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Tema: TCV/TCCD whish-list for the new version - Page: 4

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
yeh that would be cool. you could have 2 different TT modes

scratch mode where the TTs react with high quality scratch sound and no turntble controlled timestretch enabled for the best scratch feel (pitch lock when scratching heavy doesnt work, those with the digi 1200s know this all too well)

house/techno mode when scratching wont be used but slight sppining up and draggin of the patter will. pitchlock will work up to say +/- 5% so that these gentle manipulations are not audible but will disengage so that cuing still sounds natural when playing at speeds that only occour during cuing etc such as +300% and -75% (quadruple speed and quarter speed)

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 12:31 am
Xeo, scratch sound is already being worked on with the new sound engine. The new sound engine will give better sound in general not only for scratching.

For the modes you mention I believe absolute and relative would be what you are looking for. if not maybe you explain your thiery in greater detail since I don't clearly understand although your "scratch" mode sounds much like absolute mode.

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 1:05 am
Dj JaysHome userMember since 2006
How do i get free software for virtual dj
from dj jays

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 5:30 pm

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 5:37 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
lol dj white devil you dont understnad do you. read it a bit closer, do you not understand this.

im not talking about the sound not being good im saying that one mode will have a bias towards pure scratch sound and vinyl feel and the other will have a bias to solid sound and flawless input processing.

i know the sound is being improved in this 'imporved sound engine', cheers for the pointer thogh.

i know what reletive and absolute modes are, i will try and explain again in a different way what im talking about.

what im talking about is a clever pitch lock that keeps the pitch the same no matter how you manipulate the disk like on the SL-DZ 1200 i belive. normaily with a pitch lock on a hardware device (like a TTX) the sound is played back the same but moddified by a constant pitch increase or decrease to acount for the difference in speed so that iff you double the speed of the disk (with your hand like during scratching) the pitch does increase but when its played at the speed it thinks it is (the speed set on the pitch slider/not scratching) the musical pitch matches what it would be at 0% tempo.

now what im chatting about is having a pitch lock that keeps constant pitch even when the reccord is being speed up a little or slowed a little, for example to keep in the mix. If a blanket pitch offset is used this adjustment can be noticed by a slight bend up or down of the musical pitch (for insturmentals with constant notes this is abysmal). but the pitch lock could be used in a way that these changes in playback speed are compensated for and thus there is no variation in pitch! thing is no pitch lock in the world can play back music at say 1/8 speed without sounding shite (try using beatlock on a sample and powerdown the active deck and listen) so thats why i sugest that this would only be used in the pitch variences of +/- 5%.

naturaly this would be obstructive in turntablism and hence my suggestion of the different modes that i describe!

we got there in the end, if you still dont get it then i give up lol.

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 7:33 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i think if i understand you that's similar to what i was asking, i was saying for VDJ to remain at a constant 0% on the pitch removing any variation from the motor or heavy scratching. Then making the TT pitch and vdj pitch in sync so if you had it beatlocked and power down the pitch slider in vdj would show it decreasing. What your saying might be more like timestretch issue to speed up the song without moving the pitch.

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 8:07 pm
Well I re-read your post and the 2nd one (wich much more detail) sound more like what listen 2 asked for. to remove the tt fluctuation from tt decks. By the way on a TTx you have a quartz lock which locks the pitch @ 0% although lets say I spin the vinyl forward of backwards the platter will spin up or down at an increased range although once I let the vinyl go the platter will go back to 0%.

Quartz lock also disables the pitch slider so no matter where I move the slider the pitch stays @ 0%. If you are looking for a key lock function like the TTx has where the key doesn't change then that would be asking for a key slider which has already been asked.

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 8:38 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
ok, you're still not understanding what im talking about lol.

@ listen2 no im not talking about slight variation in platter speed what im talking about is a type of timestretch/pitchlock/keylock whatever you want to call it.

and @ whitedevil no im not talking about quartzlock, that is a turntable function im talking about an idea for a feature of VDJ

thaks to both of u for reading my idea i just suck at explaining it obv
ill take it step by step.....

ok im gonna try a third time lol

if i have 2 songs in sync but song 1 is a bit ahead i can rub my finger gently on the side of the platter as it spins to drag it back into the grove with song 2. when i do this i hear that track 1s pitch/musical note/key decreases slightly. and this is not good if you have a constant note because you hear it 'wow' down and then up as you release your finger again.

the same goes if i twist on the center post if track 1 is a bit behind.

these moves are used all the time as im sure you all know.

what i am sugesting is a key lock/muical note lock/pitch lock that compensates for this happening and makes sure that this is not apparent to the audience.

please for the love of god tell me you're recieving this lol

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 9:35 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
so you want to adjust a song out of sync but not hear the sound (pitch change) it makes when you do this, right??? I said in my post that i think your requesting a time stretch function, but i think if the TS and pitches were sync'd like i was asking then maybe that could be possible. What i dont get is when woukld you use this function?? for just beatmixing?

What i was asking was to sync vdj's pitch and the TCV pitch(tt) so that it would create a more accurate beatmix with 0% variation and reducing the need to ride the pitch for corrections(the traditional method with vinyl) also adding that the pitch on your TT would now act as a master pitch control, so if you were to see it out of sync you can easily correct it by watching the BPM and waves until it adjusts.

