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Tema: 2 years +, no crash, ever! - Page: 1

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Just want to give VDJ a well deserved pat on the shoulder: I've been using this software for over two years, and it has NEVER crashed. Not once! Used it virtually(!) every day. Sometimes it has been running for the entire day, no hickups... I use this software proffessionally, and highly reccomend it to anyone who is still pondering what software solution to go for.

And just as a sidenote: I also think this says a little something about the silly claim that windows PC's are notoriously unreliable...

Mensajes Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 7:22 pm
exctly --- and ditto ;)
3rd year running... and no crash at gigs...

I've used it around at all different settings, and clubs, and it never let me down :)

Mobile gigs, club gigs, private parties, outdoors, indoors....


Mensajes Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 8:06 pm
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
I had a crash in a club last weekend, the crash guard pops out, I played a cd, go on "Recover", about 2 seconds it came back where it was, so no big deal. One minor crash is nothing and I still say this is rock solid dj program.
Tip: to avoid silence during those 2 sec, I have Winamp behind so I can play it on channel one while VDJ recovers. Most important thing is that VDJ doesn't block Windows so U can use it! Sweet!

Mensajes Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 8:47 pm
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Been using Atomix MP3 and then Virtual DJ at nightclubs for about 3 years every week with not a single crash. During my very first gig using Atomix MP3, I accidently hit the sleep button on my PC... Ever since, I never had anything go wrong.
Ironically, my friend DJs had more problems with bad CDs or jumping needles then I had playing with Atomix/VDJ.

Mensajes Sat 19 Aug 06 @ 9:23 pm
xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
3 years for me ;)

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 12:26 pm
sjursjur wrote :
...the silly claim that windows PC's are notoriously unreliable...

Heh. A [proportionally] handful of good experiences [even if these number in the thousands or hundreds of thousands] like the ones that those of you on this thread are reporting does not negate millions of windows users who suffer from known windows issues and instability.

That's why [at least] 400,000 of those former windows users [switchers] became Mac users last year. We're on track for 700,000 [at least] this year. The release of Mac OS X Leopard and wannabe Mac OS X [vista] in '07 [should microsoft actually get it's incompetent head out of it's a** and finally ship the already 2 year late XP SP3... don't kid yourselves, that's all it is] will significantly increase the switcher numbers to at least a million [I'm being conservative] in '07 and by '08 switchers will easily number in the several millions.

Apple's Switch-Hit Homer
"First-quarter figures suggest that 2006 may be a very big year, thanks to Windows users swapping their hardware...Analyst Charles Wolf of Needham and Co. in New York late last year forecasted that there could be something on the order of 1.3 million people "switching" from Windows to Mac this year. That number may be a little low."

It all comes down to an antiquated 1980's registry based, bloated, poorly coded and bug ridden BIOS based windows OS, versus a 21st century rock solid Unix core, security and stability focused, EFI based Mac OS-

"Macs use an ultra-modern industry standard technology called EFI to handle booting. Sadly, Windows XP, and even the upcoming Vista, are stuck in the 1980s with old-fashioned BIOS. But with Boot Camp, the Mac can operate smoothly in both centuries"

[above statement taken from]

The stability argument for Mac, and instability argument for windows, has been proven and is over. The hundreds of thousands, and soon to be millions, of switchers have spoken. The switcher movement is not a trend, it is the realization by millions of computer users worldwide that the primary problem with windows computers is windows itself.

Go ahead, show me some Mac users switching to windows statistics. Take your time. You're gonna have to since it doesn't happen in any remotely significant number, if at all.

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 1:51 pm
Oh well... can't say that I didn't see that one coming. :- ) Anyway. Your statistics are probably well proven and worth it's money. I'm not going to get into this debate, but suffice is to say: I use both PC and sometimes Mac. Personally I own a PC because it's cheaper, has more options to be modified to suit my needs, and I also use some software packages that are PC only. AND my PC's are stable, so to me the statistics really doesn't apply. As for the statement in my previous post, it sort of comes down to the fact that crashes very often is due to the specific software you run, and not nessecarily the OS (I've had a really hard time with Avid on Mac OS X for instance...)

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 2:54 pm
sjursjur wrote :
Oh well... can't say that I didn't see that one coming. :- )

LOL!!! Can't say that I didn't see that response coming. I really did expect it. =)

sjursjur wrote :
Anyway. Your statistics are probably well proven and worth it's money. I'm not going to get into this debate, but suffice is to say: I use both PC and sometimes Mac. Personally I own a PC because it's cheaper, has more options to be modified to suit my needs, and I also use some software packages that are PC only. AND my PC's are stable, so to me the statistics really doesn't apply.

