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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Tópico: Pioneer CDJ-700S Manual - Page: 1

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

This skin is very successful and very complete.
The graph is magnificent.

For next releases (These are my own preferences):
- Time to cue not masked when crossfader appears
- Possibility to display Beat to cue without user modif
- Possibility to display comment close to the track title
- Secure mode
- Scratch on by default
- (for every skin): cue points (S1, S2, ...) highlighted when theses cues are recorded

Very good work Fruit. I use it very often.


PS: Sorry for the previous post: the title was too long.

Mensajes Sun 13 Jun 04 @ 5:28 am


Here's a glossary of the Pioneer CDJ-700S skin, which have a lot of hidden functions. The list is not exclusive but here are some examples.

Always keep in mind that buttons (and especially textzones) often have 2 or more functions, try to right-click all of them or doube-click to see what happens. Generally a leftclick works smoothly, and a rightclick will do the same action, but stronger.

-- Numeric textzones --

Click the numeric textzones to switch time counters into beats counters. The time counters are pitch dependant.

A rightclick on the BPM value, or the pitch value opens the BPM window, to manually adjust the BPM (same action as the BPM button on each deck).

-- Cue textzones ("Cross & Cue mode" et "External mixer" mode) --

In the "cross and cue" pane and the "external mixer" mode, you'll see some cue textzones. The value tells how far you are currently from a cue, in minutes and seconds. You can click the value twice in order to show the value in beats, or the time to the cue from the begining.

Also a rightclick will popup the "edit-cuename" window.

-- Author / Title textzones --

Left-click these textzones to switch between values.
Author: switches to comment, title, BPM value, counter
Title: switches to comment, author, left time, counter

If you right-click these zones, a popup will appear to set the comment of the song.

-- Seek buttons --

The designs across the rotating deck are fully working.

>> The arrows (vertical) : seek the song (skip beat)
Press left to skip 1 beat
Press right to skip 2 beats

>> The REV / FWD buttons : seek the song (skip beat)
Press left to skip 4 beats
Press right to skip 16 beats

Double click rapidly on the REV / FWD buttons with left will skip 128 beats

If you use the skip 16 button to rewind the song, it can in some case skip the beats 'silently' (the audience will not 'ear' the skip) : this can be very helpfull if your are late (too many beers) in your mix

-- Manual loop buttons --

LI : Set the entry point of the loop

LO : Leftclick set the out point of the loop

L+/L- : Shift Loop
Leftclick = shift 4 beats
Rightclick = shift 16 beats

The wheels across these buttons can move the entry loop point, and the loop's lenght (adjusting the manual loop)

-- Enhenced crossfader pane (pannel 2) --

The full crossfader pane shows some buttons.

25 button :
Click to move the fader 25% of the total length in the chosen direction.

50 button :
Leftclick : will set the crossfader to 50% of the chosen side
Rightclick : will set +50% in the chosen direction

"point" button :
Leftclick : will set entirely the crossfader to the chosen side
Rightclick : same but does a temporary action

(Left side : the rounded led)
This led lights when automix is activated and the crossfader is moving.

(Right side : the wheel)
This wheel allows you to move the crossfader VERY smoothly, left or right.

-- Pitch --

There are two arrows at the top of pitch slider for pitch precision.

If you right click on these controls, you will temporarily bend the current pitch "Value" to adjust to the phase of your other songs.

If you rightclick the "pitch_reset" control, it will instantly initialise the pitch of the song (be careful). Also double click provides same feature.

-- Gain --

Right click on the gain slider will adjust the value to other deck. Double click will reset the slider.

-- Green lights --

Each deck has two green lights on it's top-left corner that tap's the beat. These visuals are also buttons.

For each deck.
- The left light is a syncbeat button
- The right light is a beat-juggling button

For any questions or suggestions please write bellow

FRUiT94 a.k.a. RE© a.k.a. The Bat
(this manual is still under construction, check it often)


Super Fruit; good work. Idon't have time enough tonight but I'll read it tomorrow.


Hello Clax,

- Time to cue not masked when crossfader appears

Do you mean when the cross and cue panne appears?

- Possibility to display Beat to cue without user modif


- Possibility to display comment close to the track title

Already existing : click on the title of the song, or the author, and it will switch to comment. You can even continue to click to show other informations such as a counter or the bpm value or else. Each zone (author and title) can be switched 5 times

- Secure mode

Ok it will be

- Scratch on by default

Personnally I prefer the default nudge but you can easily change the xml to change it I will post here the solution

- (for every skin): cue points (S1, S2, ...) highlighted when theses cues are recorded

Well With it I can't do nothing. The team has to code this function into the software, cause the skins are not able to do this function at this time



OMG please put the sync back the way it was or add another button that does not stay enguaged when pressed. I want to sync and not use lock. The new way takes an extra click.

Ok I will try another way =)


Easy access to DATABASE:

Hello Fruit.

Quite to the left down, in tabs (music, effects), there is a free place. Would it be possible to add to it a button "Base", which allows to make the browser point directly on database?
The problem is that when one develops its folders in the browser, it is sometimes necessary to scroll very much to reach the database while a simple click could so be enough.


Hi Fruit

I never use the 128 loop button. Is it possible to modify (maybe myself but I don't know how) to remove the 128 and to get a 1/4 beat ?


Hi Fruit

Your button "Lock" is still present so I propose you to use it in addition:
You should use this button to activate the both magic beatlock in the same time.

No because a button cannot have two purposes at the same time. actually this button has the function "sync beats". I think I will turn the two red "sync" buttons the way they were, and, in the center area, instead of "lock" and "mix" I'll put the two beatlock buttons.

The "mix" button will be in another place...


Thanks for your answer:

if you intend to change ok
but maybe:
you press the button one beatlock is activated
you press the same button the second time you activate the other

i don't know if it is possible: maybe by adding another button above it after pressing the first time . Because 2 functions at the same time ok but 1 function and one change in the part of the skin, why not?


Sorry my idea was stupid and useless: we win nothing !!

Can u implement change in behaviour of Hercules jogwheels, by pressing the joggle button in skin (scrach/nudge)... (read more at Tascam)

great skin by the way


dj in norway

sorry for my english

I need PIONEER CDJ-700S skins for a virtual dj 1.08
Where from is it?

No, you need to stop using a cracked version and buy the last version.

That's it!

That's all !

I seem to be missing the way to switch panels and reveal some hidden features of this skin. (The bottom always says "Cross and Cue". What else is there??)

(I'm looking for some "Time/Beats to next Cuepoint" features.)

(Is there a way to make the waveform section larger?)


Yes look in the very middle of the skin, between the vu-meters, there are three little buttons called 1, 2 and 3. Click on them and have a look at your crossfader...

You know, the waveform can't be growed anymore cause there are a lot of buttonz around...



Thanks for the help finding the buttons to change panels.
(All these buttons are rather small, even on a 19' screen.)

Those time-to-cues are very cool. Is there a way to change them to "Beats-remaining-to-cuepoint"??

