
Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: VirtualDJ 7.4 - Page: 11

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Can I download 7.4 on windows 8?


Ludek, thanks re Posted Fri 05 Apr 13 @ 8:54 pm

Recently update to 7.4 and make all config that you vdj say since two weeks ago have about 13 crashes while working on

I start using my ddj-sx whit the ddj-se whit the mapper that PhantomDeejay made and have a great performance, I will come back to the vdj previous version 7.3 and switch the ddj-sx to not serato mode and install the PhantomDeejay mapper, until now its much much better that the native mapper on the latest vdj version, if someone has the same problem please feddback.

Regards in advance

For most users, v7.4 works perfectly, so if you are getting crashes then there is some other issue causing these. A mapper wouldn't do this. Please see and open a post in either the PC or Mac technical support forums (As appropriate) for further assistance.

NOTE: If you prefer Phantom's mapper layout then an updated version of it available for v7.4 that works in Serato mode. Make sure that you remove the definition in v7.4 (From My Documents\VirtualDJ\Devices) because this will conflict with the native definition.

I think I probably missed something. I just upgraded from 7.3 to 7.4 and the clock is completely missing. I tried on several different skins to make sure it wasn't just an issue with a skin. Help!

I have correct clock in the VDJ 7.4

Reinstall meybe

on DDJ-SX with 7.4, am I the only one having trouble with the bass treble and mids been too sensitive( when i moove them just a bit 5%) also its making songs sound with software use "awkward" not "clean", compared to real mixer?

also can anyone post a photo of settings --> options
and settings ---> sound setup
for DDJ-SX -> 7.4
Thank you so much!

you can use the parametric equalizer so you can set the cutoff for each frequency. It sounds great but the one downside is that it doesn't have full cut. Another option is a VST if your using windows. I use minimal systems instruments 'ultimate 3 band' It's not too resource hungry although you can't scratch if you use it but that doesn't really bother me.

kirili wrote :
also can anyone post a photo of settings --> options
and settings ---> sound setup
for DDJ-SX -> 7.4
Thank you so much!

I'd like to see that too. I'm still having trouble with the platters. As of right now their pretty much only good for cueing, other than that their useless.

so far so good... been fart arsing around for 2 days, no crash no sound isues but still that little delay when loading a track on the deck. (no big deal)
now to install my mac with back up

Hi there if any one can help it would be great!!!
ive got the mixdeck quad and it very good but haveing a few problems with it!!
when i press the headphone botton the sound cuts off and not good when trying to mix !!!!!

any help would be great

Please open your own new topic on this subject, preferably in the hardware forum:

Please also don't post the same message more than once. It will not get you a faster reply, especially when only 1 minute has elapsed since your first post! Please be patient and wait for a response from user(s) with the appropriate knowledge.

sorry but that !!!!

I saw some talk in this thread about content unlimited and I have questions,
I save my tunes on an external HD, most places I play dont have net or net I would trust so I do not play while online,
According to what I read content unlimited will work for this, saving the desired tunes before your offline show in the Cache folder that is on the computers drive ( in a VDJ folder ) so can the ( content unlimited downloaded ) tunes be moved from the Cache folder to a folder on my external drive?
Many thanks!


will 7.4 work with my Hercules RMX. cause I had it and deleted it cause. the cue is acting kinda funky. it cue in all kind of spots when I start a new song it a fix for that

All Hercules controllers are supported in v7.4

Nothing has changed in the way they work, so if it was not working correctly then there may be some other problem. Please also note that by default VirtualDJ skips silence at the beginning of a song once it has finished loading (Or jumps to the first cue point if this is set.) This can be turned off in VurtualDJ's options.

the best are for denon because I can not get the update v7.4
