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I can't get rid of the skipping or "hiccups" -- I've tried everything I can think of. Any suggestions, or is there an expert out there willing to help me figure it out? Thanks.

Current settings = MaxLoad always
presets - fastest, latency - auto, safe mode - unchecked, overclock - unchecked

using Hercules dj Console MK2 sound

windows vista

dell inspiron 1521, 2.0 gig memory, AMD Turion 64 X 2 Mobile Technology TL-60 (2 gHz)


Mensajes Thu 02 Oct 08 @ 12:17 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Mensajes Thu 02 Oct 08 @ 12:29 pm
yes -- confirmed that I have them last night

Mensajes Thu 02 Oct 08 @ 9:19 pm
try switching off the wifi card...found that to be the cause of skipping on my inspiron 1720
or go here download and run this was a great help to me in finding problem hardware

Mensajes Sat 04 Oct 08 @ 9:10 am
I'll second terry

Download that program and let it run while using VDJ and turning on and off diffrent processes. I eventually narrowed it down to the wifi card in my Dell Inspiron 1505. I still get the occasional hic-up, but not nearly as often.

I'm also using the herc mk2...

Mensajes Mon 06 Oct 08 @ 9:28 am
This seems to be working. Once you disable a device, does it stay disabled on boot up or do you have to turn it off each time? I've got it down to where my spikes are yellow and don't seem to be affecting VDJ. I would like to get rid of them, but can't seem to find what it is.

Mensajes Mon 06 Oct 08 @ 8:30 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
djdekalb wrote :
Once you disable a device, does it stay disabled on boot up or do you have to turn it off each time?

Yes it should, it will stay disabled till you enable it again.


Mensajes Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 12:31 am
CMBDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I'm having this problem too...I think. It's totally random. Every once and a while there will be a hiccup or a "burp" while playing a track. It's not just the same songs, and if I go to play the track back I never hear it again.

I will try disabling my wireless, but don't recall having this problem until upgrading to 5.1

Mensajes Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 3:45 pm
jacksonControlleristMember since 2003
I have used the "DPC Latency Checker" (see an earlier posting) and indeed, I had many "red spikes". BTW thanks for this tip, the "DPC Latency Checker" is a good tool to predict if you will be able to play "skip-free" music. I started to disable device in Device Manager. So I disabled:
1. All network adapters (Wired, wireless, Bluetooth)
2. Firewire (1394)
3. The "battery" driver (It is amazing how much latency the stupid battery driver generates, only to display the battery left information!)

After all this, I have successfully played music with VDJ with no interruptions on Vista on a Dell Vostro laptop! Probably running XP, I would have to disable less devices ...

For all of you who have problems with skipping, get "DPC Latency Checker" and start disabling un-needed devices until there are no more "red bars".

it work s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mensajes Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 5:00 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Yup, you'll find the oddest things can affect some machines - certain brands of laptop optical drives are prone to causing hiccups too!

Mensajes Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 9:59 pm
can somebody explain to me what "latency" is? I sure would like to get rid of the yellow as well as the red, but can't find anything causing it.

Mensajes Tue 07 Oct 08 @ 10:40 pm
IamAbPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I tried the latency tool as well, and I'm now mainly in the green area (wifi off)
Thx for the tip guys.

But one thing with crackling noise must be a bug.

When I do a song preview and drag the slider to the right, I get a terrible crackling noise over the main output during sliding.
When I go to the left it doesn't occur. I played with serveral settings safe mode/ overclock etc. but no luck so far
Can anybody help me with this one?

I've got a brand new setup: Asus F7Z-7S005C with Vista HP/SP1 and M-audio Fast track pro, VDJ 5.2.1


Mensajes Wed 08 Oct 08 @ 1:19 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
djdekalb wrote :
can somebody explain to me what "latency" is? I sure would like to get rid of the yellow as well as the red, but can't find anything causing it.

Basically to summarise what they say on the DPC Latency Checker site:

Device drivers (and other low-level kernel interfaces) perform interrupts to notify the system of an event - say to transmit data or notify that they are ready to recieve another batch of data - but they do not process the data at the time of the interrupt - they schedule a DPC in a queue, which the OS then uses at a convenient time to call the driver and do the actual processing.

