
Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: I'm a "racist"... - Page: 2

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im with a man and his music i dont play songs twice and i save the hits until the end of the night...*though ive noticed around midnight is people are ready to dance where i live*
as fas as a request goes i will play it if i got it... i announce it ill build a mix around it...if its was a request...if i play it and you dont more request from you...ill just say ill try and get it on and keep it movin...
my 2 cents

yeah!!!! What they said LOL

i don't play 'em twice and i talk to a few different people over the course to get an idea how liquored up they are.....wish there was a liquor dipstick to use on 'em......then if they're getting tanked it's time for fulltilt party mode......usually very near the end you start to hear that was great , can you stay another hour, do my daughter's bday, etc......and i have about 10 pre picked for that time to really hit 'em w/ a dbl whammy......i think that's a big part of the referrals and ot.........

I am not the DJ at our club, but I am the sound/lighting guy.

It hadn't made any difference how crowded the dance floor is, and it's almost always packed, we still get requests.

We tell them that if we can fit it in, and we have it, we'll play it, but if their request doesn't come up during the night, we'll try for next week.

Most of our people are there regularly, so we rarely have a problem. I have yet to have our DJ tell us that someone called him names, or yelled at him or anything, but we do tend to mostely play the more recent, "hot" stuff, and there's enough to fill the 5 hours we run each week.

As has been said before, you can't please all the people all the time, so just do your best and let the rest roll off.


This is off the main topic but:

I noticed that at the 22:51 point, you went from Casper Slide into Electric Slide at the 22:52 point. Why the short mix--those are pretty poplar songs(at least around here). They are not really club-type songs though. Just some observations from an older dude!

Anyway back to main topic! As you get older and more experience, these situations will roll off you like water on a duck's back. You have to let it go, keep your composure, and let your work speak for itself. Most of all remember this: Alcohol + Anything = Trouble Chances are she didn't even remember the incident the next morning...thx

I tried to clean up the play list before I posted it. I did play both songs in their entirety. I've been doing this since the late 80's. I been there, done that. My issue is that it seems that the next generation is way more rude than previous. There was a time not that long ago that people were honored if the dj even acknowledged them and played their request. Now we are treated like jukeboxes. Play my song now!

I do have an update. I had a nice chat with management. I am the final decision on the music. I know what they are looking for and it's up to me to play the right music to get the crwod they want. When I choose not to play something, management is behind me 100%. I have also had a chat with security. Now when someone makes a request, I listen to the request and then turn away and put my headphones on then the security guy tells them that they have to move along. This system has worked perfectly.

Just this last weekend we had over 1700 people. I played a little bit of everything and only had one guy trying to get me to play Jim Jones - We Fly High. I have the song, but told him I didn't have it. He breaks out a $20 and says maybe it will help me find the song. I told him that I don't have the song and no amount of money will make it magically appear. Then security stepped in and asked him to leave.

Maybe things will start to change.......

Thanks to all who have voiced here. I think its good to share horror stories. It just might help someone from making the same mistakes.

It's good to keep the lines of Communication going with management & security staff. That way when You get problem customers there's a preset proticol to deal with them.

At my club it's up to me. Most of the time people seem alright if I say it's been played or I don't have it. There's not many that turn into problems. In those cases My mic is my friend

"Doorman to the DJ booth"

And my problem disappears.

VanStino says.......Very easy solution is grabbing your mic and telling the crowd that "we have an unexpected guest DJ that will mix 3 tracks flawless in 5 minutes!". And you say: "begin!".

I have never seen that guy again :P

As a DJ we really do have the power of the mic. Letting someone else mix for you might be a bad idea, as it might be another DJ who knows what he is doing and will end up playing 5 or 6 great tunes in a row thus killing your " Party Hour before last call."

Never lose your cool. Always depend on management and security. If they don't back you, its time to move on.

When I was playing a club way back when, clients were not allowed in the booth. I had not closed the door proper and some guy was there when I turned around. Scared the wits out of me. I told him he was not allowed in the booth and he said he could have hit me when I had my back to him. I cut the music, got on the mic and asked for security and then faded back into the tune that had been playing. Security was on him like white on rice. They did an "Elvis" on him that left him "All Shook Up". I never had another problem at that club. I have also did the name the person who asked for the "bad request" thing. It scares the others off if it is a bad request. If it is a good request play it with out anouncing who asked for it.