A great example of that is how the pitch is used in SSL, when you move pitch the software reads it. Now thinking about it i would still want VDJ to auto bpm but how would it do that without the TT pitch slider having to be moved. So i would think it would need a realitive mode(auto bpm) and absolute for turntable only pitch. Unless the 2 could be combined to make a smart pitch.

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 10:13 pm
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 10:20 pm
ok Xeo 3rd time's the charm lol. You are looking for something much like the keylock feature on the TTX. Locks the key so that you can spin up/down the vinyl and not hear any wow sound. although don't take this personal although if you spin the platter gently and gently slow down the platter you shouldn't hear that "wow" sound. If you do hear it here are the reasons, your spinning the platter up too fast or your applying too much pressure on the platter to slow it down.

I understand this takes practice as real vinyl is all manual work although definatelly agree that this function would help tt beginners and would really help adjust the syncing of 2 songs without having to worry much about people hearing it ;)

Thanks for clearing it up

DJ White Devil

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 10:30 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
quote"and this is not good if you have a constant note because you hear it 'wow' down and then up as you release your finger again." if you have a long note and can bend the pitch without it changing your magical. especialy when its a hramony with the other deck because you will get pitch reverbaration as one is changes slightly, even if you dont think you can hear it.

lol if your mixing in a song with a slow synth chorus and you can get it back in sync before the drop that is in 4 beats time without an audible wow you have magic fingers. its not like your fingers and mine are different i can slow a song by as little or as mcuh as i need to, its just when your in that screwwey situation and you have to get 2 songs synced in a short space of time you dont have the luxury of dragging softly over 64 beats or inching the pitchslider half a mm with your fingernail. if no one would like to be able to manipulate their vinyl faster and without this noise then sorry for wasting a page of forum lol.

EDIT: yer vcpdj, i was there.
everyone else; its true he said it ages ago lol
know how it feels, cause traktor nicked all my ideas for 3.0 lol ;)

Mensajes Wed 18 Jan 06 @ 10:45 pm
I'm sorry if I'm repeating something here, I just havent got time to read the entire thread... Anyway: Lot's of good suggestions. To me the most important thing is to improve sound and accuracy, BUT: also not to let it mean the application getting heavier on hardware demands. They are already out of proportion (in asio mode). The thing is, the scratching sounded better in versoin 2.05, than in 3 and above. I ran at the fastest latency settings no problem, come version 3 and I have to step down two settings: thus more latency and stil worse sounding.

Mensajes Thu 19 Jan 06 @ 11:58 am
LudekPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I want ASIO support for all (!) ASIO compatible soundcards. For my Maya 44 MKII (PCI version) too. I have there still some error: "error in the ASIO sound driver". Thanks

Mensajes Thu 19 Jan 06 @ 1:39 pm
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
xeo what ideas did u have that were jacked lol

Mensajes Thu 19 Jan 06 @ 5:20 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
lol im only joking about them litteraly taking the ideas but i did present the forum with several ideas that people said were stupid, didnt comment on, or simply ignored (mabey because some of them were made when i was a 'no licence', and on several users called a 'lamer' 'locked account' etc etc etc) it was just totaly vindicating that these features were built into the biggest DJ software release ever after noone here realy gave a monkies. mabey its cause noone realy reads the new features boards who knows. remember your 2 quality ideas about the waveform window and the 'where it would have been' idea. both probably more useful than the beat lights in the middle of the screen for one example but never realy developed uppon

quantizing waveform clicking talking you rite to the nearset 16th or 32nd beat from current position

2 subdecks for greater controll of samples and accapellas etc

flexible master bpm clock

prelisten of effects

master effects (effects that apply to the whole output sound not just deck A/B. for EQ and BBE for example)

skins that are modular and donot need to resize the display to work properly in full screen

if i had more time im sure i could remeber more lol, im not saying im the original creator of the ideas im just saying that they didnt get much of a reception here at all then they came out as part of traktor 3.0

mabey if the developers came on the boards more often................

Mensajes Fri 20 Jan 06 @ 1:02 am
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
i just wanted to see ur ideas to see what one could do with traktor.
that idea of subdecks sounds interesting. but when i used the program i didnt use samples with my style of djing. 'never used that feature to back u on that one.
since there exists a program with more than 2 decks i pray for everyone that next version has at least more than 2 decks. not sure how [shortcut] sync and the waveform could work with [3 or] 4 decks.

Mensajes Fri 20 Jan 06 @ 10:16 am

Please fix Autogain!!!!!!

Mensajes Sun 22 Jan 06 @ 12:43 am
How about sampling true another linel-in (2nd soundcard)
but when the sampling slot is full, you can drag them to your deck & use them to scratch, could be handy if you work with mc's a lot.

Greetz Dasouth

Mensajes Sun 22 Jan 06 @ 9:24 am
When adjusting the pitch in VDJ, There is considerable loss in Treble of the track (even when master tempo is off or on)...and this can be set back to normal only by resetting the track position. Please take note of this.


Mensajes Sun 22 Jan 06 @ 9:36 am