Mixon 8 Pro

Reloop - Mixon 8 Pro - Disposición


  1. CROSSFADER. Blends audio between the channels assigned to the left and right side of the crossfader.

  2. CUE SPLIT. Use this switch to split the audio of the headphones so that the audio of Master channel is on the left ear, and the audio of the headphones channel (decks) is on the right ear.

  3. CF ASSIGN. Set a mixer channel as Left (A position), Right (B position) or Thru. When in THRU position, the crossfader will not affect the output level of the channel. When in A/B position, the output of the channel will be maximum at left/right crossfader position and its output level will be blend with the audio signal of the Right/Left assigned decks depending on the crossfader position and the selected crossfader curve.

  4. VOLUME. Adjust the Volume of each channel.

    Hold SHIFT down and then use use these faders to adjust the Volume of each channel and at the same time stop the deck to the last Cue position, when the fader is at the minimum position and start the deck when the fader moves from the minimum position to any other. (Fader Start/Stop)

  5. Master VUMETER. Shows the strength of the Master output's signal.

  6. FX PADDLES. Use these paddles to activate the selected effect(s).
    Move the paddles away from you to activate the selected effect(s) permanently. The paddles will latch to that position.
    Pull the paddles towards you to activate the selected effect(s) momentarily.

  7. FILTER. Use this knob to apply a High/Low Pass Filter to the deck. In middle position no filter is applied.

  8. PFL/CUE. Press these buttons to send the audio signal from a mixer channel to the Headphones Output channel.

  9. EQ LOW. Adjust the Low (Bass) frequencies for each mixer channel.

  10. EQ MID. Adjust the Mid frequencies for each mixer channel.

  11. EQ HIGH. Adjust the High (Treble) frequencies for each mixer channel.

  12. GAIN. Adjust the Gain of each mixer channel.

  13. CH VUMETER. Shows the strength of each channel’s pre fader signal.

  14. SOURCE. Define the source of each channel of the controller.
    For PC mixing put the switchers to USB A or USB B position depending on which port you have connected your computer.

  15. STEREO/MONO. Toggle the Master output of the controller between stereophonic and monoaural sound (hardware operation).

  16. Master VOLUME. Adjust the level of the Master Output. Hardware operation - movement not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI

  17. BOOTH VOLUME. Adjust the level of the Booth Output. Hardware operation – movement not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI.

  18. HEAPHONES VOLUME. Adjust the Volume Output of the Headphones Channel.

  19. HEADPHONES MIX. Adjust how the Channels and the Master Output blend at the Headphones Channel.

  20. Sampler VOLUME. Adjust the Master Output Volume of the VirtualDJ Sampler

  21. BROWSE ENC. Scroll through files of folders. Push the encoder to toggle focus between the Folders and the Songs Lists.

    Hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to scroll faster (+/- 15 tracks or folders per click)
    Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to toggle between the normal and zoomed Browser view

  22. BACK. Use this button to set focus to the Folders List. If focus is already to the Folders List, use this button to open/close sub-folders.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to cycle focus between the available Browser windows (Folders, Songs and Sideview).

  23. LOAD. Press these buttons to load the selected track from the Browser to decks 1 to 4. The LED of the button will be on if the deck is loaded.

    Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 3 to load the selected track to the Automix List.
    Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 1 to open/close Sideview Browser window.
    Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 2 to cycle through the available Mixer panels (Audio, Video, Scratch and Master ).
    Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 4 to cycle through the available Sideview windows (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke, Sampler and Clones).
Controles de Deck