The DPC latency is the total execution time of all the DPCs in the queue ahead of it.

A badly written device driver could then tie up a DPC queue (one per CPU) for longer than it should, which means other device drivers can't do their DPC processing.

If a device driver hasn't yet performed its DPC processing (or is performing but hasn't finished) and another hardware interrupt is called (next batch of data ready or something) then it's possible a hardware buffer/output stream could either fill up (overrun), or in the case of audio output - become empty (underrun). The will then interrupt the flow of data and cause a hiccup in the processing of that data. In the case of an audio stream, this would create a skip/glitch/hiccup/drop-out.

A slightly tongue-in-cheek and simplisic example:

* Sound card interrupts, says I am ready for next batch of audio to output, schedules DPC
* No other DPCs or interrupts are being processed, so windows calls the driver up and sends over the next stream of audio. No noticeable delay here, the soundcard gets the next batch of audio in time and the output is skip free.
* Wi-Fi interrupts, says some hardware message - for example I've got some new data I've recieved, schedules DPC
* No other DPCs or interrupts are being processing, so windows calls the driver up and the hardware starts sending data.
* Meanwhile sound card interrupts, says I am ready for next batch of audio to output, schedules DPC
* Windows is still processing Wi-Fi DPC which hasn't yet finished for some reason
* Soundcard in the meantime gets no data - so audio stops being output from soundcard.
* Wi-Fi DPC finishes.
* No other DPCs or interrupts are being processed, so windows calls the driver up and sends over the next stream of audio - output from soundcard resumes.

As you can see, all sorts of things - especially seemingly unrelated device drivers - can affect other hardware processing, and also system utilisation. On one system, I tracked excessive hardware interrupts that were causing ~30% CPU at idle back to a device driver calling the windows kernel several million times a second - to ask what version it was!

Of course it makes a difference how many CPUs you have - more CPUs = more DPC queues = less chance of being tied up. Although a badly written driver or two could still manage this.

The Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) recommends that driver coders should finish a DPC as quickly as possible - and you can see why :)



Mensajes Wed 08 Oct 08 @ 11:50 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Very interesting stuff there Scott,

Cheers for that mate :)

Mensajes Wed 08 Oct 08 @ 12:36 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Some other explanations about DPC :

Microsoft wrote :
Deferred procedure call (DPC)
A queued call to a kernel-mode function that will usually be executed at a later time. DPCs are used by drivers to schedule I/O operations that do not have to take place in an ISR at a high IRQL, and can instead be safely postponed until the processor IRQL has been lowered.
For more information, see the topic, DPC Objects and DPCs.

DPCs can also be used with timers. For more information, see the topic, Timer Objects and DPCs.

Mensajes Wed 26 Nov 08 @ 5:11 pm
thanks for the help guys i will try it i thought it was my total control giving trouble .

Mensajes Sat 31 Jan 09 @ 1:51 pm
Just an update from my end (I own a macbook pro with bootcamp running XP with Virtual DJ 5.0.7). After running the DPC Latency Checker I could not understand why, after disabling pretty much everything, I was still getting red peaks.

Read this,

Apparently you need to kill the process "KBDMGR.EXE"! Even with video's I still get a green flatline. I only get peaks momentarily if the hardware accelarator is enable in the video tab of Virtual DJ.


Mensajes Mon 02 Feb 09 @ 1:11 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
A perfect example of how shoddy coding can have knock-on effects on something completely unrelated. Thanks for the information; I'll keep this thread as an example :)

Mensajes Mon 02 Feb 09 @ 7:33 am
Hi Guys.
This problem is driving me MAD! Ive disabled a ton of processes/drivers but still the skipping continues! Do yous think it would be worth updating my laptop or is this just gonna be a waste of my money?

Microsoft XP
Dell Inspiron I6400
Intel 1.73 GHz 0.99 Gb Ram

Or has anyone got any more ideas to drop DPC?

Mensajes Tue 10 Feb 09 @ 1:42 pm
damyxzPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Put in at least 2G of RAM. It will improve your PC's performance.

Mensajes Wed 22 Apr 09 @ 1:22 am