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Tema: Rane Four Not displaying Jog wheels correctly - Page: 1
I have a Rane Four and I have an issue where the jog wheels dont display correctly I also lose my stems pads too and then they will come back on its very frustrating as when I lose stems I cant utilize the Rane Four features.

Here is a we transfer link which will expire 25th October 2023 highlighting the exact issue...

I have a capable laptop "Intel Core I7 Cpu 13th Gen with 16gb Of Ram and dedicated Geforce RTX 4060 GPU with 8GB of video ram.

The even more frustrating issue is that I have tried the same files in Serato and everything works completly fine. I have the early build option ticked in VDJ but no matter what I do I just cant resolve this issue.

Rane advise its fully supported with Serato which isnt great as I want to use this with VDJ as its better suited for what I do - play music videos, karaoke and music.

Has VDJ been tested with Rane Four particularly for the jog wheel displays thanks

Mensajes Mon 23 Oct 23 @ 12:34 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
It's not the Displays, it appears to be a "freeze" of the Midi out (screens, leds etc). You could control VDJ from the Rane when this occurred ? So able to play/start etc ?
I think that your case could be related to USB dis/re-connections maybe due to some brief power drops venue related issue.
I saw VDJ saying "Scanning.. " a few thousands of Tracks right above the Browser, so some ext HD got disconnected ? And the Rane in the other videos seems that got briefly disconnected too and not properly re-connected.
Is this the only venue you noticed this ? Can reproduce at home or other place ?

Mensajes Mon 23 Oct 23 @ 2:34 pm
Thank you - it does this in all venues and home to. Cant understand why serato works ok though - I have set my laptop to max power so its not turning off the USB ports to save power and hard drives set to never switch off and never go to sleep/hibernate setting all on

Thanks again

Mensajes Mon 23 Oct 23 @ 3:15 pm
@justinthemix - Have you had any luck fixing the issue? I am experiencing the same issue. Everything is connecting, everything is playing then my jogwheel display will do the Rane Four display or my bpm's will not read correctly.

Mensajes Sun 10 Dec 23 @ 8:27 pm
any solution? I am experiencing same issue. Need fix asap

Mensajes Fri 15 Dec 23 @ 7:33 pm
StebnPRO InfinityMember since 2023
Same here, any help?

Mensajes Fri 29 Dec 23 @ 12:54 pm
We have tried several times to reproduce the issue, without any success.

It would help if you have noticed that this occurs under a specific environment. In other words if you notice that it happens "if I do this and then do that"

For the moment, since we are not able to reproduce with our unit on 4 different systems we have tried, we can only give the generic advises about troubleshooting connection/disconnection issues.

Like trying a different USB cable, trying a different USB port, trying a powered USB hub (if you use one), setting the system for maximum performance, eliminating/killing any unecessary tasks that may be running on the background, and if you're using a M1/M2/M3 MAC, to disable WiFi.

If anynone finds a specific way to "force" the disconnection to happen (so that we can reproduce) please let us know ASAP.

PS: I have personally used Rane Four in 8 to 10 gigs the last 6 to 9 months, and I never had any disconnection issue. That's beside the tests we run when someone reports an issue with a device.
Also we always keep the firmware of the device updated to the latest official version.

Mensajes Fri 29 Dec 23 @ 1:07 pm
StebnPRO InfinityMember since 2023
Hi, today it happened while activating stems split and playing a bit with effects and pads. When disabled stems split the jog wheel display freezed and no way to make it show updated info again. Even switching the channel on the left deck (with the green buttons) from 1 to 3, no luck. The display was showing a static remaining time for the track and even load a new track did not update it. the only way to solve was shut down and restart the Rane

Mensajes Fri 29 Dec 23 @ 1:20 pm
So i was having the same issue with my jog wheel display and control lights freezing (left side) and i think i figured out the problem. Make sure your Rane Four is plugged in then click the settings cog in VDJ then click CONTROLLERS on the left. If you have 3 options for your Rane Four, LCD Left, LCD Right and Rane Four you have to get rid of the left and right. Just click on the Rane Four Left LCD then click Edit mapping. In the drop box that says Factory Default switch it to Ignore. Follow the same steps for the Rane Four Right LCD. Back out at the main CONTROLLER screen click RANE FOUR and X out of settings. Should be right as Rane. Lol

I think it has the 3 options due to the fact that the Rane Four can handle 2 laptops at once, hence the USB 1 and 2 outputs on the back. When you do this you are essentially cutting your board in half. VDJ must've created mappings for all 3 scenarios. If you are only controlling 1 laptop then eliminating the "left" and "right" options isn't an issue as you won't need them.

This solution worked for me. Hope it does for you guys too.

Mensajes Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 12:26 pm
We will investigate what you report, but that's not how the controller works at all.

It ABSOLUTELY needs the three parts because that's how the unit itself is designed to communicate with the host software. So it ABSOLUTELY needs all three "mappers" to be active for the controller to run properly.

On latest versions, VirtualDJ merges the different "parts" of the same device to one "main" device on the front end.
Maybe something is not working right there, or maybe due to the merge, that's why after selecting "ignore" on LCD mappers the screens keep working (by using the factory default mapper obviously)

The LCD Left/Right mappers as the name suggests are there solely for the JOG screens.
And the "Main" is there for everything else.
It has nothing to do with the dual USB ports or anything like that.

So, we will try to investigate why doing something that should BRAKE your controller actually "fixed" it.

However WE DO NOT RECOMMEND anyone else to follow your advise.

Mensajes Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 1:01 pm
Uh huh... so if it needs those mappings then why is my board working properly AFTER eliminating the left and right LCD? We can sit here and wait for you to be "unable to replicate the issue" while you come up with an aswer if ya like...

