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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: small modifications

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

I have a some modifications that I would like to see in a future update.

1. Shorcuts to adjust the three bands in the equalizer. (not just kill and normal but up and down)

2. The cue points... to not stop the player when jumping to different cue points when using the shortcuts but continue playing (like the previous M-L shortcuts). Well... allow both functions.

3. Skin-engine-improvement 1... show the cuepoints in the songposition slider and also show if the loop is enable or not

4. Skin-engine-improvement 2... put in a additional parameter such as volume-level for the beattap-element in the skin-engine. That way one can make better output LED meters using this parameter and setting transparent to false.

5. Allow more than 3 effects...

6. Better resolution... 1024*768 would be nice

points 1-3 are the modifications I would most like to see...
but there is no hurry...

- Jim Nordic...

Ah yeah... Maybe you guys could add an addional adds-on-folder for samples... where people can send in cool samples...


Mensajes Tue 04 Dec 01 @ 3:06 am
YodaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Have to say I agree with Jim's points 1, 2 & 3. The lack of shortcuts for up and down on the EQ's is frustrating, especially as they're so hard to get hold of with the mouse. Quite often you'd want to move more than one at the same time and most DJ's have two hands, most computers have one mouse, you do the maths.

He's right about the cue points as well.

Mensajes Tue 04 Dec 01 @ 11:10 am
To define a shortcut that goes to a cue point and plays the song, do the following (example with the key "1") :
- add a shortcut
- assign "goto cue 2" to key 1
- add another shortcut
- assign "play" to key 1

That way each time you hit "1" the 2 actions will be done at the same time.

Mensajes Thu 06 Dec 01 @ 2:39 am
great!... that takes care of nr. 2

thank you

-Jim Nordic

Mensajes Thu 06 Dec 01 @ 3:17 am
dj2nvHome userMember since 2004
get da denon skin by twix,
that has eq sliders....


Mensajes Sun 09 Dec 01 @ 8:22 am
dj2nvHome userMember since 2004
I agree wit no. 5
i could use more den 3 plugins...

Mensajes Sun 09 Dec 01 @ 8:24 am

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