
Forum: Old versions

Tópico: White noise after several hours use. Requires restart. [SOLVED] - Page: 1

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After a few hours of Use 4.2r1 puts out loud white noise to the sound card. This can happen when the software is idle - i.e. nothing is playing but Virtual DJ is running.

It's happening consistently on two PCs. A Dell D410(Pentium-M) and my own custom build PC with a dual core Athlon and Asus M/B. 1Gb and 2Gb respectively.

I get it on the following audio hardware used in conjunction with the above PCs....

Either the Hercules Mk2
A Plantronics .audio 550 DSP headset (with integrated USB audio adapter)
A Creative Audigy 2 SE
A Creative X-Fi audio.

I've tried the manufacturer's WDM drivers and I've also tried ASIO4ALL - same result - after several hours very high volume white noise from VDJ. Quitting VDJ stops the noise.

Have also tried moving settings one notch from fastest - same result.
Have set latency to auto - same result
Have switched off overclock - same result
Have swirched off safe mode - same result.

This has a very severe effect when it happens. I'd appreciate a fix.

Mensajes Thu 01 Feb 07 @ 5:35 pm
More info. While I still get this on both USB devices (the Hercules and the Plantronics USB headphones) I'm not so sure I saw it on the Creative cards - since at the time I was sometimes using them, sometimes the Herc).

If that is the case this MIGHT be limited to USB devices.

Could it be a USB power management issue? Hmmm...

Does anyone ever read the bug reports? The FMEA result of this one is as severe as it gets, is it not?

have you checked for irq conflicts

Yes. I have no other audio issues beyond this white noise problem. I can't help the suspicion that this is a USB host controller going to deep sleep. The other report at the top of the board mentions a PC card bus sound card. That could have a similar root cause - power management.

I'm going to try modifying the USB root hub settings and forbid XP from using power management on that device.

However, this wouldn't explain why other users have encountered this problem while streaming data to the audio card. i.e. during a gig. I've experienced it while generally leaving VDJ running idle as I have a coffee etc... The sound of potential speaker damage normally has me reaching for the Amp Off button pretty quickly though.

To all the Moderators and especially SKYFXL, I know it\'s long but PLEASE READ THIS.

Hello all, I figure I chime in my two cents. I'm a Professional Engineer/Producer with my own studio that has been testing VDJ since v3.4 for my church. Unfortunately, an official version of the software has not been purchased yet due to this problem. I'm in charge of all live recording and production aspects of the church and I was asked to find a way to broadcast sermons/conventions on the net live so other branches of the church in other parts of the globe can listen. To make a short story long, I started researching and another engineer friend recommended VDJ as THE software to get that could get the job done.

Anyway, this PinkNoise problem is not exclusive to version 4.x only. On Version 3.4, what it use to do was not a outputting Pinknoise, but rather, The webcast/broadcast slows down gradually to the point that it's not listen-able anymore. It almost sounded like the "Brake" effect in VDJ been applied to a sound gently until it can no longer be heard. This halted the decision for me to purchase the software as the Demo Version that was download from this site (At that time) exhibited the same problem. The Church's planning on installing a T1- lineProject has been on "hold" ever since due to this problem as VDJ is the only software that seems to have all thats needed to accomplish this task.

Fast forward to present day. I probably was one of the first to download v4 demo from this site. Only to be disappointed as the same problem exist in the software. This time, even worse. The PINKNOISE that came out of the studio monitors still haunts me.
At least on v3.4, it wasn't a PinkNoisenoise, it just started sounding bad but with v4.x, the PinkNoise is just unbearable.

Without posting all the different system's specs and my background, I'll just say, This problem has been replicated by 4 different individuals (2 of them are PRO engineers like myself) and same results. All you have to do is just use the software past 6hours. On v4, the PinkNoise starts on Exactly 6hours into a broadcast/usage. Browsing the forum, I've seen others saying just it been idle for 6hours, brings the whitenoise. I've verify this too.

