The famous SilverSleek skin reached it's 3rd edition. Compatible with new VirtualDj 8.2 and pads layout, this is the most versatile skin ever!
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
The famous SilverSleek skin reached it's 3rd edition. Compatible with new VirtualDj 8.2 and pads layout, this is the most versatile skin ever!
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
An Alternative skin to use with this nice controller, enjoy
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
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Create your own skin choosing from a large modules library. Extract your creation using Skin Builder Extractor
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
VirtualDJ 8 default skin modification. Keyword is versatility and efficiency
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Oldschool is a skin for virtuldj 8 in high tech definition.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
High end skin for touch screens. Real touch scratch with On-Off crossfader.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)
A Big Multifunction Audio Video Skin with big Injog Time and BPM. A big thanks to all my german Beta Members and the great feedback from all Users. For saving your Skin settings read the Skin-Comments - Link on bottom.
Available on : PC PC (32bit) Mac (Intel) Mac (Arm)