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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Tópico: Focus on timecode - Page: 1

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Noticed yet another update on time code today.

I see there's a marketing thing going on with TC just now which is fine, but it seems it's been a couple of months now where TC has been priority.

Any chance of some updates for non TC users, there are a few random bugs (some which I have reported myself) that don't seem to be replied to or fixed, and of course some features from V7 that aren't carried over either. Obviously there's been a lot of threads requesting improvements to Auto mix too.

Loving V8 and it's certainly functional but little bugs are just as important as big hitters like time code.



Mensajes Tue 11 Nov 14 @ 1:01 pm
Ditto what he said!

ditto X 2


There seems to have been nothing but work only on timecode, what about the mess that is video, will that ever be addressed in these beta versions, over six months since v8 was released and absolutely no remedies or acknowledgements to questions on the subject.

As per what djdad says - look at the changelogs and you'll see far more than timecode changes.

In the last public build alone there have been improvements to visualisations, automix, cue points, the sampler, tagging, video, some crash fixes, soundcard detection, improvements to a few effects, scripting fixes, skin fixes and controller fixes.

I appreciate that some of you guys still have outstanding stuff you'd like fixed and I hope they will be addressed soon.

So do we... lol, two main points for me are those empty monitor windows and not being able to use video sampler unless there is a music video loaded onto one of the decks, get those two items sorted and I'll be as happy as a pig rolling in mud (clean version).. haha.

I know we chatted on this in the past but after a few months I was hoping for a least a little movement on the video sampler side of things... damn Geordies always want thingss done yesterday!


Clicking on the master video preview will also activate video output (action "video on") and once video output is active video samples can be used even without any tracks loaded.

I believe his first point is referring to the visualisation being displayed where it is active (master or a deck depending on where it is needed) meaning that when active on the master the deck(s) with the audio files are blank.

Don't get me wrong guys, I can see there has been a lot of bug fixing and obviously crashguard have been a priority. It just seems that timecode has dominated things for a while now, and of course only a small percentage of users need that functionality.

Atomix need to get this right to compete with other software, however it just seems that everything else has been neglected for a while now. Maybe just me ......

tayla wrote :
...not being able to use video sampler unless there is a music video loaded onto one of the decks, ....

If not mistaken, this has been fixed in the latest beta build.


kradcliffe wrote :
Don't get me wrong guys, I can see there has been a lot of bug fixing and obviously crashguard have been a priority. It just seems that timecode has dominated things for a while now, and of course only a small percentage of users need that functionality.

Atomix need to get this right to compete with other software, however it just seems that everything else has been neglected for a while now. Maybe just me ......

Time code may have a small user base but it is a VERY ESSENTIAL part of the software if they are looking to gain new customers and take some from the competitors. For months after release, time code was horrible and now the recent spotlight has been placed on VDJ8 because professional/industry DJs have taken a liking to the new DVS system. I'm sure the recent time code updates hold more of a marketing value which is why the central focus of late. The remaining issues will get solved eventually fear not :-)

I would dump timecode. It's last century technology that Serato have hung on to so old skool DJs can still use decks and CD players. Everyone seems to want to be like Serato rather than doing their own thing.

I can't imagine more than 2% of VDJ users using it on a gig, and to me this new software should be concentrating on midi controllers and new features eg. playlist management and video as that is where 99% of the users are.

Personal opinion of course!

Hell no I want to scratch with wax. If we're all being 21st century and abandoning old tech, MIDI should have been dropped at the advent of HID
(Really why hasn't it *idly pondering* )

Seriously though, for how I use V8 there's little left to fix, (atomix might even get some money out of me soon!) lots of room for improvement but improvement is 8.1 territory.

I try to keep the focus on myself, and that I am making a living using this software. The reality is, the time code users were crying a few months ago, about this same issue, which is VDJ don't love me. The reality is the company is making improvements everyday. Just because your little issue is not being addressed, in the timely manner that you think it should be, is irrelevant. I don't know what their priority is, and don't care. As long as I feel that they are continuously working to make the software better, I'm satisfied. This is something they have been doing since I got here. So let's stop fighting about who gets the most love, because it really is silly.

kradcliffe wrote :
I would dump timecode. It's last century technology that Serato have hung on to so old skool DJs can still use decks and CD players. Everyone seems to want to be like Serato rather than doing their own thing.

I can't imagine more than 2% of VDJ users using it on a gig, and to me this new software should be concentrating on midi controllers and new features eg. playlist management and video as that is where 99% of the users are.

Personal opinion of course!

Are you for real, time code is main reason the software is now getting so much media attention. There is a large percentage of DJs that refuse to jump on the controller bandwagon. Many DJs waiting to dust their old 1210s off and give VDJ a go, believe it or not time codes is and will always be a key selling point for this software among professionals and professional veterans

To kradcilffe why wood u say that do u know the population of DJ are all using timecode pioneer reloop just made new turntables and there is even talks that Panasonic that make the technic 1200 are going to come back out.let me get the link and I will show u thousands of today DJ are all using timecode.yeah we all use controller to but timecode is here to stay so get your fact right before saying drop timecode all the big name DJ are using timecode.let me get the link so u can learn today DJs are using both.

angelt99 wrote :
all the big name DJ are using timecode.

Let's stop with the crazy talk, and try to stick with the facts. I have never seen any of the top DJs using timecode. Tiesto, Calvin Harris, Carl Cox, Avicii, or any of the other multi million dollar Djs, are not using timecode. Which actually means nothing to most of us, because I did not go out and buy Pioneer decks because they all use them. If you think that turntables are still relevant, good for you. If he thinks they are not, good for him. So now what, is someone going to win a prize or something? Again, the guys working to make this software better, are putting out fixes for every aspect of this software. Where is the proof that they have favored one group over the other?

We'll there are other BiG Name DJs outside of EDM, just for the record. Shiftee, craze, eskai83, mixmaster mike .. I could go on for hours, so don't make the foolish mistake to think that there are no DJs that still put on the best show using turntables ;)
