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Forum: Video Discussion

Tópico: SOURCE FOR HD (720p or 1080p) MUSIC VIDEOS - Page: 1

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Does anyone here know where to obtain 720p (or 1080p) video clips?

Mensajes Sun 29 Jan 12 @ 7:27 am
Promo Only does not offer them... so where do I go?

I've searched this (and other) forums, but could not find a provider. Is nobody interested in playing high quality video clips?

Obviously not...

So... was this an incredibly stupid question, or is there really no one else here interested in playing 720p music videos?

HELLO! ...hello ...hello (echo)

OMG I'm all alone here! Everyone else has gone!

But... where to?


Already 74 reads, yet still no answer...

Cool! Never had a whole thread all for myself! :)

This is a test, right?

I know it is...

Promo Only in the UK supply HD video content :)

Blasted SBDJ! You ruined my spotless record of the first longest thread without answers! LOL

Seriously though: thank you for taking the time to comment. When I look at their web site (UK/Europe), only MP4 and VOBs seem to be available. Where can I browse the HD department, to see what they offer?

Just to be clear: I'm not interested in buying DVD's or BRD's, just direct downloads.


140 READS ALREADY!!! On my way for 150!

test Mixmash also download but can not remember if they also have the video in HD

Deejay Corny wrote :
When I look at their web site (UK/Europe), only MP4 and VOBs seem to be available. Where can I browse the HD department, to see what they offer?

All new UK promo only weekly downloads are now available in 720P - you just configure your downloader software to have HD as the preferred download.

I've had a few HD videos from labels directly, it would be great if official HD content supply could step up - HD capable venues are out there.

I second that!

Hi Corny,
You can have MP4 in HD. But it is very difficult to find old vids in HD, til now i didn't find any provider, nor mixmash, nor Promo only. So, if you need HD vids, only new vids are at both supliers I've told you. You can also reencode all your old vids yourself in HD if you have them in VOBs or either in MP4 but there is no gain in doing so.
Guess it will help.

Thanks for the advice! I actually did re-work all my disco funk soul seventies video material (new audio track, mp4 format, etc.)
Keep spinning! :)

Deejay Corny wrote :
Thanks for the advice! I actually did re-work all my disco funk soul seventies video material (new audio track, mp4 format, etc.)
Keep spinning! :)

Hi Corny, when you say you re-worked all your "disco funk soul seventies video material", was that into HD format and did that make any difference to the picture quality? How did you manage to sync the new audio tracks with the videos? Good job though !!!
I for one wiill be most interested in the resulting new music video. Please post a sample here or PM me.


You can use any (semi-) professional video editing software. You drag the video clip onto the time line. Then you drag the equalized, tweaked, sped-up, beat-underlaid, remixed, etc. sound file on the second time line. You sync the audio from the video with the new audio, delete the old audio, export the file, and voila: you've got a new video clip!

I made my video clips 1024x768 because that's the output resolution of my beamer. The source material from the 70s is generally not very good, but you can tweak the video material also a bit.

It's a lot of work, but once you get the hang of it, it's fun!


Ok hi everybody if anybody wants any help where to found music videos plz let me know, i know few websites
