This Sysex message is used to set a full RGB color of one of 64 pads on my Ableton Push
I already have a definition and a created a custom color table that matches the 0-127 midi velocities. But this is extremely limiting and I want to choose more colors. How can I set this up in my definition file so I can pick almost any color? Thanks.
Quote :
240 71 127 21 4 0 8 pad 0 rHi rLo gHi gLo bHi bLo 247
I already have a definition and a created a custom color table that matches the 0-127 midi velocities. But this is extremely limiting and I want to choose more colors. How can I set this up in my definition file so I can pick almost any color? Thanks.
Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 1:14 pm
We dont offer at the moment something to combine r,g,b inside a sysex, but you can try the following, just to see if its working that way...
in the sysex you keep the bytes that dont change, and replace the ones that do with 00. Also replace XX with the Pad number.
(240 71 127 21 4 0 8 is F0 47 7F 15 04 00 08 in hexadecimal)
and then in mapping try to send constant values to see if its working.. so something like..
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 255
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 0
(should offer a red LED)
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 127
should offer a dark blue
In theory this should be also offered , but not sure if its working ...
and then in mapping LED_PAD_XX : pad_color XX
<text sysex="F0477F15040008XX00000000000000F7">
<digit name="LED_PAD_XX_RED" offset="9" nbbits="14" offsetbit="0" />
<digit name="LED_PAD_XX_GREEN" offset="11" nbbits="14" offsetbit="0" />
<digit name="LED_PAD_XX_BLUE" offset="13" nbbits="14" offsetbit="0" />
in the sysex you keep the bytes that dont change, and replace the ones that do with 00. Also replace XX with the Pad number.
(240 71 127 21 4 0 8 is F0 47 7F 15 04 00 08 in hexadecimal)
and then in mapping try to send constant values to see if its working.. so something like..
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 255
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 0
(should offer a red LED)
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 127
should offer a dark blue
In theory this should be also offered , but not sure if its working ...
<ledsysex value="F0477F15040008XX00000000000000F7">
<color name="LED_PAD_XX" bit="64" nbbits="42" bitspercolor="14" />
and then in mapping LED_PAD_XX : pad_color XX
Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 4:30 pm
Very interested, I'll see what happens with the launchpad2
Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 6:17 pm
djdad wrote :
We dont offer at the moment something to combine r,g,b inside a sysex, but you can try the following, just to see if its working that way...
in the sysex you keep the bytes that dont change, and replace the ones that do with 00. Also replace XX with the Pad number.
(240 71 127 21 4 0 8 is F0 47 7F 15 04 00 08 in hexadecimal)
and then in mapping try to send constant values to see if its working.. so something like..
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 255
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 0
(should offer a red LED)
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 127
should offer a dark blue
In theory this should be also offered , but not sure if its working ...
and then in mapping LED_PAD_XX : pad_color XX
<text sysex="F0477F15040008XX00000000000000F7">
<digit name="LED_PAD_XX_RED" offset="9" nbbits="14" offsetbit="0" />
<digit name="LED_PAD_XX_GREEN" offset="11" nbbits="14" offsetbit="0" />
<digit name="LED_PAD_XX_BLUE" offset="13" nbbits="14" offsetbit="0" />
in the sysex you keep the bytes that dont change, and replace the ones that do with 00. Also replace XX with the Pad number.
(240 71 127 21 4 0 8 is F0 47 7F 15 04 00 08 in hexadecimal)
and then in mapping try to send constant values to see if its working.. so something like..
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 255
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 0
(should offer a red LED)
LED_PAD_XX_RED : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_GREEN : constant 0
LED_PAD_XX_BLUE : constant 127
should offer a dark blue
In theory this should be also offered , but not sure if its working ...
<ledsysex value="F0477F15040008XX00000000000000F7">
<color name="LED_PAD_XX" bit="64" nbbits="42" bitspercolor="14" />
and then in mapping LED_PAD_XX : pad_color XX
This did work. I was able to set R G B separately 0-127 within the mapper. I will now try your second suggestion.
Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 8:26 pm
locodog wrote :
Very interested, I'll see what happens with the launchpad2
I do not think the Launchpad has the ability for full sysex rgb control like the Push. The launchpad does however have a very similar velocity color palette as the push as shown hhre:
Mensajes Mon 20 Feb 17 @ 8:43 pm