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Tema: Colour code cue points or POI?

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KokakaHome userMember since 2011
Can you colour code your cue points in virtual DJ?
Thanks for the help :)

Mensajes Wed 22 Nov 17 @ 4:26 pm
Kokaka wrote :
Can you colour code your cue points in virtual DJ?
Thanks for the help :)

Yes, in the POI editor you can
You get to it by right-clicking the track waveform

Mensajes Wed 22 Nov 17 @ 5:14 pm
You can also map buttons to do it
Just map cue_color + number + color
Like this:
cue_color 1 'blue'

Mensajes Wed 22 Nov 17 @ 5:16 pm
Nother interesting option is using the script above in a pad page, if you use the hotcue pad page to set your hotcues

Then you can make a new pad page just like the existing one, but change the script from:
hot_cue 1
hot_cue 2
hot_cue 3
...and so on - to the same script, but with a color script added, like
hot_cue 1 & cue_color 1 'blue'
hot_cue 2 & cue_color 2 'red'
hot_cue 3 & cue_color 3 'green'

Then when you set hotcues using the new pad page they will automatically get the matching color:

You can ofcourse do the same to the mapping behind the hotcue buttons on your controller, so they always also set a color

Mensajes Wed 22 Nov 17 @ 5:39 pm
This inspired me to do a video on the subject


Mensajes Wed 22 Nov 17 @ 11:36 pm
try this setting the way you see it in the image and all #1 will be one color all #2 another color etc....


Mensajes Thu 23 Nov 17 @ 12:26 am
klausmogensen wrote :
This inspired me to do a video on the subject

The video disappears! I need The video !!!


Mensajes Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 1:04 pm
It's a regular Youtube video:
EDIT: Removed - see below

Mensajes Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 2:08 pm
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Mensajes Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 2:27 pm

Mensajes Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 2:45 pm
geemixPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Yes klausmogensen, the link in your post above works just fine.

The old link shows the video as being removed/no longer available.

Mensajes Tue 23 Jan 18 @ 9:53 pm
HinkoPRO InfinityMember since 2013
Ok I got that, but now how can I get the color settings for cue points to reflect on my Apc controller ( I am using Akai Apc Mini)? I want my green cue point to show up green on the assigned pad, etc.
Anybody figured it out?

Mensajes Mon 07 Jan 19 @ 12:10 am

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