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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: Playlist Importer
I had an idea, after learning about how the new charts work, and how they can pull up the tracks from your library, or search the online catalogs if you do not have the songs.
Most of my clients provide my with Spotify and/or a text list for their music requests, and on Weddings, many give 20, 50, or even 100+ songs. Creating their playlists takes me hours....
I've been using Crate Hackers, to help with this process, but since most tracks I have dozens of versions, it is not always so helpful.
Would there be the possibility to grab a playlist from text, Spotify, Tidal, etc, and pull it into a spot in ideas, and then VDJ can match it up like it does in the charts? If so that would be epic!

Mensajes Thu 26 Dec 24 @ 6:19 pm
Maybe this

Mensajes Thu 26 Dec 24 @ 6:38 pm
I've been away from VDJ for about 4 years, and I am just getting back up to speed and had no idea they added this.
Any thoughts of it having the blue hard drive icon (like in the charts), so you can click the tracks to show all the versions you have?
Is this a feature that could be applied to Spotify playlists, or would they need to be converted to text first, if so, not a big deal, it is only a minor inconvieniene to convert.

Mensajes Thu 26 Dec 24 @ 7:13 pm
LEXICON will let you add the playlists then it'll search you VDJ library and tell you what tracks you have and what tracks you don't have. Super easy, super-fast......

Mensajes Fri 27 Dec 24 @ 2:24 pm
I have Lexicon as well. Same issue as Crate Hackers though. For example I have 42 different versions of Uptown Funk. I was hoping to have the list like the charts, where I could click the song and then get a list of the versions, then i can pick the version in the moment that matches the vibe.

Mensajes Fri 27 Dec 24 @ 4:31 pm
Aah ok I see what your saying now.

Mensajes Fri 27 Dec 24 @ 5:19 pm