
Forum: General Discussion

Tópico: I'm a "racist"... - Page: 3

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Okay; rem1x you are correct - it does state that to enter in a disscussion on this board you must posses a legally obtained licence.

You're a crack user and so be it.

There are a lot of factors when programming music for a night. There are as many ways of doing it as there are styles of music. No one way is correct.

DJ NUtz had a bad night - happens to us all

All that happened was he got insulted and he lost his cool. There were other things happening - waitress/manager/idiot customer. He lost his cool plain and simple.

Hip Hop Crowds.

Hip Hop Crowds are not porfitable crowds for a number of reasons:

1) The genre while starting out as artistic and an outlet for frustration. (The message - Grandmaster Flash & the Furious 5) It has degenerated to "my dick is bigger than yours , I made more money than you selling coke/stealing cars etc..."

2) The Genre attracts loose associations and outright gangs. This leads to Mad-Dogging and other violence.

3) The Club/Bar gets a rep as a "Gang Hangout" - Regular customers will not show up.

4) Increased violence/ drug moments/ police undercover only lead to one thing.


Then no-one comes there at all.

Hip Hop is not dance music - it is GANG music.

and should be treated as such.

Rem1x wrote :
djing comes with being good with ppl coz its a customer service job. someone who can turn any situation into a good situation. let ppl hate u in the street but say u do ur job right as a dj. the ppl who just buy computers and vdj and get into this rap sh1t with attitude like this could be in for a rude surprise. hope u dont get ho checked playing bust a move.

then im seein in another post u knockin ppl out... smh

u fit the description of a racist. ur lucky the girl came back with a waitress and not her boyfriend to knock you out.

I don't think you're doing a good job connecting with the people on here! When you can write a post that makes sense and you stop stealing software, you have a right to make a comment.

A DJ has the right to play what will work at a gig and to refuse to play music that will ruin the night for the majority of the crowd. To call a DJ a racist because they don't play one record is stupid and insulting and shows that the person is probably a racist themselves. If it's racist to dislike violent lyrics and music stolen from other people, then I'm a racist. But I know I am not really. A lot of hiphop is racist, sexist, and violent.

I know a DJ who placed an advert in the Yellow pages that was supposed to say. 'All great music - No Crap' When it was published the ad said 'No Rap'. He was inundated with bookings, cos people just didn't want to hear it.

In my experience it's those people who can't DJ who are the ones making critical comments to real DJs.


[quote=Rem1x]a hiphop crowd is a sincere crowd.

insert sound of gunfire

if ur good ur good. there'r many good white hiphop djs. if u wack, u gonna get it. straight up. they dont hold back.

insert sound of gunfire

when a dj claimed theyv been doing this for many years that really doesnt matter to a hiphop crowd. if ur gonna play hiphop then know whats up.

insert sound of gunfire

hiphop djs here around my way dont even use contracts. and theyv been on for a while. they have their jobs coz theyr good at their job.

insert sound of gunfire

"let ppl hate u in the street but say u do ur job right as a dj.......hope u dont get ho checked playing bust a move. "

insert sound of club closing

the frontin' ain't cool guy.....the violence isn't cool either, just an oldheads opinion

i wonder if at Julliard these days ,they're teaching students how to say....." don't snitch, ya b@#$h a*s

OK.. I have read all the back in forth posting of this subject... Being that I grew up hip hop. I've seen and been part of the violence as well. I even been stabbed, shot at... I do have a leg to stand on with this subject... In regards to the style of music alone, it does not induce violence. However, the nature of the thug life type of people who frequent places that play strong hip hop tend to bring the place down. It's not the music even though I feel the quality of hip hop has gone down considerably.

As of yesterday, I was just made head DJ in one place because I do have a strong customer service and is able to ready the crowd with the music... So, I feel that I can play some hip hop with out affending the majority of the true paying clients - then I will. But as soon as I think that it going to mess with the atmosphere of the house, I'll switch it to something else or change the vibe with out completely changing my dance floor...

Yes, because I am of (ethnic race) - people think that I am going to play certain style of music.. My loyalty is with the house, then the client.

My regular clients know that if they request heavy hip hop, I will play it only if the I feel it is right...

