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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tópico: stems direct output and MiK energy field
Could it be done to have VDJ to output 5 stereo channels with the separated stems for each deck? (Ending up with 10 stereo channels or 20 mono channels for 2 decks :-o) That would be incredible to make awesome cool Dub sessions where you can add the reverb, echo and other FX on the exact vocals and/or instruments when the output is routed to another software.

And also, can a MiK Energy level field be added in the tags and sorting in playlist so I do not need to use the comment area?

Mensajes Tue 15 Aug 23 @ 12:52 pm
sure it's just a question of a big skin, a lot of mapping and a powerful machine.
Somebody bugged me about it a while back I made a skin but they got kind of disappointed when they asked "how do you HW control it?"
I replied "you need to map it" I guess they didn't understand a 10 deck setup wasn't going to be easy.

Baldy68 wrote :
And also, can a MiK Energy level field be added in the tags and sorting in playlist so I do not need to use the comment area?

Yes, one can change the name, "User1" (or User2), by modifying user1FieldName (or user2FieldName) to "Energy" in Options.

And maybe also modify the favoriteTags1 for the values of Energy (you wish to have suggested to you in the Browser Info window's dropdown.)

I wish that the suggested fields would NOT prepend the "#".
(is there a way to eliminate the "#" ?)

locodog wrote :
sure it's just a question of a big skin, a lot of mapping and a powerful machine.
Somebody bugged me about it a while back I made a skin but they got kind of disappointed when they asked "how do you HW control it?"
I replied "you need to map it" I guess they didn't understand a 10 deck setup wasn't going to be easy.

Really! I was thinking to route the outputs to my DAW to be able to "dub master" it via my midi controllers, but if there already are a skin it is even better! Can I try that skin? Do you have a link for it? :-D

Baldy68 wrote :
And also, can a MiK Energy level field be added in the tags and sorting in playlist so I do not need to use the comment area?

Yes, one can change the name, "User1" (or User2), by modifying user1FieldName (or user2FieldName) to "Energy" in Options.

Thank you man, that suggestion will do until we get a real field for energy :-)

And maybe also modify the favoriteTags1 for the values of Energy (you wish to have suggested to you in the Browser Info window's dropdown.)

I wish that the suggested fields would NOT prepend the "#".
(is there a way to eliminate the "#" ?)


I can't find the skin, I can't remember spending much time on it, I think it was bare minimum after he kept bugging me, he didn't seem to get the mapping was the bigger part of the project.

I just bodged a m$ paint mock up if I was going to make it seriously

red will be level dials
yellow will be color filters
green will be deck eqs
white would be some buttons to snap deck back to follow another deck

looks a bit cramped, I'd cut it to 2 fx slots
probably have something shared between the 4 sub decks for song position.

plus there's a lot in this picture that is just part of my [forever] WIP skin that wouldn't come across, like no rhythm wave, the extra custom dials, custom buttons on the top etc

I honestly don't have much appetite to really make it, but if numbers wanted it with beers as encouragement then maybe.
the real bit is having the HW to control it, you're talking like a launchpad and a bank of dials like FF EC4 or DJTT MFT

Honestly it [the concept] seems a bit much for 1 person live, maybe as a short routine, maybe as a duo trio. Really feels more like a not live venture

Oh, I was more thinking like using the default skin but having an option to have audio output for 10 stereo stem channels so I can route the audio to any DAW through my Presonus mixer. I think I need one monitor and my dj controller for the beatmatching and one monitor and controls for doing the Dub effects, with for example a DAW that I control with my Akai Midimix and maybe the Push2 or preferably if I get everything to work as a concept, I build a custom Dub Master controller.

I am now using the Amp Freqq as a dub controller software and the midimix with an overlay, but I lack the possibility to add effects EXACTLY where I want them, as you do if you have the the original stems and use a DAW. Thank you anyway for responding, making a special Dubmaster skin would also be awesome, but as I said I do not need to have a million deck and not even the GUI to see all buttons and faders. :-)

Baldy68 wrote :
I do not need to have a million deck

If you want to have ten stem outputs then you need to have ten decks. You can't have multiple outputs from one deck.

What it is possible though, is to apply effects to the stem parts as they're playing live from each deck. There are pad pages for that.


What do you mean we can't have 10 outputs from one deck? It's already 10 separated audio streams with 5 stems in stereo internally in one deck, why can't those be programmed to be routed to outputs?

I know it isn't possible right now since the software isn't programmed this way. But it should be doable? If it isnt some licensing thing that stops implementing it.

Baldy68 wrote :
What do you mean we can't have 10 outputs from one deck?

I mean it's not possible. VDJ can't do that. I don't think I can be any clearer.

Other non-DJ software can separate out the stem tracks then play them to separate outputs, but even then each stem would be on a separate "deck" (DAW audio track).

VDJ is not a DAW. Use the right tool for the job. :-)


groovindj wrote :
Baldy68 wrote :
What do you mean we can't have 10 outputs from one deck?

I mean it's not possible. VDJ can't do that. I don't think I can be any clearer.

