
Forum: Old versions

Tópico: White noise after several hours. - Page: 1

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I am experiancing the white noise bug !

System: Dell inspiron 1000 512mb, 30GB
Virtual DJ 4.3r12


Start Virtual DJ, leave over night, come back in the morning and all you get is white noise.

Closing down VDJ is the only way of stopping it.

I will run SoftIce and see if I can get to the bottom of it, as it looks like no on here can.


Mensajes Wed 23 May 07 @ 8:57 pm
tell me friend how did you get 4.3 when the latest demo is 4.2r1


this issue is now solved in the offical release of 4.3 hope to see you with us soon

Is this really fixed ? I have read other posts, I am willing to buy working software only.


Don't buy, it is NOT FIXED.

A friend of mine purchased the 4.3 for the club where he works and he gets that white noise after 4-5 hours. He stopped using it since two weeks and uses Traktor with no problem.

BTW, there is nothing talking about this bug in the 4.3 history...

ve2fgs wrote :
Don't buy, it is NOT FIXED.

I see that Native Instruments is attacking, LOL
It is working for all of us who have license.... makes you think, don't ya? ;)

i dont wish to be rude but funny noises are a known issue caused by cracks as they damage the code....

perhaps you should try a different demo ;)

Yes, you're right, all of those people are using cracked version....

If you read the threads instead of replying bullshit, you will see that many registered users had this issue. I had it with the DEMO version too. It's not a funny noise, it's a 0dB White Noise, flooding all outputs of your sound cards. Don't bother replying if you guys have nothing intelligent to say.

those are all version 4.1 and 4.2 we are on v4.3 now soon to be 4.4 many of the issues mentioned are resolved!


I will wait a working demo version before buying. As I understood, the 4.3 still has the White Noise issue.

@ ve2fgs. So do you think that all of us that use VDJ just ignore the white noise & tell the crowd to get used to it or that it's a new feature. Everybody's machine works differently. Tweak you machine for best results. The # of people using VDJ well are more than those having issues. I was a crackhead too. Buy the program.
The first step is admitting. Say I -- A M -- A -- C R A C K H E A D.

I am replying to this, but I do not really why ...

You're probably right, a technical forum with 35168 threads is probably something normal for a P*E*R*F*E*C*T software like VDJ...

Nobody seems to read here ! I told you that I got this problem when I tried the DEMO version 6 months ago for a 20 days period. Moreover, if you read the posts in the links I just gave, you will see that most users are so-called "Experienced professional user". Why would they use a cracked version ??

Here is a list of "Experienced professional user" that had this white noise problem:

1- mest42085
2- cgariss
3- Niems
4- Pionara
5- lopez453
6- GaryBr
7- knarf40

You seem to know everything, please tell me why.


Your an idiot. Your arguement has been answered point for point, and you spew out the same data that has already been proved irrelevant. There's no doubt in my mind at all, that you are using a cracked copy of Virtualdj 4.3. No one takes the time to go into a forum, become a member, lurk around, and then post about a problem seen in crack versions, because he does have Virtual DJ at all, and his buddy has a legal copy that has a problem. That's quite a shovel full of manure to expect us to believe.

yes, I am a no licenese user, but only because I having been waiting for the Numark Total Control to come out, which I will be purchasing shortly. I have been using the demo on various machines for testing and to tide me over until now, and I have been lurking the forum learning as much as I can, so I could make an educated purchase. Many of the problems that people have are from cracked versions. Many of the problems that legal users are having, have to do with all the various combinations of hardware that are possible, and the various levels of possible settings. The same situation causes a new video game to work on one persons mediocre computer, and to crash on someone's high end $5,000 machine.

If this was not the case, millions of people would not be using VDJ, and VDJ would be someone's garage computer project by now.

As for yourself, it would be great if you would go buy Tracktor, or something else. Apparently you don't like VDJ, and I don't think it likes you very much either...LOL.


"because he does have Virtual DJ at all" should be "because he doesn't have Virtual DJ at all,"

Who said the individuals you pulled out are using a cracked version.
Listen to the bright individual who just spoke. Instead of wasting time looking for nonsense, look for solutions to your problem.

Perhaps those that are having this problem should look and see if there is something common between their computers. I am not having this issue on any of my PC's. Perhaps there is a common motherboard, sound card, or other peripheral causing it

This Just Happenned to me now.
Using 4.3, latest revision.
All software on my computer is updated.

In the middle of a song, VDJ just closed itself and the laptop played this continous buzzing sound.

All I could was reboot.

This is very sad.
People post bugs, and "experienced users" insult them.

And then everyone wonders why the stabilityt of this software gets worse with every release.

Mantahoe wrote :
Who said the individuals you pulled out are using a cracked version.

I do believe that in the bugs forum a similar thread exists where at least one influential member of the software (i.e. vip and above) has stated that white noise is caused by a modification which the software creates when using a cracked version - the solution, a full os reinstall.

yes , there are two causes of this anoying problem

1. using a crack damages a subroutine which then causes white noise the bad code will remain on your system after installing a legitimate version ,

not into the business of judging people but if you know you have used a crack make a fresh install of your os

2. power saving software or hardware settings you will find info on that earlier in the post

this isnt peoples fault , its an exceptionaly anoying feature of windows
