway, audio quality is very important to me, because I work on some great clubs with great audio set ups and the owners even let me use the XLR connections so to have the needed audio quality boost. I forced to do a couple of gigs with that problematic soundwave issue (I bypass the CPU overload by setting track's loading on idle - The CPU still on red, but at least I don't have random freezes on audio during the night - My sets are usually 6-7 hour long)

Yep. having the same experience.

Win10 to an RMX.

Mensajes Tue 07 Feb 17 @ 7:13 pm
Same problem here. Running the last public build that was made available for MacOS (my system is on MacOS 10.11.6)

Mensajes Wed 08 Feb 17 @ 6:10 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
To all that have problems, the same as I mentioned earlier still applies.
Try to make recordings with both the older build and a newer build to compare.

As of yet I have not been able to find any differences in my own tests with various hardware, drivers and settings, nor did I find any changes that could explain any difference.

Mensajes Wed 08 Feb 17 @ 6:14 pm
Hi Adion,

Thanks for your continued support. After reading your last post, I have tried installing VirtualDJ 8.2 last build from scratch on a totally different MacOS computer, also running 10.11.6. The mid/highs problem did not happen on this new computer. I will try to compare settings from both computers and see if I can come out with some additional info. The last setting I had modified on my regular computer was setting ZeroDB to -6. I tried the same thing on the new computer and nothing changed regarding mid/highs.

I will try to record some examples to send you, but....How exactly can I record VDJs output on a Mac system?

Mensajes Wed 08 Feb 17 @ 6:46 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
The first thing to try is to record simply from within vdj. (Use a master/headphones sound config, and use the record tab to record the sound, preferably in wav or flac)
Then listen if you can still hear the difference in the recordings.

If not, the difference may be created at the point where it is sent to the audio interface.
In that case, you would need a cable from the output of your audio interface back into your computer's line input.
You can use a program such as audacity to record in that case.

Mensajes Wed 08 Feb 17 @ 6:54 pm
I have my current laptop I use all the time for gigs and another spare Thinkpad unused still in the box. I also have two identical MC6000 controllers.

If I get the time tomorrow I will link my current laptop / controller together and also the spare controller and new laptop with an older version and a fresh install to see if there is a difference.

As previously stated just rolling back VDJ versions and setting.xml files on the same machine showed no change in the sound output at all.

The sound system in my lounge is very powerful and good quality so I will be able to notice any differences pretty much straight away.

Mensajes Wed 08 Feb 17 @ 7:02 pm
I made an Apple Lossless recording on the computer that wasn't showing the problem and, when I reopened my regular MacOS computer to make the second recording, the problem had gone away...
I used Apple Lossless because the software I used to make the recordings doesn't seem to support FLAC or WAV.
Anyhow, I made a second Apple Lossless recording on the computer that was showing the problem previously, and, obviously, could not find any problem with the second recording.
I'm quite embarrassed with this outcome, as I was quite confident that I would be able to send you the two files for comparison. I don't know what to say about it. Sorry to bother you.

Mensajes Wed 08 Feb 17 @ 7:32 pm
OK guys, I have carried out what is (in my opinion) a conclusive test today.

Setup 1:
My current gig windows 8.1 laptop (Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro)
VDJ build 3573 (latest public) with all my current settings and database.
My current Denon MC6000 Mk 1 controller (WASAPI output).

Setup 2:
Brand new Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 12 Windows 7 laptop straight out of the box.
VDJ build 2857 (November 2015) fresh install with new database and settings.xml files.
Brand new Denon MC6000 Mk1 controller straight out of the box (WASAPI output).

I connected the main out from both controllers to a single phono input to my Technics SU-V90D amplifier and listened to both playing the same song at the same time (fading between the setups on each controller)


And there is absolutely no difference whatsoever.

Case closed!


Mensajes Thu 09 Feb 17 @ 3:33 pm
I wonder:
Most people that had this issue at some point, were all using Hercules controllers.
Maybe a Windows update or something else (I don't think Hercules drivers auto-update themselves) brake their drivers (even temporarily) and now it's bavk to normal ?
Just thinking out loud...

Mensajes Thu 09 Feb 17 @ 7:37 pm
Well, in my case it went like this:
1 - "bad" sound, roll back, issues on soundwaves & CPU, but the audio as it use to be
2 - Came here, remove that xlm file, soundwave & CPU ok but audio is not as it use to be (last night test it on a good club).

So, it's the same laptop, the same build, the same OS, the same audio files, the same virtualdj engine. What changed? that XML file. What is that XML file? Settings.

The logical conclusion is that the default EQ settings of virtualdj make my Hercules RMX 2 sound bad.
So, my question now is: Where I can read in detail about those settings and how to adjust them? Are there any optimal settings for my hardware?

In short, I use to have "rich" bass and far less Mids & Highs. Now, I have a "flat" sound with rich Mids & Highs that I feel they "screems". So maybe, the solution in my case is to learn how to set the EQ based on my needs.

