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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: Wish to query state of effect_colorfx X
would love to have the ability to query the state of effect_colorfx 1 or effect_colorfx 2 .. etc

one example:

deck 1 effect_colorfx 1 50% !? color 'cyan' : color 'gray'

^ currently this does NOT seem to work..

Note: it does currently work with filter
deck 1 filter 50% !? color 'cyan' : color 'gray'


Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 8:01 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
deck 1 effect_slider colorfx 50% ? on : off

Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 8:07 am
thanks so much for the quick reply Locodog

how does one query the colorfx 1 state? (or colorfx 2 ... etc, the additional 4 colorfx)

deck 1 effect_slider colorfx 1 50% ? on : off

^does NOT work

I can re-set them.. with say:
deck 1 effect_colorfx 3 50%
but seem not to have the ability to query them, currently.
(hence the motivation for the.. Wish)

Is there a method or work-around?

Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 8:20 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Only effect_colorfx is available to access the 4 additional color fx slots

Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 8:25 am
Thanks Adion..

and it seems that currently effect_colorfx can NOT be queried .. correct ?

Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 8:28 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
It can be queried, but it currently expects the effect name as a parameter as well.
(so effect_colorfx 1 "echo" for example)

Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 10:26 am
Thank you Adion...

That works perfectly.. smiles..

again thanks

Mensajes Thu 11 Jan 24 @ 3:36 pm