These are things that worked for me.
I am happy to see management and security are behind you on this.

keep the beat sweet.


you guys are a little to lenient to the first poster. call a spade a spade.
a hiphop crowd will try help the dj if he isnt exactly doing a good job. that could be one of the reasons they come to ask for requests.
if u didnt carry crates for a dj back in the day for the dj to teach the history of djing to be passed down to you, then maybe u need to read on it somewhere online.
this dj tradition as it is today even if this program was made by french and turntables were made by japanese is everything hiphop.
ur lucky u didnt get knocked the f0k out.
how u gonna "stick to your guns" and not take requests as a dj and think ur right? this is how ppl go to prison coz of ppl like like you. you are being a dickhead and ur lucky to be alive have that attitude.
i dont like looking at a playlist and judging it coz sometimes djs just have too much skills technically on the tts or are very good at hyping the crowd. well its obvious u dont really have a good job connecting with ur ppl on the mic and ii doubt u have time to beatmatch and scratch your nickelback and keith sweat.

djing comes with being good with ppl coz its a customer service job. someone who can turn any situation into a good situation. let ppl hate u in the street but say u do ur job right as a dj. the ppl who just buy computers and vdj and get into this rap sh1t with attitude like this could be in for a rude surprise. hope u dont get ho checked playing bust a move.

then im seein in another post u knockin ppl out... smh

u fit the description of a racist. ur lucky the girl came back with a waitress and not her boyfriend to knock you out.

I'd say you're the bigger racist judging by that post.

that was his version of his story to justify his actions. what was the girl's story?
its unacceptable for a dj to tell someone to fukk off. she wasnt drunk and disorderly.

In some area's of the states he's right - tellin a ho off might be enough "disrespect" to get him hurt. Even in some parts of Canada this is true.

However - the "respect" he wants is the same thing a schoolyard bully likes - he wants to be a BIG MAN in front of everyone.

Ask Al Copone where that got him. or Lucky Luciano, or Bugsy Segal, or "the Teflon Don" (don;t remember his name. The ponit I'm making is respect is just like the Golden rule you mamma used to tell you in sunday school.

You want repect?

Put on a Green Uniform and serve your counrty, try to make the world a safer place than it was when you came into it.

I did it and millions of men throughout history did it as well.

I got no respect for people living the "gangsta" lifestyle.

That's exactly what the problem is with the hip hop crowd. The club has contracted me to provide entertainment in line with their desires. No customer is going to dictate the format. Why is it hip hop folks just don't get it? You actually made a threat against my life because I don't even have the song in my library!

When it comes to hip hop, garbage in equals garbage out.

No one is forced to listen to what I play. If you don't like it, then leave. Threaten my life, and I will waste no time calling security or the police. They get paid to deal with people like you.


See when I dj its in my contract that no matter what, the bar does what i ask!! even if the problem is with the owners drunk frineds. Im a entertainer and preformer. If you have a problem buy the cd and listen to it in your house all you want.. I have been fired before and payed out due to breach of my contract due to managers that were loaded and wanted to hear something during a full house set.. I said its in my contract. read the fine print .. I even once had a bottle throwen at me and had the guy taken by police for asult with a weapon he served time.. I always have a camara on the dj booth that i control at all time , in case of theft or people unpluging stuff people pouring drinks on equiptment.. I once saw a dude die 3 feet from me in a club.. always protect your own ass.... Stretch

IM not raceist the places i work now drinks are 8$ each .. if you can afford to drink there you arent going to ask for anything im not willing to play.. people in hugo boss dont want to be throwen out of the club... the only thing that the bar sells for a dollar is the tip for the paper towel in the bathroom...

a hiphop crowd is a sincere crowd. if ur good ur good. there'r many good white hiphop djs. if u wack, u gonna get it. straight up. they dont hold back.
when a dj claimed theyv been doing this for many years that really doesnt matter to a hiphop crowd. if ur gonna play hiphop then know whats up.

when that Ludacris song Move B1tch came out. i heard it first in the car radio. i didnt think the song would work in the club. infact i refused to play it coz we hadnt really accepted south music, even tho we had accepted ludacris. this black girl came up to me to request it and i refused. to me i was thinking this song would work best in a car... its got horns, "move b1tch", and the bassline is too low for the club anyway. so i refused to play it. after 3 weeks the other dj played it as a request.
the crowd had pretty much taken me and the #1 dj even tho the main dj put me on. i pretty much did all the work but he got paid more and i didnt complain. it was his club. anyway dude played that song in the "white bar" and the place just went craaaazy. i just stood there at the booth laughing at myself. 2 minds are really better than one coz i was never gonna play that song and made enemies in the process.
i realized who the daddy of the house really was.

