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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Tema: Is it safe to upgrade? My Version 8.5-64 b6732 has worked great with no issues for over a year. Advice
I currently use an Intel i7-10750H 2.60 Lenovo Legion gaming laptop with 16 GB of Ram, Windows 10 64 bit Home with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card.

I only use VDJ for music and have no issues with my current older version. I use a Denon MC4000 controller. I am a mobile wedding DJ.

This computer has not been connected to the internet in about a year. I have not done any windows updates. Once I get a system that works fine I do not like to mess with it.

Everyone seems to be raving about the new upgrade with the cleaner Stems 2.0.

Could the experts / users please weigh in and let me know if my current system and graphics card is strong enough to handle the most current VDJ version? Are there any issues I need to worry about or address? Are there any tips or tricks with installation and set up?

I DJ pretty much every week and while I have back up laptops this is my primary and I do NOT want to have any issues at a wedding.

THANK YOU in advance for all your help! Chris


Mensajes Wed 14 Dec 22 @ 2:34 am
yes it's safe to upgrade, and just like with anything on a computer you make backups before you do.
you've missed a LOT of updates and even if you don't use anything except music and don't use stems or stems 2.0 (easily disabled in Options) you're still missing improvements, fixes, and performance tweaks.
and yes it always amazes me when someone says 'ain't broke don't fix' when there literally ARE fixes.
stop being afraid of change - adopt and adapt.

Mensajes Wed 14 Dec 22 @ 3:55 am
Although I agree to a point I still have a bit of the "if it ain't broke" in me.

If your machine is reliable and you don't NEED new features then leave it as is until you have to move on. Stems are good fun but do you really need them as a wedding DJ?

Point being though that the VDJ updates are well tested and the public releases are rock solid in general.

Personally I block Windows updates on my gig machine as they seem to cause more harm than good overall.

Mensajes Wed 14 Dec 22 @ 9:32 am
What back ups should I make before upgrading? Is there an easy way to roll back the software if I encounter an issue?

Is it a better idea to just download the update to a zip drive and update it without ever being connected to the internet? Or do I have to register the new update even though my old version is registered.

Thanks again for all your advice!

Mensajes Wed 14 Dec 22 @ 1:23 pm

Mensajes Wed 14 Dec 22 @ 8:12 pm
NO... do NOT use a build that is a year old and ignores all of the fixes and updates since it was release just because someone is afraid of change!
you can choose which build to install from here:
and as for backups - VirtualDJ already has and has had automatic database backups for a long while now.
you can use those, or do the belt-and-suspenders approach and copy the entire VirtualDJ folder.

Mensajes Wed 14 Dec 22 @ 9:22 pm
Thank you!! One more question.

To make my life stress free I just bought another i7-10750H 2.60 Lenovo Legion gaming laptop with 16 GB of Ram, Windows 10 64 bit Home and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card.

I will now use the most current version of VDJ and continue to update it. I will keep my current old laptop and version as an back up.

I do not want to lost any que points or song titles etc. I know this is a basic question, but do I just copy the database file from my current laptop and then paste it into my new laptop after transferring the songs? Do I have to re analyze all of the songs?

Can someone please walk me through the process so I do not mess anything up? THANK YOU!!! Chris


Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 7:18 pm
there is a button on the lower left , you can export all of your date and use to restore to the new laptop

Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 7:45 pm

Mensajes Thu 15 Dec 22 @ 8:04 pm