
Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: Script School - Page: 33.8
Hey Script-Pros,
is it possible to have "controllerTakeoverMode"="gradual" for gain knob only. Is it possible to read the controller knob position of a knob or slider using VDJ script, when it isn't synchronous with the software position. All the scripts seam to report the software-position.

Thx in advance!

@EGR if every dial command changed the setting and changed back, maybe.

setting controllerTakeoverMode "instant" & level & setting controllerTakeoverMode "gradual"


that is a very good idea and may do the trick. Will check it in the evening, when I'm back home.
I said it may times and have to do it again.
This community is awesome. Thx a lot for your quick and helpful answers!


Hey LocoDog,

checkt your idea and it worked! Thx a lot!
Everything is on "pickup" except gain:
setting controllerTakeoverMode "gradual" & gain & setting controllerTakeoverMode "pickup"


How to add strings [append a tag example]

set_var string " text I want to add" & 
set temp `param_add 'get_var string' 'get_browsed_song comment'` &
get_var temp & param_cast 'text' & browsed_song "comment"

quick one, save the text I want to add,
set a temp var, adding the thing I want to add to the thing I want to add to
grab the var, cast it as text, cast it to the thing I want to change

or even briefer
set_var string " text I want to add" & 
get_text "`param_add 'get_var string' 'get_browsed_song comment'`" &
param_cast & browsed_song comment

even briefer still, and in the order that doesn't hurt my primitive brain
set_var string " text I want to add" & 
get_text "`get_browsed_song comment``get_var string`" &
param_cast & browsed_song comment

locodog wrote :
How to add strings [append a tag example] ....

Thats a very usefull script... Thanks for sharing ... i love it. <3

Hey everybody,

I try to create a day-theme for the Prime GO.
Everythings looks great except the bowser list.
How can I change the colors of the browser list?
Here are the elements the default theme is using:

<define class="primebrowser">
<font fontsize="24"/>
<fontheader fontsize="22"/>
<fontsearch fontsize="16"/>
<filelist class="primebrowser" headerheight="[LINEHEIGHT]" lineheight="[LINEHEIGHT]">
<pos x="+0" y="+50"/>
<size width="[BRWIDTH]" height="[BRHEIGHT]-50"/>

How can I change colors in the design-tag?

Thx Jochen


@EGR a question better suited for the skins forum.

Electronic Green Room wrote :
Hey everybody,

I try to create a day-theme for the Prime GO. ....

add in the <define class="primebrowser"...> the COLOR children.

When you need mor help please post in the Skin Forum.


hello, help me assign a button so that when you turn it on, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' are activated, and when you press the button again, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' disconnected.

something like this, but it doesn't work: deck right effect_active 'reverb' & effect_stems 'vocal' on : effect_stems off

DJElementDJ wrote :
hello, help me assign a button so that when you turn it on, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' are activated, and when you press the button again, the effect 'reverb' and stems fx 'vocal' disconnected.

something like this, but it doesn't work: deck right effect_active 'reverb' & effect_stems 'vocal' on : effect_stems off

happened!!! it works: deck right effect_active 'reverb' ? effect_stems 'vocal' on : effect_stems off

now the question is how to register so that the button blinks when the effect is on and burns when it is off?

I used to have this: deck right effect_active 'reverb' ? blink 300ms ? color 'magenta' : off : color 'darkmagenta' now it doesn't work.


A maybe better script for the button may be:
deck right effect_active 'reverb' ? effect_stems 'vocal' off & effect_active 'reverb' off : effect_stems 'vocal' on & effect_active 'reverb' on

DJElementDJ wrote :
I used to have this: deck right effect_active 'reverb' ? blink 300ms ? color 'magenta' : off : color 'darkmagenta' now it doesn't work.

And your above script for the LED will work as posted.


locodog wrote :
How to add strings [append a tag example]

set_var string " text I want to add" & 
set temp `param_add 'get_var string' 'get_browsed_song comment'` &
get_var temp & param_cast 'text' & browsed_song "comment"

quick one, save the text I want to add,
set a temp var, adding the thing I want to add to the thing I want to add to
grab the var, cast it as text, cast it to the thing I want to change

or even briefer
set_var string " text I want to add" & 
get_text "`param_add 'get_var string' 'get_browsed_song comment'`" &
param_cast & browsed_song comment

even briefer still, and in the order that doesn't hurt my primitive brain
set_var string " text I want to add" & 
get_text "`browsed_song comment``get_var string`" &
param_cast & browsed_song comment

Love the scripting, and cannot get the 3rd script to append, instead it replaces, current comment with the " text I want to add".

Its the get_text "`browsed_song comment``get_var string`" that is not behaving.

Has something changed since the original post that broke it?

no just a typo, should be get_browsed....

yep just figured it out ... was going to post ..

Thanks Locodog !

Love all your clever ideas !

Maybe even shorter version:
get_text "`get_browsed_song comment``get_text ' text I want to add'`" & 
param_cast & browsed_song comment

saves setting a var.

yeah thought of that, but wanted to include the idea "grabbed data" if you're wanting to do something like this with script then likely it will be dynamic strings.

Also it would be shorter than what you wrote :P
get_text "`get_browsed_song comment` text I want to add" & param_cast & browsed_song comment

Love it
thank you Locodog ... smiles

Hello Everyone, I am in need of help. I have been playing with variables, and scripts, and I can't figure this out. I need a script for VDJ (Most current version), and my RANE ONE. I would like to reprogram my "TAP" Button to do this.
When Pressed > Crossfader Curve Fast & Crossfader Hamster, & Key Lock Off & Blink Active
When Pressed again > Crossfader Curve 50%, Crossfader Disable, & Key Lock On

This is what I have now. It works, but not as I want it.
key_lock & crossfader_disable & crossfader_curve "scratch" ? blink : on

crossfader_disable ? crossfader_hamster on & key_lock off & crossfader_disable off : key_lock on & crossfader_disable on

something like that?