you said YOU decided u werent gonna take any requests.
girl comes up and requests u say "we' r not taking requests.
girls wonders who we are u say management; she goes to find a waitress/manager.... i mean at this point is it even worth the hustle? what song was this? now the management yelling at u over a freakin request.
hiphop djs here around my way dont even use contracts. and theyv been on for a while. they have their jobs coz theyr good at their job.

its unacceptable to fight with customers. call a bouncer or something to take care of the situation. thats why u should have a bouncer near the dj booth. once u say fukk off u've pretty much just opened urself up for anything.

djs find themselves in ur type of situation with mixed crowds. and trying too hard to think about pleasing the crowd and management.

I am a professional entertainer. I do have a contract because I am running a business. I'm not on the payroll. My company is contracted to provide the entertainment. While I'm not perfect, I try to be literate both in speaking face to face with someone and when posting online. Your lack of an entertainment contract and bad grammar, spelling, and shorthand tells me you are a young dj with WAY too much attitude. You have nothing, NOTHING to offer that will make me a better person or dj. Not to mention that you haven't even paid for a legal copy of the software.

I would never play Move Bitch. Ever. If they wanna hear it, they can go somewhere else.

I have been at this for 20 years. I have seen a lot in my day. One thing that has never ever happened with any other genre is the demanding, disrespectful, rude, and just plain stupidity of the hip hop crowd.

And for the record, hip hop was not the begining. I'm not one for name calling, but I will make a generalization:

The no-talent ass-clowns that want to be called dj's who play "music" performed by other no-talent ass-clowns who want to be called hip hop "artists" can take a long walk off a short pier. I just hope you don't choke on the heaphone cord on the way down.

PS If you are unsure of what a Pier is, open a dictionary; it's a book with words and their meanings, sorry, not a lot of pictures.

i agree w/ Marcel.... i got no respect for the gangsta's and the wannabe's......having said that i would also say try and take the high road even with them , and don't say things as rude as

if u wack u gonna get it ???????????????????????????? peace out !

lol @ this dude. 20 yrs in the business playing Irreplaceable in the club.
playing This Is Why Im Hot 3 times. smh. your playlist is weak.

by ur posts i bet u really hurt playing hiphop. u cant learn nuthn coz u cant teach an old dog new tricks.

well best of luck chris.

I would say telling a person who is asking for a request to Fu*k off is the worst thing you could do for yourself as a dj and for the club owner. It doesn't matter if they were askin for Elvis or Jay Z. THATS NOT THE POINT.
The point is you have a customer that is unhappy!!!!!!! You can try to make the situation right, but some people just dont get it. You were wrong to tell her off like that, but you are right about the way music and the people are. This is bullshit that you need to watch your back cause you might offend someone with race. Man look if you can call me a honky why cant I call you names??? Plain and simple!! Why is it that way, CAUSE this society is screwed up!!! I would rather play oldies all night and VJ to a crowd that is in their 40s and 50s cause you know what,,,, That is MUSIC. Shit you can sing to. Dance to..
I have about had it and so has my other 4 VJs in our centers. We have had a few meetings and have discussed different playlists. It might work and it might not, but it is worth a shot. I am not cuttin anyone down, but it is getting out of hand.
Go Buy A Licensed version of this software before talkin all this shit on these forums about respected members who you MIGHT need help from in the future!!

lol @ u ppl. sicobrian since when did u decide what real music was?
it techno real music?
is electro real music?
is hiphop real music?
this rock which u ppl is real music do u know where it came from?

without hiphop and electro and techno we probably wouldnt have this program. but u dont want to hear that. u want to hear something that makes u sound right.

oh im sorry. this is not about your misunderstanding of music and other ppl and doing YOUR job right :). its about a "license" now. there's NO WHERE in this forum which says u need a license to make a post. just coz someone wont stroke ur egos u take it to something else.
because that is what ppl look for. ppl who can make them feel good about their insecurities.
there is no real science in the music industry. u can gather up in conferences all u want discussing playlists but you'll NEVER get it right. its the ppl that decide not YOU. you can try to control but u'll only get so far. you old heads just make me laugh.
its good when threads like these come out to see what ppl really are: "you are right about the way music and the people are". lol who called who a honky? why's this even going there. society is screwed up and ur part of the fukk up. unless ur perfect.

