
Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: Script School - Page: 24.8
If I want to automatically jump from cue2 to cue3, but only when the song is loaded in deck 1?

the following line doesn´t make it:
set "$DELO" get_deck & var "$DELO" 1 ? goto_cue 3 : nothing

missed the backticks to set the var to a script value
set "$DELO" `get_deck` & var "$DELO" 1 ? goto_cue 3 : nothing

variables probably isn't the best way, a direct query of get_deck needs no cleaning up

param_equal get_deck 1 ? goto_cue 3 : nothing

That's it! Thanks for the quick answer.

I have some problem with a script.
I have a button scripted with a cut effect. On top the cut effect i want a reverb.
The button works but sometime the reverb is before the cut and not after.
How can i prevent that?

effect_active "cut" ON while_pressed & effect_beats "cut" 0.5bt & effect_slider "cut" 1 70% & effect_active "reverb" ON while_pressed

I think you're getting the bug when pressing fast and also have trailing stop on the reverb effect, turn trailing off as a part of your script, that should solve it

effect_button 'reverb' 2 0 & effect_active "cut" ON while_pressed & effect_beats "cut" 0.5bt & effect_slider "cut" 1 70% & effect_active "reverb" ON while_pressed

Thanks! Works great.

More script questions (trying to learn but its hard):

Klausmogensen script "Noice effect as a sweep". I want it to work only when the button is pressed.
I have change it and it works and the effect stops when i release the button, but the sweep is continues in the background. Cant figure out how to prevent it.

effect_slider 'noise' 1 20% && effect_slider 'noise' 2 20% && effect_active 'noise' 1 while_pressed && repeat_start 'wait' 300ms & effect_slider 'noise' 1 +1% & effect_slider 'noise' 2 +3% & effect_slider 'noise' 1 50% ? effect_active 'noise' 0 & repeat_stop 'wait'

Probably better suited to a virtualfx if you're using a windows machine

Yes I'm using a Mac. So you mean it is what it is?

no, just needs a bit more thought and not quite as configurable.

effect_slider 'noise' 1 20% && effect_slider 'noise' 2 20% && down ? effect_active 'noise' 1 && repeat_start 'noiseSweep' 300ms & effect_slider 'noise' 1 +1% & effect_slider 'noise' 2 +3% & effect_slider 'noise' 1 50% ? effect_active 'noise' 0 & repeat_stop 'noiseSweep' : : effect_active 'noise' 0 & repeat_stop 'noiseSweep'

You are fantastic! Thanks

PUBLIC BUILD 6878 (2022-03-27)

A quick run down of what's been added script wise over the past month or so, a few things that won't need much explanation and one or two that will.

In reverse chronological order
-sideview_sort, in app the script definition hasn't been added just yet [I just used browser_sort for the on site verbs page] so
sideview_sort "bpm" - toggle bpm sort of sideview ascending/descending
sideview_sort "+bpm" - bpm sort of sideview ascending
sideview_sort "-bpm" - bpm sort of sideview descending

-file_count "karaoke", file_count "sideview", file_count "automix" and file_count "files" to get file count of different lists,
more a script tweak to file_count verb than a new thing but this will be useful in a small way if you want to pull a random file from a sideview, knowing the file count is pretty vital for that type of thing, if you think of something share your thoughts. Pretty meta but good to have than have not.

-invert_controllers can be queried to get the next deck
I'm honestly not sure, I'll have a test on this and edit this bit.

-Allow ONINIT for simple midi controller.
nice to have finally if you're rocking a non defined device.

the more exciting ones
this one has been on the wish list a long time.

-cue_action added to set script of a hot cue,
place action poi instantly :)
cue_action X "SCRIPT"
any script you want, obviously it can't do scripts that action poi don't do like; up ? down ? double_click ? holding ? repeat ?
plus remember your script will be contained in a set of " or ' so you can't use every trick but for such cases there are other ways. [my autohackKey method still has uses if you're on windows]

A more complicated one now, this still has my brain itching... there's something that this next function will allow us to do, but I can't think what it is yet, but it feels like there's something important.
bear with me

-cue_ actions can also index action, loop and load points ("cue_name 1 action", "cue_name 1 loop", "cue_name 1 load" ) yeah had me confused,
think of this; cue 1 is a normal hotcue, cue 2 is a action poi
script hot_cue 1 will call cue 1, nothing strange there, but
script hot_cue 1 action will call the first action cue [so cue 2]

it has a use as a get type action also, say you name a pad
`cue_name 1 action`
it will get the name of the first action poi
`cue_action 1 action`
it will get the action of the first action poi

I can't shake the feeling that this is super useful but I'm not sure how yet, [I'll get drunk and think about it asap XD]

I need a couple scripts. The first is to have VDJ automatically scan certain folders when started, for new or moved files.
The second one is so the only files used are in those folders. Example: My DJ library reside in a folder named TLS Library on my G: drive and in another Folder on my H: Drive named TLS_Crates. If these are the only folders I want VDJ to seek for music. Ive ignored the other drives. But I only want VDJ database to use those 2 folders.

Second one sounds like a quick filter job.

Match Any condition
file path contains TLS Library
file path contains TLS_Crates

first one is more involved with a virtual folder you recurse, inside that virtual folder you make favourite folders for your watched folders.

help fix macro:
saved_loop 16 & eq_low -80% & $deck effect_active 'reverb' & eq_low -80%

It should work like this: activate the saved cycle 16, low frequencies -80% and mid frequencies -80% and the reverb effect is enabled.

if you write: leftdeck effect_active 'reverb', then everything works, and if the track is loaded on the right deck, it does not work. how to make a script so that VDJ understands on which soundboard this track is loaded.

saved_loop 16 & eq_low -80% & effect_active 'reverb' & eq_low -80%

Thanks for the quick response. LOCODOG, do you think, can create a new thread in the forum "User scripts and their description" so that users can share their developed scripts. Without discussion and questions, just a script and a description - what does this script do if you register it on a certain button or slider.

We had a page for that but it kind of got filled with inaccurate stuff that was confusing more than helpful. so it was locked
however I can update that page still, so just post here, if it's straight forward, I'll remove the post from this thread and I'll post in to the depot

You need a certain form to demonstrate your script, so that all users use the same form of description of their script.
for example , this form:

the name of the device on which the script is written is a BUTTON / SLIDER / HANDLE / JOGSHUTTLE or LED.

Description: (a detailed description of what will happen to the controllers if you activate this script).

Script text:

Decryption of the script:

full form example:


Description: If you hold down the shift key on your controller and press the play button, then the track that is playing on this deck is cloned to the opposite deck.

Script text: var "$shift" ? clone_deck : play_pause

Decryption of the script: if you hold shift and press play, the track is cloned: otherwise (without holding shift) the button will work as play_pause.
Naturally, this forum needs a good moderator, such as LOCODOG, who, even with his eyes closed, can see the flaws in the scripts.

I have a problem with this : before I use Diy controller with script inside "device" and it separate slider volume deck 1 and slider volume deck 2.SO i use a variable that I call "bothfader" to sometimes assign some decks on 1 volume fader, ex one fader for deck 1/2 and sampler and with this variable i can switch easily between some settings...BUT now, I work with a reloop ELITE and the slider for the volume are the same assignement (midi)for deck1 or deck2 so when you want to script a specific code for the slider 1 and deck 1 (exemple) it will do it on the other slider too...because there both called volume, is there a way to separate the settings of those slider (because i do not have the .xml of the "device") i guess I must find a variable for a specific deck ???