EXACTLY. Sounds like you know what you're doing with your windows pc. Good for you. =)

My anti-windows comments are for the majority who are NOT like you, and don't know how to maintain or recover from windows problems that they don't know how to prevent or know why they're happening in the first place.

My anti-microsoft sentiment comes from refusing to support a criminal organization that has been convicted by 3 countries in less than 5 years for the same illegal business practices.

it really is as simple as that. i find it interesting that people will support AMD [whom I don't have a problem with] because they are the "under-dog" when compared to "big, bad Intel". Yet these same "underdoggers" support the largest technological criminal organization in the world and it's inferior product, windows.

i just find the irony amusing... well, actually no... infuriating. I simply despise hypocrites.

sjursjur wrote :
As for the statement in my previous post, it sort of comes down to the fact that crashes very often is due to the specific software you run, and not nessecarily the OS (I've had a really hard time with Avid on Mac OS X for instance...)

In you're case, windows not crashing may be true. But that's not the case for most windows users who aren't as knowledgeable as yourself.

Of course poorly written or non-compatibile sofware adds to the typical windows' users horrid windows experiences. Those applications are like the poison "cherry on top" of the disgusting ice cream sundae that is windows.

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 3:37 pm
Ha ha ha. Here we go again.

95% of alle people who switches from PC to MAC are novice users, who likes the out-of-the-box concept and cute wrappings of the MAC. They want a machine where you plug it, insert a DVD and it will play. When buying a brand new PC with pre-installed Windows, chances are that it wont even do that for you. And that truly must be frustrating to the majority of people who don´t know what a codec is.

But you will have to look very hard to find a experienced PC users who take the switch.

Me fx, I have worked with MAC when making broadcast tv back in 2003/2004 and I had A LOT of crashes with OS X MAC running Finat Cut Pro 4. We´re even talking dedicated machines, with no internet, no nothing. Only OS X and Final Cut and they crashed 1-4 times a day. ALL of them. I have never experienced that amount of crashes on any of my PCs, not even when multitasking between Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, IE, Word, Winamp etc.

The main reason you get a faulty pc is because you don´t know what you´re buying. A cheap PC is built from Toshiba harddrives, nonname Power Suplies, ECS motherboards, Celeron CPUs and the cheapest RAM there is - no wonder it´s crap.

If you build a PC from quality components, it will be solid. Believe me.

But, most people don´t know what Seagate or Asus is. Therefore a lot of people will prefer MAC because you know what you´re buying. It´s the same shit that´s inside all the boxes. And THAT my friend, is why MAC is taking a bigger piece of the cake for every year.

An open hardware enviroment combined with a closed software enviroment is not an ideal solution, but that is what PC is.

I tend to like it though. I can´t get Virtual DJ for mac (yet) and I can´t get Spheres of Chaos for mac either. And I can´t find help anywhere when somethings buggering. That´s why PC rule my world.

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 3:42 pm
Well, yeah I'm just happy there is competiton. That makes for better products and prices. As simple as that.

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 3:47 pm
Junker Juks wrote :
Ha ha ha. Here we go again.

95% of alle people who switches from PC to MAC are novice users, who likes the out-of-the-box concept and cute wrappings of the MAC. They want a machine where you plug it, insert a DVD and it will play. When buying a brand new PC with pre-installed Windows, chances are that it wont even do that for you. And that truly must be frustrating to the majority of people who don´t know what a codec is.

Yup. Like I've said many times before, any moron can make things difficult, but it takes intelligence to make something streamlined and intuitive. The former is microsoft, the latter is Apple.

Junker Juks wrote :
But you will have to look very hard to find a experienced PC users who take the switch.

Completely untrue. It's the "veteran" computer users who don't care so much about internal upgradeabilty [although the new quad core Intel Core 2 Mac Pro towers that came out last week has already proved appealing to those that do want to mod/upgrade their Macs] are switching just as much as the switchers who just want the thing to work.

My customers now include just as many windows IT professionals, software developers, CEO's & CFO's who are now realizing that they don't need to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in IT staff salaries if they use computers that don't break nearly as much or require constant maintenance, etc., as "average joe's" who don't care about anything more than just having a computer that works reliably for an extended period of time.