I'm posting this because this is the ONLY problem right now with this software, that's holding back my go ahead decision to acquire VDJ for the project.

This is NOT a USB bus power or IRQ conflict issue as the same thing happens on all the very different systems. Overall, 7 Different setups involved. This is a real issue with the program and following this thread and others about this PinkNOise problem, it looks like uneccessary work-arounds that has nothing to do with the problem is been giving out.

Virtual DJ Research Team, Mods, he's your challenge :) Open VDJ, setup a local broadcast and start the broadcast, and just make sure to turn down your monitors/speakers at the clock counter hits exactly 6hours. Please Prove myself and others that are having this issue wrong. As I'm confident it's not a system specfic issue.

The main Rig for the church has the following specs:
SuperMicro X5DA8 board with Dual P4 Xeon 3.06GHz with HT, 8GB of Registerred ECC RAM, 4 (146GB 15000 rpm Seagate U320 SCSI Drives), 8 chained external firewire 800 drives (Western Digital 320GB each), 2 HDSP MADI Audio Interface, Genuine Windows Server 2003, Genuine Steinberg Nuendo 3, Genuine Waves Musicians Bundle, and more.... For a setup capable of recording 96 Tracks simultaneously into Nuendo 3 with no hiccups, and playing over 140tracks on a 90minute project with no hiccups, one will assume it can run VDJ with no hiccups too. I'm a record engineer not a DJ. But I very well versed on both mac and pc platform so I know my stuff. THIS IS NOT a system related issue. Please at least TEST and confirm this problem instead of just giving unrelated workaround. Feel free to email me if you need more info or more accurate description. Sorry about the long email and thanks for reading :)


if the issue occours only while broadcasting, than this should be a simple workaround: Use winamp's shoutcast and record (broadcast) what-you-hear or the line-in (if you mix with external mixer), and don't use VDj's internal broadcast.


straight away i can confim i often broadcast more than 6 hours with it here on vdj radio and on my own stations i am aslo a sound and reccord enginer and its not let me down yet . i use it for plays , events , parties discos , all sorts of things

i am aslo a server and network administrator

have you choosen on options > proformance

set to fastest

unticked safe and overclock

and choosen autolatency

are you running any other processes in the backround? such as unessary server processes like active domain , and dirrectory which you dont need if you are

how much onboard cashe memory do you have ? if you know l2 or l3?

by default server 2003 is churning away at all sorts of un nessary tasts which are not all useful and are designed for network use

if you would like to chat about your server config

my msn is

Hello gentlemen, I thank you both for your prompt reply and suggestions. erxon, I like your suggestion but really prefer to use VDJ to get this project done instead of Winamp. I actually tried that alternative before but really like the whole VDJ interface and the other pro features....

Skyfxl, your response is the exact assurance I've been looking for before I purchase the software for the project....I was panicking because I thought I saw other registerered users complaining of the same problem....But, I'll take the dive and join the vdj community officially sometime this week.

As far as our systems are concerned, they're pretty much tweaked for production. Most services that are not needed has been turned off to 'slim down' the windows as much as possible. I've played with all the different performance settings in VDJ 4 already and I have a 512L2 on board.

But, I'll proceed and buy the full pro version. I'm not concerned about the money as much as the damage to equipment/ear/embaressment that could have happen once the project is deployed. I have save your msn and will add you and 'pick' your brain a bit....hey, we can even discuss some of this boring sound engineering stuff :)

Thanks again for the re-assurance.
Eddy B (Webbie)

cool , if you need any thing , dont hesitate to ask ;)

Update: I tried the USB power settings I mentioned in an earlier post, but the loud white noise problem remains, and I've moved to the general board on the "long session problem" thread with other users who have the same bug.

You guys aren't the only ones with this noise problems, it has cone it to me as well. Any of you guys using either a power supply for the MK2 or a powered HUB?? I haven't used anything extra in awhile, but next time I get the noise I will hook up either a power supply or a HUB and let you know if it fixed it. I would however try a powered hub first and see if this is the solution.

