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DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Just got home from a 4 hour gig using this setup. After a month of testing vista it went live for the first time tonight.

I'm quite happy to report I didn't have one single issue, not a hickup a studder freeze or anything. A total flawless video show with VDJ/Cue 4.3 and Vista.


AMD 4000+ (single core)
1 gig of muskin pc3200
6600gt 128 mb video card
2 seagate 500's
3 maxtor 300's
1 maxtor 160 (os)
Waveterminal 192L card (using xp 4.0 drivers asio)
Vista business 32 bit version
Numark dmc-2 controller

What a great show, I was having so much fun with vdj I forgot to take pictures to share. Sorry will do next time ;)


Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 7:01 am
Cyder- how does the dmc2 buttons fuction? - mapping wise?

I can't really get a good look at the unit on the advertising pics because the silly thing is on an angle - and It never seems to have a straight ahead shot that I can read the buttons.

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 8:36 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
This is one sweet controller guys.
A little different from the DAC, better in some ways, not so in others.
Hopefully the mapper will help it out.


Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 1:46 pm

That looks a very nice setup!

Just wondering, can you activate effects from the DMC2?

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 2:20 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Yes you can, and samples too.

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 4:27 pm
That is an amazing setup, does the Numark controller respond well? I heard the response time for the Beatlock isn't that good

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 5:23 pm
i think it's great ...... especially running all that off a non powered hub.... lol

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 5:28 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
I don't know where you would have heard that.
There's only like 10 of these in the world released right now...
Release is soon however so keep your eyes open.

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 5:28 pm
I'm kinda impressed witht the controller and kinda sitting on the fence:

On the surface it looks wonderfull. Then the with the way I like to mix music the single push loop buttons I was never a fan of having them start at 1/4 and going to 8 beats.

Would much rather have 1/2 , 1,2,4,8,16
or even just
1- 8 sequentially to activate samples with a "shift" button (i know i know dac 3)

Can you guys who recieved one (I'm assuming for free - lucky B*****DS) tell me If I can re-mapp this thing with out knowing how to write a mapper in C++ - Because I'm compleatly lost in programming world.

Does it allow for midi-learn? - can I push a button and have it learn what I want?


Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 5:35 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
we are currently working on a mapper at the moment. However the default map is very gigable
I agree with the loops and we'll have a fix for that soon.

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 6:16 pm
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Mapper for icdx too??? pretty please :)

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 11:08 pm
GaryBrPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Hi, i'm still waiting for the release of virtual vinyl, hence why i'm a non registered user.

I must admit, i've never been a fan of any Numark equipment, and that also goes for other people i've worked with here in the UK. It has always had a bit of a stigma about it being the cheap, non-pro, bedroom equipment, and i've only seen Numark equipment in one of 30+ clubs i've worked in.

I've been using video for years, initially starting with VHS and about 2 years ago, one of the clubs i was working in purchased 2 Numark DVD01's. These units got seent back 3 times before the supplier agreed to a refund, as the build quality was poor and they simply didn't do what they said they would on the box.

Pitch control was no good enough to mix, cueing up is near impossible, no instant start etc, all from a product advertising it was suitable for beatmixing!

Now, going back to my initial point about Numark DJ equipment, i've not really known it to be used in professional installs, probably because of the reasons i mentioned above.

If you use turntables in a club, you use Technics, if you use CD, you use Denon or Pioneer, Microphone probably Shure, a whole range of different brand mixers may be used, but i've never known of a Numark being used in a club install.

What makes me write this, is looking a the pictures above reminded me of the bad experience i had with the DVD01's.

The picture of the DMC2 looks almost identical in design to the DVD01. The layout is similar, what is really worring is the buttons are exactly the same, and this is a major problem as they are not robust enough for regular club use, nor do they provide a true, reliable instant start.

After trailing VDJ, i have been very impressed. Its been my first time changing over to digital, and i even purchased a new laptop because i was so impressed.

I hope Numark respects that VDJ is probably the most professional part of its DJ set up, and gives you guys what you deserve in respect to build quality and operation in the hardware they produce.

What do other users think of Numark equipment?

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 11:12 pm
I used a low end scratch mixer at frist. (numark)

Then when I tryed to use a BCD 2000 (what a disaster), I returned it for store credit and got a Vestax 19' rack mixer.

so far:
numark -1
vextax +1

Some of Numarks Higher end gear (cdx and iCDX) seem to be hits with some of the guys on here.

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 11:17 pm
GaryBrPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Yes DJMARCEL!, i've noticed that too, so it does make it hard to get a good idea about hardware when everyones idea of what is good is different.

Even though this is digital equipment, i think comaprissons to hardware should be made against traditional industry standard equipment. There has to be a bench mark for the comparisons or the opinions of eqipment, or there is no point in having them . . . is there ?

Mensajes Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 11:32 pm
Cyder: Thanks for the info. Had a few problems witth the DAC-3, so I'm definitely looking for a replacement!

Gary Br: Hi, yeah, i think rightly or wrongly, lots of people have a similar view of the Numark stuff.

Hopefully all this new gear will raise the bar, and it all looks really good from the previews. :)

But I just thought I'd remind everybody that the timecode cds seem to work perfectly well (don't have to worry about build quality like the TCV). So you can always use your favourite CD decks (or the ones in the club) and have something like a NU04 mixer or an x-session controller for loops and effects.

All proven stuff that can get you going on video mixing fast and cheap!

Mensajes Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 2:44 am

Does the DMC2 have touch sensitive jog wheels? Also, how does the automated beat mixing feature work on it? Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Mensajes Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 3:29 am
It's great that Numark is releasing products for computer DJ'ing now ..and what does the controller cost ? it's looks like a really good investment

Mensajes Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 4:16 am
For those of us that have been around awhile, we remember when Numark came on the scene. Let me just say, I and none of the other DJs I knew, would ever own a Numark product. You got what you paid for, and not one bit more. What kept them in business, was their innovation, which they had from the start. They always had something new. They jumped into the DJ business, way before Pioneer, Denon, and even Technics. There were no DJ companies. I have used and owned a lot of shit, when I first started, because there was nothing else. The 1200 was an accident. I will not go into the whole history of pro equipment. I have watched them improve their quality over the years and continue to come out with new ideas. They have made other companies step up to the plate. Who was the first to come out with a controller? We all have our favorites, and once I got 1200s, I never bought anything else. I own a DAC 3, but am waiting for the DMC 2.

As for the dual DVD player, most of us stayed away from this, because we knew of the limitations from the beginning.

Mensajes Mon 02 Apr 07 @ 5:41 am
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
@ GaryBr and A Man and His Music

I started Djing over twenty years ago. I still own my first mixer, a Numark mixer, a PPD1750,which still works just fine by the way. Is all of their stuff great, no. But when they get something right, it is a home run. I now own 2 iCDXs and a miriade of other Numark products. Also I have worked in clubs in downtown Chicago and Numark stuff was in use. Just like everything else you have to choose what is right and what is'nt. And not over estimate what a product will do. Could Numark do some things better? Yeah, but who could'nt do some things better? I love my iCDXs and use them in tandem with a DXM01usb mixer and Cue. In my humble opinion...a home run. Give them another try, and feel free to e-mail me and ask what my experience with a given Numark product is, I'll shoot strait. Also can anyone tell me how to post pictures of my new rig? I bet you guys would dig it.

Mensajes Wed 04 Apr 07 @ 1:00 am
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Mensajes Wed 04 Apr 07 @ 6:32 pm