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Tema: 4.3 is out - Page: 2

Esta parte del tópico es antigua y puede contener información incorrecta para la nueva versión.

Also they have add in the remote control confiq numark's icdx, dmc2 and of course total control
so the only think that we are waiting now is total control in the stores :)

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 6:01 pm
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
To start:
1 the bug with the end of the timecode signal was corrected
2 And new for VDJ V4.3 Clear Database.

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 6:16 pm
Is there any timescale for the history file to be posted ?

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 6:17 pm
Bugs Corrected

* end of timecode bug fixed, stops track

* Long files crash bug fixed

* mk2 now works under Vista

* various dmc-2 fixes

* automix bug partly fixed (Works better now)

New Features

* Clear Database (Local Database)

* tag read for bpm

* First Mac Release

note: 4.3 doesn't really have much new, as the main development have been around the MAC version of VDJ

4.4 will bring some new features and major changes, work have started on that:)

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 6:20 pm
Thanks to the team for the update! :)

But like somebody else has already said, is there a situation where I would want to clear my database (deleting all the bpms and cue points, etc that i made)?

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 6:54 pm
DJ FORMATPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
it dosnt effect the bpms or your cue points,they are stored in a different place.
it is more of a feature for removing tracks that you have deleted or moved from the HDD.


Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 7:02 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
To clarify the 'Clear Database' -- there are 2 key files that store information about your tracks. 1 is the XML file (VirtualDJ Database (name).xml) that holds the BPM, CUEs and alike. The 2nd is the text file (mp3database.txt) that holds simply the list of tracks and their path locations. This text file is what is used to populate the browser when you click on the 'Local Database' in the navigation tree.

It is very combersome to go in and delete the mp3database.txt file then go to VDJ and scan. The Dev Team added a simple feature that clears that mp3database.txt file to that you don't have to go through that hassle and then immediately rescan you system to rebuild the database list.

Hope that helps all that are concerned with 'deleting' there info.

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 7:26 pm
Not to be a pain. But if I delete files off my hard drive then rescan my local database won't it do the same thing as clearing my database?

Can someone please tell me how to set exit points using automix? I can not seem to set proper exit points in a song.


Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 7:37 pm
Thanks for the explaination about the clear database feature, could come in handy. :)

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 8:03 pm
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004
when you say automix fixed (partly) exactly what do you mean?
Will it mix them and not go part way into the song and will it play all and not randomly
delete tunes from playlist>

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 9:47 pm

Havent tested yet, so not sure how fixed the automix is.
I just know that its not fully fixed yet, so anyone please try and see if it works better now :)

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 9:49 pm
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Thanks will give it another try

You say if using ver 3 do a full installl.
Will that overwrite ver 3.4 or will you have 2 versions on the system?

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 9:56 pm

If you make a copy of previous version EXE file and rename it, before you install the upgrade, you can have and use previous versions.

Rename it like this for example
- VirtualDJ_3.4.exe
- VirtualDJ_4.2.exe


That way you can have several exe files, that starts its own version of VDJ ;)

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 10:00 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
;) nice

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 10:10 pm
i've been @ the hideous club, so i only had limited opportunity to go spelunking in the software , in fact i'm there now ....i like the text resizer doodad .....

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 11:40 pm
@ bogart ....i thought it did that.....a track would go away ........i'd either accuse myself or wonder if it was caused by especially good corona ........

Mensajes Wed 28 Mar 07 @ 11:51 pm
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006
confirmed: When the timecode signal ends, the music still plays- tested using SMART MODE.


Nor- there were no updates to midi functions (i.e. able to control more video parameters) yet were there?




Mensajes Thu 29 Mar 07 @ 12:46 am
Hoffman wrote :

Nor- there were no updates to midi functions (i.e. able to control more video parameters) yet were there?

4.4... and it will come pretty quick now.

Please remember that 4.3 is almost only a mac release, with a few fixes for the PC too.
But almost all the effort was made into making VDJ work on MAC, and thats quite some work

Mensajes Thu 29 Mar 07 @ 12:53 am
HoffmanPRO InfinityMember since 2006

Mensajes Thu 29 Mar 07 @ 1:04 am
bogartPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Yep it definetly just deletes some tunes from the list; or at least did.
There was another thread about automix where this was already stated.
My contention is that I am going to use the pgm totally. That is let's say
Cocktail hour, Dinner Hour (where you need automix) and throughout the
rest of the evening. Ver. 3.4 did that for me very well and that's why I keep using 3.4
and took 4.2 off mys system.
Not knocking the pgm by any means. But 3.4 works perfectly for me and until I can be
sure that 4.3 will do the same I will not install it on my gig system.
I have to try 4.3 out to see how it goes.

Mensajes Thu 29 Mar 07 @ 5:59 pm