I have had this situation happen as soon as the PC went into Windows so I am leanin on a USB issue as VDJ wasn't even running at the time, hope that helps a little as I don't think it has anything to do with VDJ.

I concur this to be a problem with 3.4 and now with 4.2 as well. Just let it sit idle for a few hours, no activity on the computer during that time and whallop!!, an extrememly loud white noise bursting through the speakers even when the volume is set to low. Oddly, no errors reported at the time when it happened. My systems have SoundMAx & M-audio Audiophile soundcards installed.

I accidentally came across this “White Noise Bug” when I left my PC on running Virtual DJ over night.

So what I have been doing is the following. I have 3 PCs. Two desktops and one laptop. I’ve installed VDJ on all 3 machines and purposely leave them running overnight. No sleep or hibernate just on. Every morning or between what seems to be 4 to 6 hours all I can here is white noise coming out of my speakers. No IRQ conflicts and well optimized machines. It does not matter if I am using WDM or ASIO drivers, single or multiple outputs or even what sound card is selected. Also if I close Virtual DJ my sound card works just fine. VDJ seems to still respond but does not play any audio files just white noise with both gain levels active. Once I was able to fade to deck 1 and fade out the noise but it still would not play the selected track

These are my PCs specs.

Windows XP Pro SP2
ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400 Dual Core 939
4 GB OCZ Platinum RAM DDR 400
Echo Audio PCI Gina ASIO Sound Card
NVIDIA SLI 7300GT Video Card
2 x RAPTOR 74GB SATA 10,000 RPM (Raid 0)
2 x Maxtor 300GB SATA 7200 RPM (Raid 0)
2 x Plextor 716AL DVD-RW
600 Watt SLI Power Supply

Windows XP Pro SP2
Intel Core 2 DUO E6600
Kingston HyperX 2GB DDR2 800
M-Audio 1010 PCI Card
NVIDIA SLI 7900GT Video Card
2 x RAPTOR 74GB SATA 10,000 RPM (Raid 0)
Western Digital 500GB 7200 RPM SATA2
Plextor 712 DVD-RW
600 Watt Power Supply

PC-3 (Labtop)
Toshiba Tecra 9000
Windows XP Pro SP2
Intel Pentium III 1.3 GHZ
1GB RAM, 80 GB Drive, 64 MB Shared Video
Built in audio.


Same problem for me:

WinXP Pro
ASUS nVidia NForce2 motherboard
Onboard sound card Realtek Soundstorm 5.1


i belive this is solved in 4.3 for pro users

please update here

not sure if it helps, i noticed currently no white noise, but in 4.3 after longer time (overnight) i noticed about 5-10% cpu usage even when vdj is idle. Reopening of VDJ solves it.
Maybe it's some bug that has different impact on different machines, I'll try to reproduce that.


I have this problem also. I run a compaq 2100 laptop with xp pro and a brand new Toshiba Satellit with 2 gig ram and vista. If i let laptop on overnight with virtual dj analyzing all 50 gig of my music i wake up and i can hear my laptop hissing with a loud noise, only way to stop it is to turn off and reboot. At live show other night while runnign two laptops i ignored 2nd laptop and it blew a gasket releasing all the white noise into my speaker and terrfied the entire gig. This was exremely embarassing. I traced it to my second laptop that was booted with virtual dj 4,2 ready to go if first laptop froze up. Does anyone know how to get rid of this nasty bug once and for all? Thanks!!!


Has Virtual DJ been updated since 2007-03-28 ?

This is still happening in 4.3 on my friends PC, he is usng a genuine registered copy. No current updates are fixing this problem.

Why was my last post deleted?

What money back guarentee is there that this software will do the job intended and is 'fit for the purpose intended ?'


hum no posts have been removed

it works fine for me and many other users he should check his settings and ask for help here if he needs it
