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Tópico: Search Playlist
After many years of using this program I never new the search playlist feature existed. Now that I know about there is 1 question I have. The songs come up multiple times

All the song I search come up like this. Always 3 regardless if they are in playlists or virtual folders.


Mensajes Mon 29 Mar 21 @ 9:37 pm
Sort the playlist by song name...
By the looks of it you might have songs in the list 3 times.. . At least in the short view in the screenshot some of the songs seem to appear more than once

can for example happen if you have backups that are connected with exactly same content etc

The songs that look like multiples are different versions. Even if I remove the song out of the virtual folder temporarily it still shows 3 time like its still in there. I'm sure there is only 1 version. All my music is on an internal. Im sure my back up has been plugged in but currently it is not.


Could it be you have 3 copies of that playlist then perhaps?

I don't think so. At least I cannot see them in the program.

Tried with several files and it's working correctly for me. Looks like you need to go digging.


So I went digging and found that it seems songs that were coming up as missing in the history files (of which I had a bunch). I am slowly relocating those files and the problem seems to be sorting itself at slowly. Not sure why it would appear like I had 3 virtual folders but when I went back to the specific song from the pic after relocating them in history file it was fixed. Slow process but works for me. I did have to restart VDJ to see the changes.

Thanks for the help

I think you found a bug (or at least a flaw).

Surely if the files are flagged as missing in the history lists, then they should also show as missing in the 'search playlists' results.

Was just about to post exactly the same thing.

how to search playlist??

daydreamerbr wrote :
how to search playlist??

i too, would like to know this. anyone? thanks.


djjoe21 wrote :
So I went digging and found that it seems songs that were coming up as missing in the history files (of which I had a bunch). I am slowly relocating those files and the problem seems to be sorting itself at slowly. Not sure why it would appear like I had 3 virtual folders but when I went back to the specific song from the pic after relocating them in history file it was fixed. Slow process but works for me. I did have to restart VDJ to see the changes.

Thanks for the help

Any more on this issue? As i am getting the same problems with the search folder displaying the same folder twice in vdj2024

There is a couple of issues with Search_Playlists, one is that it's quite inaccurate, sometimes never finding the playlist and the second in that you can't read the full Playlsit title, if you resize the window it crashes the browser and freezes the player. Happens in 2024 and several skins. i didn't go out of my way to test them, was simply looking for a skin you could successfully resize the search window. No luck.

No issues here, have tested on b8490 and it displays all lists and the window can be expanded without crashing.

Would be nice if VDJ allowed you to select the separation level between the sides and remembered the window size however.

dublinmike wrote :
if you resize the window it crashes the browser

Not happening here with default skin on Windows 11 with NVIDIA card, build 8497.


Since update 2025, the function „search playlist“ does‘t Show the tracks in „my lists“. Has anyone a solution?