You can select the Color FX with a Pad. When the FX run you can deaktivate the FX with a push on the Pad. When the Filter knob smaller or greater than 50% and the FX is running the Pad is blinking.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
You can select the Color FX with a Pad. When the FX run you can deaktivate the FX with a push on the Pad. When the Filter knob smaller or greater than 50% and the FX is running the Pad is blinking.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Quick access to stems and stems fx with a layout familiar for some. Isolate or remove stems for instant acapella or instrumental, apply echo out on vocals out etc.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Set the crossfader curves instantly, choosing from 16 options in a comfortable pad.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Extended Hotcues pad page functionality. Multiple hotcue pages, recording action POIs with a single button press and more.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Off beat loop roll pad.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
The default Stems Pads page with inverted led status (off when not disabled). Useful for non-RGB controllers.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Adjust size & position of video logo and select file to use easily.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Easily set cue mix points for where auto mix should start and end ... For Cut, Fade, Remove Silence
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)