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Tópico: Crash

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VDJ 2.0 crashed today while I was mixing... Here's what happened:

I (accidentally) hit the "Title" column, so VDJ sorted the songs... After the sort, I started scrolling through the list to find the song I was looking for, and then VDJ froze. Music was still playing, and after a minute or so I had the crashguard window that appeared. I clicked on 'Recover', and VDJ was closed...

That's pretty much what happened.


Mensajes Fri 18 Jun 04 @ 12:26 am
Same situation here when I went to sort. I kind of touched on it in another message but did not mention the crash. I have just stayed away from the sort. It was changed in the new update. Still don't know why. It worked so well before. Can any moderators enlighten us on why the sorting in the search engine was changed to sorting the entire database when you have narrowed down your search to about maybe 60 titles. It is taking a long time. Thanks...

holds, I am not only

Yesterday evening, planted news.

Since I use version 2, with each use, I planted one.

Fortunately that I have two PC.

I have any planted time considering a sign precurssor with (what will allow me the next time to pass on the other PC and to start again vdj on the first)

This sign it is:

The mp3 posed on the turntable right does not take care more (as if it were a 2 hours mp3).
Then after 20 mix, (with this problem on the turntable right) the program this block and the sound is put in loop.

As always, I think that it sagit of a problem of buffer memory which saturates (bad cleaning)
Hier soir, nouvelle plantée.

Depuis que j'utilise la version 2, à chaque utilisation, j'ai une plantée.

Heureusement que j'ai deux pc.

J'ai toute fois vu un signe précursseur à la plantée (ce qui me permettra la prochaine fois de passer sur l'autre pc et relancer vdj sur le premier)

Ce signe c'est :

les mp3 posé sur la platine droite ne se charge plus (comme si c'était un mp3 de 2 heures)

puis après 20 mix, (avec ce problème sur la platine droite) le programme ce bloque et le son se met en boucle.

Comme toujours, je pense qu'il sagit d'un problème de mémoire tampon qui sature (mauvais nettoyage)

This kind of problem, occurs in general after 5 hours of use
Ce genre de problème, survient en général après 5 heures d'utilisation

My crash was in the 4th hour... and the same as the first poster, failed to recover....

had the same crash.... And it's was more like one hour

When resorting database, and quickly start scrolling... It locked up, no recover.

I had it too !

dj-in-norway, that's exactly what happened... you just put it better than me lol :)

I had been mixing for an hour or so when it happened...


I had this problem too and I regret not to have a function like "ctrl+alt+suppr" to launch the anticrash software. The only thing to do in that case is to press the button "window" on your keyboard and to close. Consequently you loose everything !!

eurodj; which version do you have ?

Coyote I have the registred (paid) Virtual DJ v2.0 but as you have close my other name i had to change my login.
Evenif I 'm angry against the technical support, I want to continue to improve the software and erase this important bug which is annoying me !!
So don't block my name otherwise i would create another email to come back until to have an answer to our probleme




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Today crashed in 3rd song, this is a pain, I have two gigs tomorrow....

I have also experienced crashes while using the database..I havent any details yet. But it has happend several times. I hope this can be fixed quicky. I worry enough about the computer crashing on its own during the more stress......Either way its a great program when the bugs are worked out.


First let me say it's a great program, BUT,.. I'm having several probs with 2.0,.. I'll mention the two worst ones here.

Five times now, I've had it hang up permanently when I tried to check the songs in a different directory. This is definately a show-stopper!
Also the automatic gain (which I had come to rely on) on side "1" seems to go haywire occasionally, causing the track on that side to be much too loud. Very embarassing!

Additionally, I have no idea how the algorythm is set up, (worked fairly well on the last ver.) but it should provide the option of calculating the average volume of the intro of the track rather than the entire song, as sometimes this feature could be very handy.

One other thing I'd like to mention; Although the program is intelligent enough to find the beats in an average song and calculate the BPM, it is *not* smart enough to do this if the BPM vairies significantly. This renders the beatlock feature unusable on about half my collection.
It would be nice to see the programmers make the beat counter a little more flexible, and/or adapt the beat lock with an option to snap to the actual drumbeats, rather than the little blocks VDJ places where it believes the beats *should be* on these tracks.

I think that the autogain function is different than the previous one.
In 1.0x versions, the autogain seemed to be best.
Maybe it's an accoustic illusion.

This is really getting old.

I've been sitting here trying to analyze, set the start cues, and add comments for a couple of hundred new tracks. I hate going though this anyway, but If I don't kill the program every fifteen songs or so (apparently this forces it to save the new data), it will crash on it's own and lose all my work. Maybe I could even live with that if VDJ would just start back up imediately, but no, I have to wait eight or ten minutes for it to check the database each time!

I've been working on this for over five hours now! VDJ ver.2.0 desparately needs a tune-up (no pun intended). I'm having several other problems also. IMO this version was not yet ready for release.

P.S. my crash protection does not work properly either.

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