Hi, subject pretty much says it all. It would be great if I have just set a hot cue to have the POI editor open up with the cue I just set selected and the name field with the input focus.
Mensajes 7 days ago @ 3:47 pm
Re-reading I realize I could have been clearer. If I open the POI editor, I would like it to automatically select the last-set hot cue and focus on the name field (ideally with the entire text selected). That way I can set a hot cue, open the editor with a keyboard shortcut, and immediately name the newly-created hot cue.
Mensajes 7 days ago @ 1:28 am
In the meanwhile set_cue & cue_name
Mensajes 6 days ago @ 1:41 pm
you could have a button that opens a dialog box, a little complicated because cue_name doesn't use default when no num is specified, it's easier if it's a case of when creating a hotcue it always goes to name.
example hotcue 1
@devs if no number use default, if no string open dialog?
example hotcue 1
has_cue 1 ? hot_cue 1 : hot_cue 1 & set_var $cueName "" & set_var_dialog $cueName & repeat_start dialogPolling 1000ms 30 & param_equal `get_var $cueName` "" ? : repeat_stop dialogPolling & get_var $cueName & param_cast & cue_name 1
@devs if no number use default, if no string open dialog?
Mensajes 6 days ago @ 1:57 pm
Awesome, this is even better than what I asked for. Now I just need to make a prep mode keyboard mapping which is easy enough.
Thanks, Phantom and Loco!
Thanks, Phantom and Loco!
Mensajes 5 days ago @ 5:38 pm
make a padpage
Mensajes 5 days ago @ 5:46 pm