(Hums Jeopardy think music)

Mensajes Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 7:45 pm
You do know that PhantomDeejay is on staff/prob is on the team responsible for bringing features, including mapping new hardware support to VirtualDJ right?
All he is saying is they will look into the mapping but he's not recommending what you did because it probably breaks functionality in other ways. Be patient, they'll figure it out and get back to you.

Mensajes Thu 04 Jan 24 @ 9:42 pm
Actually I'm the one who mapped Rane Four.
So, yes, I know what I'm talking about, and already I provided a possible reason why what you did while it seems it works, it should brake functionality.

PhantomDeejay wrote :
On latest versions, VirtualDJ merges the different "parts" of the same device to one "main" device on the front end.
Maybe something is not working right there, or maybe due to the merge, that's why after selecting "ignore" on LCD mappers the screens keep working (by using the factory default mapper obviously)

English is not my first language, but I think what I'm trying to say gets thru.

Finally, reproducing a problem is vital on being able to find out how to fix something.
You provided a "solution" to your issue, which is great. Now we can take the feedback from you and investigate further on that area to see what might went wrong, or find under what conditions the problem may occur.
Prior to this, we only had reports that "my jog screen is not working" while ours absolutely does, no matter what.
I am also a working DJ. And I have used Rane Four on my own gigs several times. With Stems and everything. In real conditions, on the club. And the jogs never glitched..
Also besides taking the controller to the club several times, I have actively tried to brake it by doing anything I could think of that a normal user would do, in the extreme. Loading new tracks (which is the most data intense operation for the jogs due to the waveforms) every few seconds, trying to make the track jump in weird times, spining the jog as fast as possible (which updates times and needle position) e.t.c.

So, we are not a bunch of people that are irrelevant to what we do and just sit here waiting things to happen.

Now what would be interesting, would be to tell us
A) If you go to mappers, does LCD Left/Right still say "ignore" ?
B) What happens if you put back "factory default" ? Do you get the problem back, or it doesn't happen anymore ?

Mensajes Fri 05 Jan 24 @ 7:48 am
PPJJUKPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I'm starting to get this. Happens sporadically. I think it's happens when the deck changes or goes into stem split mode. Not everytime mind you and for me only the right screen. The song details stay there just no movement. Rest of every feature works.
I am using a windows 11 laptop amd Ryzen 4000 series with geforce graphics.
I'm going to increase the buffer size in settings to see if that helps.
Also going to do a test on windows 10 laptop soon.
Any news of replicating the issue guys?

Mensajes Thu 25 Jan 24 @ 2:58 pm
PPJJUKPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Buffer didn't help. Straight away froze right screen when activating stems split.
I have changed the cable to another usb port. Hopefully that helps but doubt it.
All settings setup to where they should be IE usb on max power, no sleep etc...
Latest normal vdj software. I have taken a few vids which kind of show the problem if anyone needs them for debug.

Mensajes Thu 25 Jan 24 @ 3:12 pm
PPJJUKPRO InfinityMember since 2011
For any help. I tried an idea to replicate and have. So once the software loads l. Drag 2 tracks into software and have stems analyse them. As it's analysing I activate stems split and boom the screen freezes. I think it's to do with the analysis of the stems and stems split.

Mensajes Thu 25 Jan 24 @ 3:15 pm
Ok. We will try this and come back.

Mensajes Thu 25 Jan 24 @ 6:58 pm
prsmithPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Is there any update on the freezing Rane Four jog wheels. I am having the same problem where the display on the rane four is frozen but plays on the computer screen. Any updates would be appreciated!

Mensajes Tue 06 Feb 24 @ 5:36 pm
Unfortunately we are still unable to reproduce.

I have tried to load tracks on deck(s) and as soon as I load them (and VirtualDJ starts calculating stems) to hit STEMS SPLIT button.
The screens still work fine.

However, we would like to anyone who has the screen freezing problem to do a test.
  • Edit the factory default mapper. Change ANY key by typing a single extra letter to it and then deleting it. This will produce a custom user mapper.
  • Save the custom user mapper
  • Click on "Options" tab, then click the small cog icon on the bottom right corner of the settings window. This should open a Finder/Explorer window with VirtualDJ "home" folder selected.
  • Close VirtualDJ
  • On the Finder/Explorer window, open "Mappers" folder.
  • Open the Rane Four custom mapper XML file with a text editor
  • Locate a key named "DNC_STEM_SPLIT"
    The code of the key should be loaded ? stems_split
  • Change it to nothing
  • Save the file

Now open VirtualDJ and try again to see if the screen still locks when you're using the stems split function.

PS: The key we ask you to edit is the message that makes the display to show "STEMS SPLIT" for a brief moment when you're using stems split.
So, now when you're pressing the STEMS SPLIT button on the controller, the screen should not react at all.
The LED of the STEM SPLIT button will still function normally.

Please report back if that change solves your issue or not, so that at least we have a place to look for possible issues.

We understand that it's frustrating having the screen freeze. But it's also frustrating for us to know that some users have an issue, and not being able to reproduce it in order to solve it.
That's why we ask to anyone having this issue to try this test, as it's the only thing we can think of at the moment.

Mensajes Tue 06 Feb 24 @ 11:00 pm
I’m having the freezing issue since I got my Rane Four controller one month ago. Personally, I never used the stem split yet and I don’t think it’s related to this. I’m just putting song on the two decks, sometimes I use effects and suddenly I realise it’s frozen. Sometimes deck one, sometimes deck 2, sometimes both.

It occurs often, but I can’t find any pattern. Is there any log in the sofware that I could send you? Maybe you would be able to see something.

I really like VDJ, really like the Rane Four as well, but it looks like I will have to make a choice between one or the other…

Mensajes Sun 11 Feb 24 @ 10:52 pm