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Tópico: Script School - Page: 4.8

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thanks locodog for this respons. beginning of a new era for me :)
here is the code i put on custom pad

"repeat_start_instant 'bars' 10ms & get_beat_bar 4 & param_bigger 99% ? repeat_stop 'bars' & deck 1 hot_cue 1 : nothing "

working with my mouse (sometimes missed the first beat and do it at the second)
BUT I Copy Paste this code working good with my mouse on a button of my midi controller (traktor s4) button on cc gate
When i use this code on button encoder , it don't work...If I code my button with "pad1" it work but not ideal for me...does it have an explain for this ?
may be an holding condition?

OK For the comment just below : when button is on cc..not working, when button is on note it is working :)

fastest a rsi can run is 30ms [any thing lower defaults to 30ms], to query beat_bar >99% leaves too little margin to catch it every time [as you've seen], try >97.625% that should be good upto about 190bpm.

If you want it tighter, the maths is
[1/bpm] * 60000 == ms/beat
30 / ms per beat == smallest fraction of a beat that can be caught with a 30ms poll rate
1 - [0.25*fraction] == value to query against
but rsi's have a bit of swing to the timing of the repeats so best to add 10-20 to the initial bpm to give a bit of wriggle room.

thanks for those precious math info. Sure I find a way to use it !

locodog wrote :

What about shader folders, yep we got that covered, with effect_string 3
effect_string "shader" 3 "B&W"

(I have a folder called "B&W" for black & white shaders)

Ok.. might be a bit confusing for some readers.. but I'm using an Launchpad mini MK2 together with Lcodog's Zvideo shader automizer/fx-mixer add-on.
All 16 buttons can be mapped to one of the 8 layers of the Launchpad.. and also the leds respond when functions are selected.

I already succeed to route the command: 'effect_string 'shader 3 "foldername" to my computerkeyboard.. so I can group shaders for different music styles.. which is great..
But now I'm wondering if the script for the launchpad can be modified with this command and pads can have visual feedback when a folder (or pad) is selected.
I tried something myself without any luck..

The Launchpad is used for 3 layers now.. so every pad must be modified independently.. so all fuctions for 3 layers are presented in the script.. Locodog gave me the script below for the first pad.. which I modified for the other 15 pads of layer 3:

var '$padmode' 0 ? var '$recmode' 1 ? sampler_rec 1 : sampler_pad 1 & sampler 1 select : var '$padmode' 1 ? deck left hot_cue 1 : var '$padmode' 3 ? shift ? deck 1 padshift 1 : deck 1 pad 1 : nothing

While copying and pasting I didn't take into account that layer 1 and 2 are used for other functions (:o:).. I'll modify that later.. but I'm really wondering how to work this command out when selecting folders, and also if led feedback for the selected folder might be possible. :-)
Thanx in advance..

Seen, but I have an urgent appointment with a pizza right now.
I'm actually working on a full remapping of my LPmk2 as well, my video page rips apart a couple of pad pages to work direct. but that gives me 24[ish] buttons, to do the same sort of thing you have in mind.
I should be out of my calazone coma within 12 hours, I'll give a proper reply then.

Hahaha.. bon appetit ;-)

But sounds great!! I'm sure it will be awesome :-) I should be able to import that same template on my LPmini mk2?? (with some tweaking)..

Been trying some stuff in script by adding a new padpage.. folders are selectable but no idea how to get that work on the LP.. looking forward to your work :-)


After some experimenting I found out deck 2 can hold up a new padbank.. where folders can be called (triggered).
I nos succeed to map those deck 2 pads to some empty LP pads.. and same for the led responce. Calling them under deck 2. But it only changes the folder for deck 2 and not for deck 1.
Probably I'm doing something wrong.. but I'm very happy I hit some lights on the LP :-)

Say this is LP key 3.1

var '$padmode' 0 ? [stuff for page 0] : var '$padmode' 1 ? [stuff for page 1] : var '$padmode' 3 ? deck 1 effect_string 'shader' 3 "foldername" : nothing

Your LED for 3.1 could look like this
var '$padmode' 0 ? [stuff for page 0] : var '$padmode' 1 ? [stuff for page 1] : var '$padmode' 3 ? deck 1 effect_string 'shader' 3 "foldername" ? blink 250ms ? color 'yellow' : color 'blue' : color 'red'

so if effect_string 'shader' 3 "foldername" is true, the color will blink yellow then blue
if it's false the color will be a solid red

Thanx! This worked! :-) How well.. I had to add: deck 1 effect_string 'shader' 3 "foldername" & deck 2 effect_string 'shader' 3 "foldername" .. to the pads to get both decks to change from folder.

Been mapping for a while.. also some independent shiftkeys to turn off effects manually (lots of pads unused) not all shiftpads have visual responce but some do..
I was having a ball till VDJ crashed. Didn´t save my mapping :-(

Anyway.. I´m learning.. tommorow I´ll do another attempt and will save my edits sooner then..

hello ,
I have one question : if I set a variable with one device. does it take effect with an other device or Var are exclusive with their device?

variables are linked to the deck [or the master if started with '$' ]
So yes variables are shared across all devices.

ty for this info and thank you again for helping me to map my controllers so good:) there are so many possiblities, really exciting!

hi LOCODOG and ZeroZuluBrav0

i have a Rane Twelve which i need to use via Bome MIDI Translator to script the platter and the start stop button. (i cannot use the default Rane supported mapping and have to make my own because Bome allows me to use the Ranes simultaneously with a second piece of software for 3D animation).

i tried using "ns7_platter" and also "scratch +1.0ms" but alas this only scratches in ONE direction no matter if i pull or push the platter. what kind of script do i need for the platter to scratch realistically?

i very much appreciate some help with this as i have almost no other alternatives to get my project to work.

i was referred to this page by ZenDesk technical support and was told they dont offer scripts as part of their support so here i am as a last hope.

This might be one for ZeroZuluBrav0 or perhaps staff, as I don't have a rane12 to really test ideas out.
The script should just be ns7_platter. A guess could be just 'scratch' but I'm not sure

I'm actually surprised the 12's use midi for the platters I would have thought they've have gone HID, maybe not.
One question, is BOME seeing both forwards and backwards motion from the platters? Can you do & see jogwheeley stuff with your video software?

Doesn't bome offer some type of thruput midi in, same midi out? If it does then I've half an idea forming.

the Rane Twelves are a MIDI over USB device... so everything is MIDI. i think when you use it with Serato it functions like HID but Bome sees the MIDI signal and MIDI Ox shows the individual CCs and Notes in MIDI. so you are saying i could use the script phrase "scratch" without a number following it? i think i may have tried thar but it didnt work. i will try again though but i am also curious to know your idea and Zulu's idea.

thanks for replying

so with Bome i can pass the MIDI signal to a virtual port, which is what i need... but the signal still needs to be mapped in VDJ 2020, which is why i need some scripting help to script that mapping

i can see MIDI data in the video (animation) software so it will work once i get the VDJ scripts correct for scratching, playing, pausing.

I've just run my idea upstairs, we'll have to wait on an answer.

The easiest is still to use VirtualDJ with the original midi device and definition.
If you need to pass certain buttons to other applications, you could use a virtual midi cable, and use variables in VDJ to pass them from one controller to the virtual midi cable.