Thats why I got the head job because I put the house first mixed with my knowledge of music as to what would work.

if you don't like my style of music that I'm playing but then again it fits the house standards, There is another place down the street that plays mostly hip hip but the DJ ( well lets say, he needs some practice time )... They also asked me to transfer over to them. I would have but this type of format is not going to last in this section of the town. They are strugglin, I'm doing everything I can to take thier clients that live on that side of town...

I promote fun / part / and for guys a chance to get " laid "... alot of hot woman come to my shows. because I have a good time when I play... Bottom line - If you get the hot women, the guys will follow, now you have a true party and any DJ who is experienced would take this situation over playing hip hip because he doesn't want to sell out.

Help bring the standard of hip hop back up and there won't be any threats or name bashing to the music industry.

I've only skimmed through this topic, but from what I've read I would like to point out that modern hip hop is far from being all about "gangsta" rap. I'm not gonna say you're wrong for refusing to play certain music, not gonna say you're right either, I'm not there so it's not fair for me to judge. I'm only posting because it seems there are misinformed views of hip hop within this community.

Some people pick up a Rich Boy or even an old NWA record and say "why do rappers always talk about gangbangin or booty, don't they have anything better to talk about?". The people who say that don't bother picking up any Mos Def, KRS One, Public Enemy, Rakim, etc. because if they did they might learn a little something about what hip hop culture is really about, unifing and educating the people through the music. And while I'm defending hip hop let me point out a few other misconceptions I've found within this forum. For one, the people saying hip hop won't be around another twenty years, I heard the same thing twenty years ago & it ain't going nowhere. More importantly though, I've heard alot of "hip hop musicians have no real talent" and "hip hop music is stealing music". Both of these are utterly false, as far as musical talent goes, if the hip hop musician has no musical talent how will they know how many bars to allow for each verse, chorus and the bridge? In fact, their have been a number of hip hop groups who play instruments for their songs, The Roots and Digital Underground are two shining examples of this. Even if there was a group who relied solely on sampling others peoples music, those samples are paid for in full so that's hardly stealing anything. However the majority of samples used in hip hop productions are created either from session musicians called in for the project or from virtual instruments and sequencers, especially from an MPC. Hip Hop culture is just like any other musical culture, you've got your knuckleheads and your progessives, I can't count how many rock concerts I've seen people act a fool.

Sorry, I know, way off subject, but I thought I should say it anyway;^]

Timmyg1978 wrote :
I've only skimmed through this topic, but from what I've read I would like to point out that modern hip hop is far from being all about "gangsta" rap. I'm not gonna say you're wrong for refusing to play certain music, not gonna say you're right either, I'm not there so it's not fair for me to judge. I'm only posting because it seems there are misinformed views of hip hop within this community.

Hip Hop culture is just like any other musical culture, you've got your knuckleheads and your progessives, I can't count how many rock concerts I've seen people act a fool.

Sorry, I know, way off subject, but I thought I should say it anyway;^]

We went way off subject so lets get back on track... The bottom line is if you get a person who doesn't understand that you ( DJ ) has the right to play or not play a song... Sometimes I forget about the request or just didn't feel vibe of mixing it in another song... whatever - it's still our choice, but never put another person down or degrade a client who actually may be drunk or not.. figure another way to solve the problems... not all resolutions work... each one works differently based on the rude client.

No 1 DJ is master of universe. We all can be replace either with a better or less of DJ. So make the most of the given situation and move on.

I did not get to read all of the messages so I will just respond the the person that asked the question. I started DJing in 84 and slowed down by 2001. I would say 98% of the parties I did were great and it was not because I was the best DJ, I will never claim that. It was because I tried to please the crowd as much as I could. You do that by playing what you feel most of the crowd likes, not just a few individuals. Hey sometimes you can get away with playing some songs that only a few individuals like when you have the crowd on such a high that they will dance to anything, but it has to be a song with a decent beat so I understand why you will not play certain songs because some gangsta songs just are not good songs to dance to. The point I am making is you in the customer service business. You have to understand that you can't please everyone and you can't curse a customer. That is a big no no! People remember me as being a really good DJ but they also remember me as a person that tries to please the whole crowd the best way I can. Cursing out a individual is not the way to go. They might have been drunk or just had a bad day. It is your job to make sure she has the best time she can have. I have had individuals come to me and ask for something I would not play but I nicely told them it probably would not be a good idea to play it and promptly thought of a song I figured they might like that I could play. You have to learn to be savy when you are a DJ. Remember hundreds maybe thousands of people depend on you to rock the party. Keep up the good work man. Remember to keep a cool head and don't sweat the small stuff. Just put out those small fires and move on:)

