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Tópico: Video Freezing On NVidia Turbocache Cards **FIX** - Page: 1

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

My new Desktop system has a 7300LE and 256MB of Ram, as the system has 1GB of ram Turbocache was active bumping it up to 512MB.
After loading a second video and playing it, the first one would have video freezeups randomly (Like a 10 second freeze every 30 seconds) untill i loaded a new track in deck one, then deck two would start freezing. It seemed that it was always the OLD track that would suffer from the freezing issue.
This only happened with "Hardware Rendering" active under config, using software rendering, the issue was resolved, but at the cost of all transitions & Effects not working (Except Fade) and the fact that software rendering pulls a bucketload of juice from the main CPU. (This is not why I have a GPU, to hand all the work to the main CPU instead!=)

I have however solved the problem, and here is what did it!

Using RivaTuner, under power user tab, open matched database, and then NVIDIA ForceWare 81.94 system, I set the value to "1" on "RMDisableRenderToSysMem" and restarted my PC. I found that the control panel is now showing only 256MB instead of 512MB as it was before.

Video now plays properly on both decks properly, with Hardware rendering active.


Mensajes Tue 15 May 07 @ 3:08 pm
Lucky you, 7300LE is the worst card for the money, for a little extra you should get 7300GT with ddr3 memory and higher clock or GPU. I suggest:
Leadtek 7300GT Extreme 256Mb or
Asus 7300GT TOP (which is very overcloackable friendly btw ;) ).

Unfortunatly I didn't have much choice in the matter, I placed the order, and was sort of stuck with what the supplier could deliver on short notice. The card is fine for VDJ, it was just a matter of sorting out the turbocache issue. My main system uses a 5200 with 64MB and that runs fine, But it only uses dedicated memory. The 7300 uses half and half.

You had luck that yours 7300LE has good memory otherwise it wouldn't work at all.

Halo, i am experiencing a similar freezing video problems with my NVIDIA graphics in my brand new Acer lappy. It's the Geforce Go 7300 up to 256mb with Turbocache. I have downloaded Rivatuner and done what you said but when you click on 'open matched database' it says it cannot find the database for Forceware 86.02. i cant find on the nvidia website any updated drivers for the graphics card so im rather stuck now. Any ideas?


So I'm using an nvidia geforce 8600gt on xp and I am having the exact same problems you were talking about. Even though our graphics cards aren't the same I figured I'll still try your fix. So I downloaded rivatuner and went throught the steps but when I went to open matched database its says, "rivatuner cannot find the database for forceware 101.34 do you want to open database for closest driver."
Just like nickquest.
But I went on clicked yes and finished the steps you went over. Restarted my comp. went to virtual vinyl and I was having the freezing issue again.

Have you heard anything about the card I'm using?


I think that 7300Go card is just not up to the task for video, sorry. It is low budget one and plus it is using main ram which is slow.
You can try this drivers:
it should work.

@Donnie Blaze
8600GT is a good card, it uses ddr3 memory that is more than good for video use. You might have problem with the driver or Direct X, try to update both to the latest. Can you tell us which model of 8600Gt you have?
For both: you might be using old version of Riva tuner, but I think that Riva can't help ya...

I'm using the Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT with 256 VRAM.

I should also tell you that I'm using the new Macbook Pro Santa Rosa 2.4 running bootcamp. I would think that I'm just having a problem with bootcamp but I had VDJ running perfectly with the previous version of Macbook Pro which had the ATI 1600 card.

I downloaded the rivatuner final 2.02.



....but I'm using bootcamp windows xp.

Dude, no-one will help me on the mac forum.

Wait, you use 8600GT on PC or a Mac? I am a little confused here :/
Which version do you use?

I have a Macbook Pro. But I'm running the PC version of VDJ with bootcamp. I would love to buy this program and join you guys but I just can't get this shit to work right.

Donnie Blaze wrote :

So I'm using an nvidia geforce 8600gt on xp and I am having the exact same problems you were talking about. Even though our graphics cards aren't the same I figured I'll still try your fix. So I downloaded rivatuner and went throught the steps but when I went to open matched database its says, "rivatuner cannot find the database for forceware 101.34 do you want to open database for closest driver."
Just like nickquest.
But I went on clicked yes and finished the steps you went over. Restarted my comp. went to virtual vinyl and I was having the freezing issue again.

Have you heard anything about the card I'm using?

Never heard of that one, but 101.34 is too new for riva tuner, 93.71 was the latest diver that riva would work with, even 94.xx was too new.

Have you checked in Nvidia's control panel to see how much memory it says it has? If it is showing double the memory that you KNOW is on the card, then turbocache is still running.

nickquest wrote :
Halo, i am experiencing a similar freezing video problems with my NVIDIA graphics in my brand new Acer lappy. It's the Geforce Go 7300 up to 256mb with Turbocache. I have downloaded Rivatuner and done what you said but when you click on 'open matched database' it says it cannot find the database for Forceware 86.02. i cant find on the nvidia website any updated drivers for the graphics card so im rather stuck now. Any ideas?

I suspect the Nvidia driver is too old, even though I remember using an 80's driver set, but not completely sure, try a newer driver, ie 93.xx or below.

@ DJ-Alf, I'm using a Go5200 with 64 MB of ram, and video here is smooth as silk, even with many plugins going all at once. Anything newer whould have to be better than my old 5200fx I'd hope.. =)

Which video file format do you use? It is unbelievable that 5200Go is working ok!

Most of my videos ar rendered in MPEG2 SVCD format, but I also have some in DIVX format, and a couple in full dvd quality that also play fine, all with various transitions including all of the 3D transitions. In truth I proberly have a mix of most formats, and sizes, including MP3+G in zip format.

All my shows also have Showlogo2 active and running with my logo, and a copy of Text2D running with a scrolling message, and title and artist showing at the top of the screens. Sometime I also run backdrop at the end of the night, along with Sonique sometimes with no issues. When no video is present club photos are run, with fade transitions, fine here too.

Ok so my card is running at 512 and I KNOW its supposed to be 256. So I need to turn turbocache off. The problem is that my driver is too new for rivatuner. So I tryed to roll back to 93.71 but it won't let me because I'm using the mac nvidia driver with bootcamp. So I think I need to somehow rollback the driver on my mac side then go into windows and use rivatuner.


I'm not up to speed on Mac, or bootcamp, I'm also unsure if this trick will work on Macs, no harm in giving it a try though. If Rivatuner is working for you thats a start, just a matter of finding a driver that will work both with the mac and rivatuner.

Failing that, Try a Google search (Thats where i got the idea from) for something like "Mac Disable Turbocache Nvidia", if you get nothing, try removing some words, too many, try adding some.

I dieing here. I don't know what to do. Everyone just keeps saying that the problem is with vdj, not bootcamp or mac or my xp or nvidia.

I think I'm just about done here. I'll just cross my fingers and hope that serato's video plugin won't have these problems.

Don't change the drivers on in the Bootcamp XP install - use the drivers from the MAC XP Drivers disk. I have installed VDJ on a MAC BookPro 17" - no problems only using the MAC XP drivers CD created from the BootCamp install. Video performance is as good if not better that on my desktop.