Look, I'm just gonna get to the point [because it's 7am and I haven't slept yet after dj'ing a late afternoon and nightclub last night]:

Macs can now do EVERYTHING that windows computers can do:

- Windows OR Mac on Mac hardware:

- windows WITHIN Mac OS X with a minimal performance hit [5-10%] because of virtualization technology built into Intel's Core processors:



and something that they officially can't [yeah, yeah, yeah, OSX86 project... blah, blah, blah] do but want to, run Mac OS X [because windows pc manufacturers all know what end-users are all is the weak link that is making their products into unstable junk]:

Dell Wants to Sell OSX PCs,1895,1957355,00.asp

Jobs says: Three PC makers are hitting me up for OS X

Well, we KNOW Dell is one of them. In that article, Engadget thinks Sony is another. I'd agree. The 3rd? HP. Definately. Remember the HP iPods and when HP dumped windows' Audio Player for iTunes? HA!!! =P

So go ahead and keep trying to tell me that "hardcore" pc users won't switch to Mac. Actually, they may not have to... top windows pc manufacturers will do it for them!

IF Apple let's them . . . who "owns" who? SUCKAZ!!! ;)

I'll reply to the rest of your post later if I get a chance.

Must. Get. Sleep. =)

Mensajes Sun 20 Aug 06 @ 4:28 pm
Moderation Team...enough is enough with the Mac spamming...


Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 1:38 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Agreed.., no more conquest please, we know your feelings, but please don't impose them on us anymore than you already have, thanks.

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 1:40 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
Thank you.
I don't hate MAC, I first saw it 2 years ago and I liked it, but now... doesn't feel the same. All this spamming make me kind of hate it. I like my PC :p

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 2:14 am

Although VDJ is great software and hasn't crashed [then again Serato Scratch Live and Final Scratch never did on me either], why does my VDJ 3.4, Hercules MK2 console using an external AC adapter [not running off of USB bus power], and notebook with 2 GB's of ram and 5 GB's of free hard drive space start responding poorly after about an hour?

When I use the jog wheels to spin forward or back on a track, it begins "stuttering" and no longer lets me "fluidly" scroll through the audio waveform to get to where I want. Then I have to keep pressing the play/pause button from the beginninng to get to my cue point and then I have to continuosly spin the jog wheeel just to get the timeline marker to jump a little bit.

Is this because of the Hercules console [most likely], or is it a known issue with VDJ?

This thread is about crashes, and I haven't had any either from VDJ or windows [then again, I was a windows network administrator and know how to stabilize it], but that problem is ANNOYING!!!


It's amusing that I get repremanded for responding in context to a thread with "unpopular" FACTS. But propagandist misinformation and insults to me don't get moderated in the same way. Can you say "hypocrisy"?

This thread was started to tell people that some people haven't had any problems with VDJ on windows. That's great, and I have no reason to not believe the people posting those claims, because some people like them are knowledgeable and can stabilize and maintain their windows systems. However, most windows users are not knowledgeable enough to stabilize, maintain, and/or recover from windows problems... NOR SHOULD THEY HAVE TO BE.

It's mICROSOFT'S RESPONSIBILITY to make a reliable and secure product, yet they have proven themselves incompetent in that task to the MAJORITY of the computing world.

I like VDJ and agree that it is stable, but the part where the thread went off topic was in the first post when the original poster said "And just as a sidenote: I also think this says a little something about the silly claim that windows PC's are notoriously unreliable...

That's NOT a "silly claim", it's a KNOWN FACT for the MAJORITY of windows users, which is why millions of computer users, from home to government levels, internationally, are ditching windows for Mac or Linux.

microsoft and windows apologists... gotta love 'em. Whatever. I'm done with this.

"I'm not responsible for other people's lack of foresight, much less any voluntary ignorance due to the dismissal of facts."

- ConQuest

Oh, and GREAT move on NOT shipping TIMECODE VINYL in the U.S. this upcoming week, right after I purchased it last Friday afternoon and expected to recieve it during the week so that I could show off VDJ 4 at my club and mobile events next week.

Just great. =(


Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 3:12 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
I agree on this, you have to know Windows and PC's very well to make them work good and stable. New users are in trouble, but if I could learn all the tricks so they can too, it's not that hard.
About MK2, sounds like latency problem? I ordered MK2, but don't know when is gonna arrive :(

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 4:17 am
DJ-ALF wrote :
About MK2, sounds like latency problem? I ordered MK2, but don't know when is gonna arrive :(

Hmmm... would a latency problem be something that builds over time? Wouldn't it exist from the beginning [I really don't know so I'm asking]? Like I said, it all works flawlessly for anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour of continuous mixing.

I'll look through the support forums here to see if I find any other people who have had this issue and have been able to resolve it.

I hope your MK2 gets there soon. When did you order it and where do you live?

