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Tema: Virtual 5.0 Karaoke and other problems/Bugs

Este tópico es antiguo y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Hey Guys,
Installed 5.0 last night and tested for 2 1/2 hours using MP3 and VOB files. No problems. Used it on a gig today and was playing around with some of the new settings listed in the 5.0 supplemental manual. I went to Config, Browser tab and set the update folders to auto (or whatever it\'s called) so that as I add new files, the program is supposed to automatically detect them. Well, it didn\'t seem to do that on my system. I searched for a song I knew I had in one of my folders located in the left window, but it didn\'t show up in the serch results unless I had the folder where the song came from highlighted. Ok, the manual said you can right click and manually add the folders and their contents to the DB which I did and all was fine. I could be on any folder and find any song, even if it was in a different folder than what I was in. Note, I did not click m,anually scan in the Config tab when I scanned each folder. It was set for auto. Just wanted to mention that because the manual said you need to be set to manual to do that.
All the folders scanned or were added to the database fine until I clicked on my Karaoke folder. Then the program locked and I had to Cntrl, Alt, Del to get out of it and restart. My karaoke folder has 2 sub folders inside called K1 and K2. They are different collections. Anyway, all my Karaoke files are a pairing of MP3 and CDG like most people have. Every single time I tried to scan or even click on the karaoke folder, the program locked until about the 6th try. Then it took about 30 seconds and then opend the branch menu and showed folder K1 and K2. When I tried to click on either of them, it locked up again and had to be shut doen. I tried about 15 times and each time was the same. I went into the Config and looked at the codecs and there was no CDG codec, but I then read in the manual; that you don\'t need any because Virtual 5.0 detects them on it\'s own. I then Copied one file (an Elvis Song) both the MP# and CDG and placed it in the root Karaoke file. When I clicked on the top Karaoke file folder, I could see the elvis song and load and play it. This led me to guess that for some reason, VDJ 5.0 can\'t read cdg files if they are in a sub folder, so I started to move the contents of K1 directly into the root Karaoke folder. It copied all the files up to Jimmy buffect and then said it couldn\'t move the file for some reason. I tried to click on the root Karaoke folder to see if the songs I did transfer would come up, but it locked again and the next 5 times I repeated the attempt.
I left my day gig and went to my night gig and didn\'t touch the karaoke folder and everything went perfect. However, I have Karaoke gig\'s coming up and currently no way to access and play them. Has anyone else experienced this? My Mp3 and CDG files are on an external Western Digital 250 gig drive. My laptop is an Alienware Pentium 3 3.2 gig processor, 1gig of ram and a 60 gig internal harddrive. My video card is an invideo gforce 9800 (I think that\'s the model #). Everything worked flawlessly in4.3.
Thje last issue tongith is the volume when recording samples either in Jingle oir Loop mode. I recorded a few samples and wihen I played them the volume was so low even when cliding the volume slider up to full..

Mensajes Sun 26 Aug 07 @ 9:31 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
blaide13 wrote :
Installed 5.0 last night and tested for 2 1/2 hours using MP3 and VOB files. No problems. Used it on a gig today and was playing around with some of the new settings listed in the 5.0 supplemental manual.

Well thanks for taking the time to use the guide.

blaide13 wrote :
I went to Config, Browser tab and set the update folders to auto (or whatever it's called) so that as I add new files, the program is supposed to automatically detect them. Well, it didn't seem to do that on my system. I searched for a song I knew I had in one of my folders located in the left window, but it didn't show up in the serch results unless I had the folder where the song came from highlighted.

VirtualDJ does not actively go find new files for you, that's why after you did the next step (quote below) everything started showing. The Search Database set to Add Automaticly means that when you recurse a directory structure or click on a folder, VirtualDJ will add those files to the database as it sees them.

blaide13 wrote :
Ok, the manual said you can right click and manually add the folders and their contents to the DB which I did and all was fine. I could be on any folder and find any song, even if it was in a different folder than what I was in. Note, I did not click m,anually scan in the Config tab when I scanned each folder. It was set for auto. Just wanted to mention that because the manual said you need to be set to manual to do that.

What the manual says is that if you do set it to Add Manually then you will need to right click and choose 'Add to Search DB' if you want to be able to search for those files later. But as you stated, you have it set to AUTO so NO you don't need the do the 'Add to Search DB' because VirtualDJ will do it for you because of the 'auto' setting.

blaide13 wrote :
All the folders scanned or were added to the database fine until I clicked on my Karaoke folder. Then the program locked and I had to Cntrl, Alt, Del to get out of it and restart. My karaoke folder has 2 sub folders inside called K1 and K2. They are different collections. Anyway, all my Karaoke files are a pairing of MP3 and CDG like most people have. Every single time I tried to scan or even click on the karaoke folder, the program locked until about the 6th try. Then it took about 30 seconds and then opend the branch menu and showed folder K1 and K2. When I tried to click on either of them, it locked up again and had to be shut doen. I tried about 15 times and each time was the same.

Sounds like you have some possible corruption with some of your files. I ran into something similar during the beta testing and it was that my hard drive had some severe issues of corruption.

blaide13 wrote :
I went into the Config and looked at the codecs and there was no CDG codec, but I then read in the manual; that you don't need any because Virtual 5.0 detects them on it's own. I then Copied one file (an Elvis Song) both the MP# and CDG and placed it in the root Karaoke file. When I clicked on the top Karaoke file folder, I could see the elvis song and load and play it. This led me to guess that for some reason, VDJ 5.0 can't read cdg files if they are in a sub folder, so I started to move the contents of K1 directly into the root Karaoke folder. It copied all the files up to Jimmy buffect and then said it couldn't move the file for some reason. I tried to click on the root Karaoke folder to see if the songs I did transfer would come up, but it locked again and the next 5 times I repeated the attempt.