I think you all need to remember that without the people, there would be NO DJ! I try to play all the request I get. And try and play them within 2 or 3 records. If it's a vibe shifter I'll wait till I want to change the mood. If your in a club where your customers want to here a certain type of music, then damn it, play it!. It's not about you, the dj, it's about the club making money, which inturn makes ypu money.

If your there for the glory, fame, and chicks then keep doing what you do. I use to be like you, in that I thought it was about me. I found over time in this business that it's about the people. There the ones that make or break you. I was in the USAF, to play at the NCO club, you had to play for everybody. Your play selection looks "OK", you could update your hip-hop selection though. If you are having trouble getting new music try us. Blazin new music everyweek. If you want to be the same guy, who has to argue and fight with is customers, keep doing what your doing.

Good Luck on whatever you choose.

Dj Lance


Before requesting songs, making comments, or asking questions to the DJ please…CHECK BELOW FOR YOUR REQUEST:

The D.J. has to play for more than one person…so, what you may hate may be another's favorite song and EVERYTHING played here can be danced to one way or another.

BE SERIOUS! We know of NO songs played in a club that don't have some sort of a beat!

Please don't sing for the D.J.! They have to put up with smoke-filled rooms and dangerous decibel levels all night. Do them a favor and DON'T give them a rendition of your favorite song!

Oh sure, you polled EVERYONE in the club and, as their spokesperson, you are requesting the song.

If you are GOOD ENOUGH, you can get laid to anything!! (also been known as "buy the album and get laid for a month!"). If you need ME to play you a song so that YOU can get laid, you've got problems.

The only people who can get away with that statement write the DJ's paycheck! Plus more often than not, the DJ has the next song already cued up and ready to go, and does not have time to find your song, get it on the decks, and get it cued up in time to be next.

It's a lot easier for you to go have another beer and figure out what you want to hear than it is for the D.J. to recite the name of EVERY record in the booth! Also don't ask for a songlist! I don't know of any club DJ's that actually keep a printed list with them! We keep it in our heads or sometimes in a database!

It is not advisable to say this when the dance floor is packed (but, some people do anyway)! However, even if there is only ONE person on the floor, it STILL contradicts the statement. You're just being rude. Have an open mind about music

Half the time I hear this, no-one goes to the dancefloor except for the person that asked for it, and when they realize they're the only one that wanted to dance to it, they bail. If you ask the DJ for a dance song and don't dance to it, expect the DJ to ignore your requests the rest of the night. However, if we play your song and you dance and have a good time, even if no-one else does, we'll still take your next request seriously. We like to please, even if it's one person at a time.

10. MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! If you're at a club or event that doesn't play any Hiphop, don't ask if "you got any hiphop"? Just go outside to your car and turn on the radio or go home and watch MTV!!


If you ask for a song and the D.J. says "I just played it", DON'T SAY, "Well, I just got here." It makes absolutely no difference. None at all. If you want to be sure you hear your favorite song at the club, you better be there when the DJ starts his/her set. We don't have a flashing red light in the booth that tells us that you're there and we can play your song now.

DON'T SAY, "Is this the only kind of music you play?" If you go to a Chinese restaurant, you wouldn't ask for Italian food. Rock clubs play rock, alternative clubs play alternative, discos play disco, etc., etc., etc…

If you ask for a song, BE SPECIFIC. DON'T SAY, "I wanna hear something, anything but this!" Try going to the bar and saying, "I wanna drink something, anything but this…" You can't complain if you're not SPECIFIC. HOWEVER, if you ARE specific and the D.J. says they don't have the song, DON'T SAY, "What?!! What do you mean you don't have it? What kind of DJ are you? Why don't you get into the wonderful world of fast food! You obviously don't know what you're doing as a D.J.!"…We may reply with "I don't come to your job and SMACK the DICK out of your mouth when your working." THE DJ MAY SHOOT YOU!!! OR DROP KICK YOUR ASS MATRIX STYLE! Or just have you escorted out of the club. We can do that. Trust me. DO NOT BE AN ASS.