It's a pretty cool product, but I'm a turntablist and prefer vinyl. I'm primarily using it as a digitizer and back-up mixer in case something happens to my turntables or mixer in live situation . However, some gigs [like weddings and such] don't require me to club mix and scratch, therefore I don't need my traditional dj set-up with turntables and all. For those gigs I just use the Hercules MK2. No need to lug around a coffin with turntables and a mixer in those instances.

EVERYTHING would be PERFECT if it weren't for that DAMN performance stuttering problem with the Hercules MK2 console!

Getting VDJ 4 tomorrow will put a smile on my face though. =)

The following is a truthful AND factual RESPONSE to a comment directed towards me, and is written in the spirit of CIVIL DEBATE. Hopefully you respect the right to FREE SPEECH, even if you may not like what I'm saying.

DJ-ALF wrote :
New [windows] users are in trouble,...


DJ-ALF wrote :
but if I could learn all the tricks so they can too, it's not that hard.

It may not be hard to do for you, but to the average person, it's not only hard, but unnecessary.

No one should be required to learn "tricks" to make something work. I don't have to trick any other device that I own into working properly, so why should i have to trick a device as important as a computer with which I'm trusting even more important information with, just to stabilize and secure it?

How do we know that that is just a typical microsoft and windows apologist excuse [I'm not picking on you DJ-Alf, I'm just saying in "general"] and an example of poor and incompetent development hidden behind microsoft's marketing juggernaut which try's to convince people that "bigger is better" intead of just actually making a better product?

Because Macs don't need to be tricked into "just working" and being secure.

Linux computers [to a far lesser extent than Macs, but far greater extent than windows computers] are secure. Is Linux user friendly? Not really.

Macs are the only mass marketed computers that are BOTH secure AND user friendly.

Oh, and please stop with the "but Amiga, or [insert name of abstract niche OS here]..." stuff already [you know who you are]. How many are there of you? 5? Maybe 6?... geez. I'm talking about MASS MARKETED AND READILY AVAILABLE computers, of which there are 3: windows, Mac, and Linux... despite the fact that Linux has a bunch of different distro's [versions] and are an end users' support nightmare.

It's called accountability, and the masses from individuals to international companies and government organizations are now starting to hold microsoft accountable by choosing to use non-microsoft products. In particular windows, but other microsoft software like Office as well:

Army to Gates: Halt the free software

The Department of the Army went a step further, calling on Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates to stop sending the software to Army personnel.....The issue comes up as many governments are looking at open-source alternatives for Office and the Windows operating system. The British government has been evaluating a switch to the Linux OS, while open-source software is also being eyed in Korea, China, India and even at some local agencies in the United States...Microsoft's giveaway also comes as the company faces ongoing oversight by the Justice Department as part of its settlement of antitrust allegations.

microsoft is a 3 time [so far... more on the way besides the US, EU, and South Korea], in less than 5 years, internationally convicted, illegal criminal business practices organization.


Now I'm off to the VDJ support forums to find out why the heck my Hercules MK2 console set-up stops working properly after less than an hours worth of continuous mixing. =(


Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 8:24 am
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
God ConQuest. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish other than to demonstrate to people that you have way too much time on your hands. Nobody is going to sit there and read all this crap.

I've used Windows for a long time. I hated it originally, but they've got it fairly decent now, and it's pretty rare for me to have system crashes. In six years of DJing with Windows machines, I've had maybe one full system crash. (A few glitches with applications, including virtual DJ). I'm not a Windows or Microsoft fan, but it gets the job done. Macs can crash too.

I'd love to try a Mac someday. Your drivel isn't really a big turn on though. Why don't you just start your own little pro-mac page if you like writing about it so bloody much?

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:23 am
abnormPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Do you know why Windows is much more powerful then Mac OS? Because it supports a huge range of desktops, laptops, PDAs, etc. by different manufacturers. All with unique hardware, external devices, and so on. Mac OS is only desinged for Macs. It might be less prone to crash because it is much easier to design and model test their OS thanks to a very small range of hardware. Microsoft has a much tougher job on their hands, but they handle it well in my opinion. Very well indeed.
I, for one refuse to use Mac's short list of supported hardware/software. I build my own PCs to my liking. Every single part of it is chosen by me for my needs. Every part of my PC is manufactured by different companies, yet they work perfectly together thanks to MICROSOFT! Amen.

Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 9:35 am
To re-iterate:

microsoft is a 3 time [so far... more on the way besides the US, EU, and South Korea], in less than 5 years, internationally convicted, illegal criminal business practices organization.


Mensajes Mon 21 Aug 06 @ 12:03 pm