See my comment above.

blaide13 wrote :
I left my day gig and went to my night gig and didn't touch the karaoke folder and everything went perfect. However, I have Karaoke gig's coming up and currently no way to access and play them. Has anyone else experienced this?

See my comment above.

Mensajes Sun 26 Aug 07 @ 9:51 am
Just to add to what cstoll said above. Try this, in order :-

1. In windows, right click the drive, select properties/tools and do a defrag. If it offers to do a checkdisk as well, let it.
(if there's a corruption on the HD, a lot of the time defrag will find it and lock or give errors)

2. Restart the computer.

3. Start VDJ5 and select config/browser. Select whichever drive is the karaoke drive and do a check, clean and fix. Then close VDJ.

4. Open VDJ and repeat 3 but without closing VDJ after.

5. Now try opening the karaoke folder. If it still fails, post back, if it opens, continue.

6. Do a recurse on the karaoke folder

7. add to search DB.

Mensajes Sun 26 Aug 07 @ 10:08 am
Hi guys,
Thanks for the info.. I don't think my Karaoke files are ciorrupted because they all wrked flawlessly in 4.3, but I could be wrong. I followed the proceedure of going into Windows, finding the drive the files are on and doing a defrag and scan check. I then opened VDJ 5 and hit config, browser and checked, cleaned and fixed. Shiut down VDJ 5 and re-opened and did again. Now I can open the karaoke folders and see the files. The next step of the instructions you sent said to do a re-curse and then add the Karaoke f0older to the DB. I know how to add to DB, but how do I recurse the Karaoke folder? I'm not entirely computer savy, so don't laugh at me if thats a doumb question.

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 3:28 am
Sorry, I think that was a doumb question, but let me ask to be sure. Does recurse mean to click on the folder to open it? If so, I did that and the Karaoke folder opened and branched down to show K1 and K2 folders. I then clicked on K2 which has further sub-folders in it (A-B, C-D, etc.). I clicked on A-B and it took about 30 seconds, but then the files showed up in the main browser window. I then clicked on the main Karaoke folder which has a large amount of files and nothing happened, or it is scanning, but it's gonmna take a while like it did on the A-B folder. If it eventually shows the files, I will then click Add to DB. I'll keep you posted.

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 3:37 am
Well, I clicked on each sub-folder of the main Karaoke file and clicked "Add to DB" for each one. As I clicked on each folder, it took a while for the files to show up in the main browser window. Once everything was added, I could click on any of the MP3 folders, do a search for a title and MP3 as well as Karaoke files show up. The only thing is that if I click on one of the karaoke folders again, it still takes a long time for the files to show up in the browser window. Until they do show up, VDJ 5 is non-responsive to any clicks of the mouse as if the program froze up. Once the files show up in the browser though, VDJ 5 is fine. I clicked on the main Karaoke folder and the program locks up and I can only get out by hitting Cntrl, ALt, Del.. Perhaps iof I wait a long time it will unfreeze, but that is nop way to work on a job. VDJ Ver. 4.3 was fine. I could click opn any folder in the karaoke and the files showed up instantly without a hiccup. What is different in Ver. 5 that is causing this problem? Perhaps this may be a bug which will need to be addressed in Ver. 5.1. I don't think it's my hardware, because the same files functioned perfect in 4.3. For now the only way I can use Karaoke and not have my system crash, is to never click on the karaoke folders, but instead, search for Karaoke songs in other folders.
I am trying one more thing which I hope will help. I noticed (and saw on the forum that other people have run into this as well) that a little less than 50% of all my files have lost their BPM and Gain values since I upgraded to 5.0. I am re-anylizing every file (which probably will take 3 days or so), in the hopes that VDJ 5 will better key into each file once scanned and maybe that will help with the Karaoke issue. However, I don't thing that will really fix the problem as in Ver. 4.3, even if a karaoke file wasn't anylized, it still loaded pretty fast and didn't lock the program when I clicked on the karaoke folder.

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 4:30 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
To recurse - right click on the folder and select the top menu item - Recurse.

Please understand that if you have the Tags option to Read ASAP, then everytime VirtualDJ sees a file that doesn't contain the Tag info in VirtualDJ's Database, it will actively pull it from the tags. So, the first couple times going into a folder for the first time will be sluggish. But after that things do get better.

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 4:46 am
ok, I right clicked on the main karaoke folder and I'm waiting for it to open the menu (as it scans the files). Ok, menu is up and I clicked re-curse and it's recursing. What exactly is recursing? What is the proigram doing to the file? Is it building a quicker path to the file location on the hard drive?

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 4:57 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
No Recursing is like a 'Show All' it is querying through that entire structure and building the list of all the files to be displayed in the middle panel.
It's not doing anything to the files except reading information based on how you have the Info Gathering setting set in the Config->Browser tab.

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 5:06 am
Ok, I recursed and then right clicked again and clicked on " add to DB". AFter that I clicked on another MP3 folder and then back to the Karaoke folder and the system locked up. Had to Cntrl, Alt, Del again. On the config, browser menu, you mentioned Tags option. I have mine set to never read because I thought that reading the tags means it will connect to the internet to get the tag info. which may be different from how I have my files named. Also, my laptop never connects to the internet, so I fiugured it can't search for the tags anyway, so I should turn tags off. All my MP3 files read fine, but maybe I don't understand the operation of how tags work and should have it set to something other than what I'm using. Could this be part of my problem?

Mensajes Tue 28 Aug 07 @ 5:16 am

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