Special Note

A nightclub D.J. gets very little respect. They are expected to play everything for everybody. It is impossible to satisfy all to the people all of the time, yet club jocks are expected to do just that. If a radio jock tells his listeners a song is a hit, the majority of the people think it must be "because they said so on the radio." However, 80% of the time that same song was being played in a club long before the radio "DISCOVERED" the "NEW" song. So give the D.J. a break! The next time you request a song, stop and think before you speak. Remember a request is just that… a request!! It's not a guarantee your song will get played!! Ask once for your song and the DJ will try and play it. Keep asking and you're being a pain in the ass! Don't send all your friends to request the same song hoping to get it played. DJ's aren't that stupid!! They get dozens of requests in a night and there isn't enough time to play them all.

If you have a CD that you want the DJ to play, and the DJ agrees to listen to it, they're ALREADY DOING YOU A FAVOR BY TAKING THE TIME TO DO SO. If they don't play it don't be pissed, they made a judgment call that the music wasn't the right type to be played. If you wanna hear only songs that you wanna hear, STAY AT HOME AND LISTEN TO YOUR CD'S.

If you DJ or MC (or just say that you do) DONT ask me if you can "DJ/mc for a little bit" AT MY GIG especially if I don't know you! If you wanna spin/mc at a club, talk to the owners and give them a mix tape! No one will take you serious without one. Of course unless you already have paying gigs (in which case you wouldn't be tryin to do it at my gig). They're paying us to play music and make announcements, not to host open mic night.

My booth is not a "Coat Check!" So don't come up in it asking me if I could watch your coat/purse. If that shit is to much for you to handle you should have left it in your Damn car!!!

Also don't come up in the DJ booth and just hover around!!!! A DJ needs space to work. You don't see me coming into your work and standing over your computer, or looking over your shoulder while your trying to work. That would just be plain Fucking rude!!

And if I do decide to let you hang around in the both, NEVER EVER set your BEER/Drink down around my VERY EXPENSIVE equipment!!!!! If that spills I'm out Thousands of Dollars!!!!! You don't see me and my folks hanging out on the hood of your car. So PLEASE show me the same respect for something important to me.

And above all and most Importantly, if the DJ has one hand on the mixer, one hand on a turntable and is wearing headphones, DON'T BUG US unless you know us!!!!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot one more thing. Don't flash us any money for your request unless your "DONALD TRUMP"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a hard job being a DJ. Our work most of the time goes very much unappreciated. Think about it, we are the only people in the club who don't get a chance to actually just sit and hang out with our buddies. If we stop to take a break, the whole club and the music stops with us. We spend sometimes 6 to 8 hours in a booth, STANDING the whole time. We are lucky if we get a chance to find a second to take a bathroom break. Cause when we screw up and the music stops everyone starts yelling and complaining. "No one ever remembers when we are doing a good job, but screw up even once, and everyone notices"

If you read this and appreciate it… Show your DJ some love. Post a comment. Buy their mixtapes. Go see them perform. Tell a friend about them. Buy them a drink. Tip them. Treat them well.

*anyone concur with this?*

I say just be polite and do the best you can....I am hip hop...i fell in love wit her in 79 *sugarrhill gang* ...I play everything...I used to play a woodwind instrument I dig classical music rock even some country...*johnny cash* as ray charles put it...*great stories* *ive worked metal concerts and clubs they get just as violent and ive seen drugs used and fights *i bounce also* also..*there is good and bad in all forms of music* if you dont like hip hop *gangsta pop neo* or other dont play it...but as i see it hip hop sells everything so if you dont play it you limit yourself...I think you gotta vibe with ya crowd and find something they like..if you cant/wont play hip hop...i.e a lot of rap songs are the orginal then on the brreak mix in the break of the hip hop joint...i do it it works...people are happy and they cant say you didnt play..or at least attempt to play the song...*IMO there are a few racist out there good music is good matter where it comes from...period

happy mixing

this is blasphemy looking at "djs" talk like this about hiphop and "the hiphop crowd". 'custing. you'd think somewher in the last 10 yrs most djs wouldv at least know how to handle hiphop.
u boys crack under pressure. we see thru some of ur asses. 'plainful while playing hiphop. but hiphop is too powerful for u old heads not to have ur way of not playing it. its a lifestyle and music u just dont understand.

