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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Tópico: MIXMASTER (v2.0 now available) - Page: 4

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great skin, like it a lot, but...

the spinning wheels cant be scratched with mouse. was this intended to be like that?

also, it could be easyer to follow if the music files could be dragged to the spinning wheels insted of over the decks.

great skin again L2
really like the colour scheme and the simpleness of the skin
had a quick play and noticed the play button on deck 2 does not light up green when track is playing

hope your still open for suggestion
either add a dual / split wave option so when in dual mode it would then allow the room for another panel
showing for example boxes with just nice simple data of
siren flanger 4 beat loop sync gain pitch% for each deck and somewhere for the edit cbg/bpm box

or add just a long thin panel underneath where the play and cue panel already is showing all the data above

hope you don't take offence to the above but i use eks xp5 controllers so they have no lights to show when anythings activated or not which would be the same for non supported controllers
again great skin
looking forward to if you can add any of the above but if its not possible never mind your skins still rock !!!


great suggestions! you guys like to keep me busy!

if i made single waves it would certainly open more space for things like effects, timecode modes, sampler, etc. good idea.

there is no scratch on the domes because it not a friendly internal mixing skin, its made for TC and controllers.

I thought dragging to the domes would be too much involved so like i said the skin is divided in half, and just having either side is easier, i thought.

the play button down is now fixed!!

How about putting the channel Gain numbers on each deck.

Maybe at the end of the Key sliders?


I love the skin. I really like the waveform on top of waveform style. I crossed over from PCDJ Reflex which had similar characteristics.

3 suggestions I have:

1. A solid gray instead of the repeated gradient texture on the waveform display. IMO it would make the layout more sleek and polished.

2. I currently use mix master and miss the active sound effect for each player displayed for easy viewing.

3. Changing the time to 12 hr instead of 24 hr.

These are just a few suggestions to throw on the table.

It looks great though. fantastic work. I think I will use it for my gig tonight and give it a spin!

I have the single waves and the panels all done. I just have to come up with what to put in the extra space which would be in the "top" wave box.

I intend to add loops, effects, timecode modes, maybe sampler. I can add pretty much anything anyone requests because it does have a bit of room. The downside is that the extra elements are only visible with single wave selected.


This is going to be awesome when its done mate.


Since you now have a single wave L2....the gray wave form is hard to see, try making it red, or blue.....might make drift easier to visually ID....


I think if i made it any other color besides gray it would kill the theme from a design standpoint. I can make the inactive gray a little darker. I really hate the double color solid wave overlap thing (sort of like swirling a finger in paint), it makes things pretty hard when trying to identify quickly. Making one wave dominant and the other more ghost like is perfect, but i agree it cant be too ghosty. I think sperate waves in general are more "pro" but thats not to say why i love VDJ in the 1st place was for the overlaps.

If you set the beat grid its the same thing as looking at the wave peaks. If you do that it will be more clear IMO. Trust yourself Luke, let go... use the force.

I dig what your saying L2..but you already have some red in the skin, or perhaps some yellow, just something to make it easier to see is my thinking..but it is a nice looking skin....

its looking good L2
how about orange and green for waves they should look good together and it will stay in contrast with wrest of the colour scheme ?

update.. now i just have to code all the new stuff :)


Should be done in a few minutes with the Skin Creator ;)

So it seems VDJ works fine on Windows 7 :-)

ok well where is a solid background on the overlap... i'm not sure that makes it much better

the split waves still are the same but the overlaps look like this now

Jerm.. i wouldn't know.. its XP ;)

sweet, man

thanks for listening 2 us listen2


Hey I love this skin - really- but I like the very first version in the first picture:

The colors and functions are jus as simple to have ihe important informaions in one eye contact.

Is there a way to get this Version or a early one? I would love it!!

Thank You very much

Don't worry I will finish this one and then flip the script, and go back to black. Either a recolored version of this or I will release the original as is.

Have to commend you on this, what a kicking skin. Great work!

Nice, thanks!

I hope to be done with this by the end of the week or sooner. I have roughly half the of options panel coded so far, its a little slower process working within the panel then without one. I think i have the tones for the waves at a good level, things seem pretty visible.

The split waves i cannot decide to keep the shaded background or change to a solid one as with the overlapping waves. I dont have any problems with the way it is right now, but with the overlap i think the solid is better.

Keep the feedback coming, it only helps make this project better. thanks