Mensajes Thu 09 Feb 17 @ 8:39 pm
I think DJ Phantom might be on to something....
I just did a huge test here on my system and did exactly as you guys desribed.
Totally unistalled virtual dj like it was never on my computer. I even unistalled my asio drivers (Since i use denon mc6000mk2) and used older builds. And no, the sound quality hasn't changed. Not even 1 bit. So since Labrokratis wrote that it must be something with his xml file then simply redo your settings. Take screenshots of your old xml settings and set them again on the new xml file. maybe that will help. As far as i am concerned I tried to replicate this issue of the sound quality and i can't.

Using windows 10 64 bit + Asio drivers+ Denon mc6000MK2

Mensajes Thu 09 Feb 17 @ 8:45 pm
In my previous test (and the most recent one) the settings.xml files were changed but no difference in sound.

For others experiencing this supposed issue it's a good place to start. Just rename your file as settings.xml.old, restart VDJ and it creates a fresh one for testing. Once finished just rename the old one back again instead of taking hundreds of screenshots.

Mensajes Thu 09 Feb 17 @ 8:53 pm
Labrokratis wrote :
Well, in my case it went like this:
1 - "bad" sound, roll back, issues on soundwaves & CPU, but the audio as it use to be
2 - Came here, remove that xlm file, soundwave & CPU ok but audio is not as it use to be (last night test it on a good club).

So, it's the same laptop, the same build, the same OS, the same audio files, the same virtualdj engine. What changed? that XML file. What is that XML file? Settings.

The logical conclusion is that the default EQ settings of virtualdj make my Hercules RMX 2 sound bad.
So, my question now is: Where I can read in detail about those settings and how to adjust them? Are there any optimal settings for my hardware?

In short, I use to have "rich" bass and far less Mids & Highs. Now, I have a "flat" sound with rich Mids & Highs that I feel they "screems". So maybe, the solution in my case is to learn how to set the EQ based on my needs.

All the discussion on this thread is under the assumption that the issue presents itself when you play your files "flat" (no EQ adjustment from the software)
If you can reproduce the issue with all EQ knobs on 12 o' clock position then please provide recordings of the sound output of your soundcard that demonstrate the issue.
If the issue applies only when you adjust the EQ knobs it would have saved us lots and lots of testing since it's a different thing (e.g. EQ settings within VirtualDj)

As for the rest of your questions:
settings.xml as the name suggests holds all your program settings.
VirtualDj 8 does not keep any settings hidden anywhere else. It's almost portable... In fact you can copy the exe file to a new computer and run the software right away...
You will miss the sampler files, but all the other necessary data and folders will be created automatically and VirtualDj will run as fresh new.
For the most part the data of the settings.xml present themselves on VirtualDj config.
Inside VirtualDj config -> Options, every option has a detailed explanation. The explanations of the options are also fully translated on your native language (Greek) in case you don't understand the native English terminology very well.

Your OS is never the "exact same" as it was the previous day unless you use some kind of special software (like Deep Freeze) to achieve that.
Your OS is a "living" thing...
It continously writes data on your system drive, it continously modify data and settings depending on what you do, it continously modify data depending on what other apps and tasks are running e.t.c.
You come here with the claim that VirtualDj sound has changed in recent builds (for the worst).
We have stated clearly that there's no change on the sound engine that could possibly cause such a change on the sound.
Yet, we (as a Team) and a lot of users tried to replicate/reproduce your issue without success.
I'm not syaing that you don't have an issue. I'm saying that at this point your issue seems system specific... So, instead of keeping jumping builds back and forth and modifying settings.xml all the time, try to troubleshoot your system.
If possible try to use your controller on a new laptop (borrow a friends laptop for a test)
If possible try to use a different controller (try to borrow one from a fellow dj) or at least a different sound interface
Finally try to format your laptop and start with a clean OS installation.

PS: I will repeat my previous thinking as well: The only 2 users that insist there's an issue with their sound are using Hercules units. Try to use a controller other than Hercules, or try to reinstall the drivers of your controller (uninstall current drivers, reboot, install new drivers, reboot again (it doesn't hurt to reboot) and try again)
As a tech guy and a fully occupied dj on big and small clubs on my area I can assure you that your issue does not derive from your settings, and at this point I can also assure you it does not derive from VirtualDj itself!

We really want to help you fix your issue and be happy with your sound output. However this cannot be done if we keep focusing on what appears to be the wrong area...

Mensajes Fri 10 Feb 17 @ 9:22 am
Phantom Dj, of course I'm talking about "default" knobs to 0.
When everything is on 0, the sound is like I already wrote.
And actually I set "EQ reset" on load, etc.
When I say "flat sound", I mean in comparison with what it was.

Also, I don't understand why you are so aggressive. It wasn't me to start the conversation, I am someone that read the topic and I had about the same issues with the original poster. Is it my english or something?

Thank you for your answers, your explanations and your assistance so far. You are very helpfull.
If the problem is on me only, I can accept that. You provide me solutions and ideas to test and thank you for this.

Mensajes Fri 10 Feb 17 @ 11:31 am
I'm not aggressive. Sorry if it comes out that way. :)
I try to emphasise some facts and it may come out as being aggressive. Sorry!
Just do the test mentioned above and come back. I'm sure we will find a solution to your issue if we do the right tests!

Mensajes Fri 10 Feb 17 @ 1:54 pm