Rem1x wrote :
this is blasphemy looking at "djs" talk like this about hiphop and "the hiphop crowd". 'custing. you'd think somewher in the last 10 yrs most djs wouldv at least know how to handle hiphop.
u boys crack under pressure. we see thru some of ur asses. 'plainful while playing hiphop. but hiphop is too powerful for u old heads not to have ur way of not playing it. its a lifestyle and music u just dont understand.

ironic you should mention a crack =D

WOW! Just read a few more post. No disrespect to you guys but I think every DJ should enjoy all types of music. How can you DJ for years and not learn to respect all types. I have mostly R&B, hip-hop, house and Reggae but I love freestyle, techno, country and rock. They all have their good and bad points. If you want to survive in the business you have to learn how to please every crowd. Guys these days you can get music from anywhere. It was not like back in the day when you had to go to the record store and get what you could afford (high school and college days:)). Don't let ignorance stop you from being the best DJ you can be. There is a lot of hip-hop out there that is good. Not saying all of you feel this way I just read a few post that trashed hip-hop. I am from the south I mostly like eastcoast music because I grew up listening to Mantronix, Just Ice, and T La Rock but I have to say the south puts it down pretty good. The ATL is on the map to stay. Memphis is putting it down as well.

I think this is a healthy discussion. I think I can put this into words.

Hip hop is such a large genre with a lot of different flavors. That creates a problem when most people just lump it all into one group, I.E. "Play more hip hop"

I play plenty of hip hop. While I'm playing hip hop not one person bitches about playing too much hip hop. All the people that might want a little rock or a little old school just sit and wait patiently for their music. But OH MY GOD, less that one minute of something other than hip hop and the world comes crashing down....

"Are you gonna play this crap all night?"

Maybe our club is unique in the fact that we/I dictate the format and the customer has the choice to stay or leave. Regardless of who stays or goes, the music stays the same. I'm consistantly filling the club. Over 3000 through the door every weekend. The complaints are from less than a dozen. The crowd is awesome. They dance to everything. The dancefloor is rotated regularly. I play a little bit of everything.

I lost my cool. Yes I WAS WRONG. I think that losing my cool once in 20 years is ok, not right, but ok. I have a music subscription and I get all the current MAINSTREAM music. If you can't hear it on local top40 radio, then you won't hear it in my club.

OK... can we move on to a different subject now... clearly everyone has own point view which... The only one thats important is the one that is handled at your party / club.

love the title of this thread, im a racist too! lets all get some bedsheets together and have a good old shindig! burn some things and have a good ol' lynching!

seriously tho, you should play more drum and bass in your sets or it means that you're a homophobic, yeh, you heard! and if a coffin dodger asks you to pay more gabba and you dont, that means you're ageist!

play my funky music whiteboy!

listen honeypants , when you get near the english language drop me a line........

the violence is crass at the least , so are the cheap gratuitous references to bling and sex and drugs.....

it's been so over done ..... it's turning into it's own caricature , we're tired of it

there are so many outlets for creativity ........ why insist on hitting one low after another ???

it's mostly gang music........


i disagree that dj's should like everything

having said that here is what i am like ..... if you studiously avoid using mot!@#$%^a and n!@@a, and it's catchy and hooky and danceable ....... you gotta shot......

is that racist ? is that setting the hurdle too high ??

Not nessesarily too high.

Just too high for some.

"If it's not heard on the radio it's not heard in my Club"

Cannot remember how many times I've said that. for both - Hip hop & Heavy Metal.

I play Mostly Hip/Hop, R&B and Some Reagae
Do I have House/Trance and Rock in my Music Collection? Yes!
Do I play them if requested? No...

Why? I play for a hip hop club, They pay me to play that.
Even Then I won't play all Hip/Hop that is requested. I live by the 80/20 Rule
I aim to please at least 80% of the crowd and worry about the other
20% later.

Oh here's the one thing I hate Also....

On a Sat Night the Dance Floor is Full someone come up... I am a Rapper
Here's my demo can you play it next for me.

Have Fun Guy!
Later~ :-)