Other non-DJ software can separate out the stem tracks then play them to separate outputs, but even then each stem would be on a separate "deck" (DAW audio track).

VDJ is not a DAW. Use the right tool for the job. :-)

Eh, usually I wonder if you ever read a full post. You add absolutely nothing to my suggestion. What is impossible? There must be a stem splitter already built into VDJ that reads the stem file VDJ produced. I already mentioned my DAW and everything else you bring up. If you have nothing of value to add to the discussion, please don't add noise. If my suggestion is impossible for some unknown reason, tell me that reason instead.

You orignally asked "could it be done". The answer to that is no, unless (as stated) you use multiple decks.

If you don't want to use "millions" of decks then again the answer is no (as also stated).

No DJ software works in that way. Every DAW does. You need to use a DAW for production.

I don't think it's likely that Atomix will change VDJ to work like a DAW because one person wants to have 10 outputs for stems.

If it was already implemented, I wouldn't have asked the question, would I? What makes you decide what is possible and not regarding deciding what programmers can do and not? What makes you the man to decide what outputs to have in the audio section? Why do you say it is impossible to route audio from an internal stem splitter to external outputs?? What you say is impossible is being done in every DAW out there, what makes you think it is impossible to implement that in a DJ software? How much noise will you bring to the table? As I said before, if you want to be of any use explain why my request/wish is impossible. Do you have ANYTHING useful to say at all? Never ever reply to anything I post again in this forum, you are a total waste of time.

The only person using the word "impossible" in this thread was you.

As I've been saying (and you also just mentioned) DAWs can do this, so if that's what you want, you can use a DAW.

As also mentioned earlier, it's already possible in VDJ to add effects to different stems of a track, so if that's what you want, you can do it. IMO as that's possible there's no need for 10 outputs.

Jeez, you still don't understand what I am asking for. What is wrong with you, stop commenting please.

We all know what you're asking for. The issue is that you're not willing to accept the answers.

if you mean realtime, it cannot be done unless you use multiple decks and a big soundcard, on the other hand you can export stems in cdj and then grab them in your daw and play with each channel

I would also like to do this, I'm okay with using multiple decks. But is there a way to keep decks synced? i.e. ensure deck 3 is always the same track at the same point and play/pause status as deck 1, but only stems?

Came looking for this exact question... Basically I have a different problem for which I need separate outputs for each stem.

As OP noted, they are already separated, why not allow people to do it? It's not "changing VDJ into a DAW", it merely allows a person to do it if they wish so.

There's ton of stuff you can (could) do if u could route stems separately. If not VDJ, some other program will add such feature and get ahead, coz things you can do with separated stems are the future of audiovisual shows.

For example. I have Mac M3 laptop, and use "Blackhole" driver which allows unlimited re-routing virtual channels. What I want to and will eventually do is to play DJ set with stem separation like a regular set, but route all 10 (2x5) stereo channels virtually to Ableton Live, also Link-ing VDJ to Live. In Ableton, I have a plethora of special 3D VFX, all working in tandem with each other, creating a synaesthesia-like effect. More and more people arre doing things like these, with great success. The problem is, when it comees to DJing, DJing in Ableton and other DAWs is, in my experience a nightmiare, compared to actual DJ soft/hardware. So if people writing all the software were to take your "advice", mr groovindj, DAW programmers won't make a DAW into DJ software, and DJ software programmers won't be "making VDJ a DAW" lmao. U completely miss the point, not only you're creatively limited but you also gatekeep others' creativity. What a guy.

Yeah u can put FX onto each stem separately... And u can also design your own fine-tuned complex FX in Ableton or other DAWs, and u can also connect parameters of those FX, as well as amplitiude of the particular tracks, to 3D effects renderer like EboSuite or Blender. But nooo stay in ur cave and keep doing whatever you've been stuck on. It's not even "multiple outputs from one deck" , noone said that. Those outputs could be routed away from decks, parallel, outside. No problem.

Sure, u can prepare stems beforehand and "pre-prepare" a Live set that way, but what's the fun and spontaneity in that? And to remind u again, DJing in Ableton has none of the quality of DJing in classic way, therefore it will not have the same effect. At that point, I might as well just produce my own music in Live and connect the outputs to live synesthetic visuals. But that's a lot of work - between one piece of music and another, and then another, and then between one EP and another, etc. takes much more time . I'm not saying it's not worth it, but it does take time - therefore it'd be great if I could be doing regular DJ shows in the meantime showing off the progress on the visuals. The original music with the visuals will come then.

Again. If VDJ won't do it, some other forward-thinking devs will. I'm not saying this to be an asshole, it's just facts - more and more electronic shows have synchronized, synesthetic visuals, each track better separated and recognisable visually by the day. But those works are done more in a manual way so its huge amount of work and lots of people involved. And one of the reasons such works take so long is because not everyone caught up to the visual audio hype.

cheers. And I hope it gets added to the next version. U can set almost literally everything in the options/actions menus, I don't see why not this. There's literally nothing stopping it unless dear devs hardcoded themselves into a corner in a cave long time ago. Which I doubt, seeing how powerhouse this software here is.