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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: I want to record...!

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Pardon me but my English is very poor....! BUT TRY TO UNDER STAND,thx. :)

I was just wondering if I could record while change to cd player1, and adjsut everything there in a song..let's say that I want to edit a cue...but still I want that the recorder to record tha sound on player2...what I mean is that I want to decide which player the recorder should record, like player1 or 2 or both for making crossover to a song to that possible? or do I need 2 soundcards? or maybe something else...could someone tell me...!!!

I have done some great mixes (dance/techno/trance) so if anybody wants them..just let me know!

Mensajes Fri 21 Sep 01 @ 3:10 am

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