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Forum: Wishes and new features

Tema: 24 Bit Wave File Support. I only use 24 bit files. - Page: 2

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bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
If the software was entitled "virtual dj studio", then I would be behind 24 bit 100%, but actually I use virtual DJ as it is meant, for live DJ performance...

Can you guys ever imagining a moment when clubbers will be dancing to some song (being played back at 24bit), then the DJ mixing into an "old" 16 bit cd, and some of the guys dancing sudenly stop and say "damn, he's playing that low quality 16bit sh*t"?...

If that was likely, I would be the first to demand this feature...

However, I think it's safe to say that eventually virtual dj will revert to 24bit playback and recording because of demand, and the fact that the software already has alot of features that few need/use, and of course we know that music will start to get released in 24bit, because it's a great way of revitalising the music industry plus technology is only destined to move up and cost us money..

I wounder if old titles will be re-released at 24 bit??..
and to raise an interesting question, has anyone ever had any complaints about (mp3) sound quality in venues?

Mensajes Sat 12 Mar 05 @ 3:33 pm
You have a very good point bagpuss. This 24bit improvement would only serve people who have to work with the guts of digital music. It works very well now as it is. I however would love to see it compatible with my stuff. Till that day I will just continue to use finalscratch 2.

Mensajes Sun 13 Mar 05 @ 12:35 am
You have a very good point bagpuss. This 24bit improvement would only serve people who have to work with the guts of digital music. It works very well now as it is. I however would love to see it compatible with my stuff. Till that day I will just continue to use finalscratch 2.

Mensajes Sun 13 Mar 05 @ 12:41 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I'm glad I laid it to rest for now ;), but you have got me thinking now whether i'm to get all my cd's and start convert them to 16 bit wav files (and delete my mp3's)..., perhaps I will one day, but for now a "well" encoded mp3 is more than good enough (considering everything)...

It's just those who encode at low bite rates or use crappy encoders that give mp3 a bad name...

Mensajes Tue 22 Mar 05 @ 4:43 pm
Good luck with that :)

there is really no reason for 24bit support... as of now

All dj equipment at clubs, all cd's and most mp3s are 16 bits

if you use 24 bits software, the external mixer will still be 16 bits - so there is no improvements

Mensajes Wed 23 Mar 05 @ 3:08 pm
@ SZ-B
I don't understand why myself along with other customers have to put up with your bullsh**. I just looked at all of your posts and all you do is cause trouble. Do us all paying and potentially paying customers a favor and go away. I am tired of reading your negative, insulting and demeaning crap(can I get a AMEN Technical DJ?). We are all trying to share our knowlege and love of music, not trying to be asses one to another. If you bought something better(which I doubt) then go away and leave all the 16 bit using poor saps to VDJ.

@ Management Team
Why does is this negative person allowed to post here? Enough is enough!



Mensajes Wed 23 Mar 05 @ 7:10 pm
you may have a good point there!

Mensajes Wed 23 Mar 05 @ 9:39 pm
SZ-BHome userMember since 2004
@ support staff : you may delete my account - i won´t use it anymore .

this IS my last message here .

Mensajes Thu 24 Mar 05 @ 6:26 am
CYA.Bye. Adios!


Mensajes Thu 24 Mar 05 @ 2:54 pm

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