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Tópico: TCV Video #4 - DJ Righteous - Page: 1

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Mensajes Tue 08 Mar 05 @ 7:30 am
hey man great tips! very good videos. ;)
i think those videos are gonna get more ppl into this software.. that what we, "the roooookies" need to c!
question. Whant turntable Coffin/case are u using???

good job!


Adonny (Dj la ñapa)

I was just wondering... where a good place to get 'wax paper' from?

Also, using the TCV's I've noticed when rolling over the first beat of an mp3 isn't the same as on my vinyls. Like it lacks the bass punch - Feel a bit weird...

The road case looks an awful lot like a RRDJ10W. If its not it sure looks a lot like the one I have right now.

hey dj righteous great job!!
i was wondering if you can upload once again the #3 tcv video because when i tried to download it the server limit had been exceeted.
thanx in advance
keep on the good workin'

djlt...try the local supermarket for the wax paper and make sure to get the kind that has wax on both sides.....(cooking stuff)

great job!!

sorry , but you call this beat juggling ??
better keep on practicing .
( sorry - i don´t want to be an a..hole but that video just sucks . and yes i can do better )

show somwthing better first than talk... u prolly don't even know whats a loop or a bpm, do u?
anyways...... maybe dont even have the $ to buy some

Thanks for the support SZ-B. I wasn't tryin to show off or anything and I do know I can practice some more. Just showin basic beat juggles. Should I pull the video because little-non-license-user-you thinks it sucks? Perhaps if you can do better- you should...oh wait! You don't have any money or honor to get the program! So you Can't! Darn. (You're probably just jealous and you derive self-esteem by degrading others. Pretty pathetic.)

Anyway- yeah, get the wax at the supermarket. It is a Road Ready Case. Yeah I'll post up video #3 again. Thanks for all the REAL support!

I personally thought you did a good job at showing new DJs a good lesson in how to better their TT feel with the wax paper instead of spending heaps of cash on trying out different slip mats. the beat juggling was decent I must say although everything comes with loads of practice. I wasn't great the first time I laid hands on TTs and even recently when I tried spinning with cd decks (I HATE them) but I know lots of DJs who now prefer CDs over vinyl (don't ask me why but I just love the control of the vinyl better then with the jog wheels on a CD player.

I have never dissed another DJ as I know for a fact that we build our skills up with "constructive" coments from others in the same field. Don't get me wrong we're not all DJ Qbert or DJ Magic Mike. I for one know that I am no where near their skills although with years of continual practice and constructive critisism I can probably be just as good if not better.

Great job on building a video library on DJing instructions Technical!

Keep up the good work and if everything goes well I will try to contact you to see if you would like to have a permanent place to store your videos.

if you would like to contact me just send me an e-mail @ --@--.--

Best Regards

DJ White Devil

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry DJ_whiteDVL no email address is allowed from a demo user

Great way of putting in DJ White Devil. Respect. You can get my email from my blog- hit me up on MSN or drop me an email. And exactly what you were saying- I know I'm not the best...and I'm really not trying to be- just puttin videos out for those who are learning. I know how helpfull they can be. If you don't need the videos, and know your better- then don't watch them! And if you DO watch them, you don't have to put down on them just cause your better. Again- seems like a petty derivitive of self-esteem.

Good info! Keep it up!

well i´m sorry i made you all so angry , but that is just my opinion .
i just said that this guy in the video isn´t good - and he really isn´t .
i´m scratching and beatjuggling for some years now and believe me or not , you can learn
what he´s doing in less than a week .
i´ve used vinyl way before final scratch , virtual dj or whatever .
now keep on hating , but seriously : you don´t know me .

well with an attitude like you currently have wanting to show off at most opportunities you have I'm sure the crowd just loves you (NOT!). I for one am grateful for someone to stand up and demonstrate to those who have no or little knowledge of how its done. I've been DJing with vinyl for 9 years now and what I've learned in 9 years took me that long to learn. I know for a fact that DJ Technical might not be DJ Qbert or DJ Majoc mix since those are turntable gods (in my humble opinion) but at least he is one who is making an effort at wanting to bring in some new flavors into DJing so that we're not stuck with the same run of the mill DJs that we currently have today.

I know for a fact that showing off doesn't get you too far when it comes to talking with an attitude like you currently have.

Never forget who pays you! If the crowd doesn't like the way you talk to them or your attitude I'm sure you can start counting the days until you will be out of customers and start thinking about a new career.

Respect is a big thing and when a community sticks together they can voice out much more then a single person.

I don't care who you are really and what you can do. if you can make a better video displaying such technics then please; post them and show others who believe they can better their technics instead of pretending your a big shot who has all the skillz in the world.

Be a man and show others some respect and then others will show you some respect.

Best regards

DJ White Devil

When I'm anonymous on the internet with none of my work to show as proof, I'm the best DJ in the world, too.

Seriously....I'm awesome. I give lessons to Qbert every other Sunday. I swear.

@ bargler

seriously ? wow ! you must be very good then ! respect bro´ !

@ everyone else : i never said i´m the best dj around , i just think that people who want to learn something shouldn´t learn it from someone who has to learn himself . i don´t hate nobody i just say what i think .
and besides : i don´t have to proove nobody no skillz - i don´t care about fame
i care about music - nothing else .

i don't even have VDJ (yet) but i like coming here for dj advice and chat, what those videos show is basic functions of VDJ and dj skills, its not a DMC championship video. Take for whats it worth, some people do come here and have no clue about djing, so if you do thats great! I have been touching vinyl for over tens years, can i scratch like qbert? NO! we all have different learning curves and some equipment thats not so nice to learn on, just making it harder.

i know . i had to learn and i´m still learnig . i didn´t start with expensive equipment like the guy in the video . i didn´t have 2 technics or a pioneer mixer to start with. i started with really cheap stuff and saved money to buy better equipment one after another .
nobody´s good without practice (even if u have 2 technics and a djm707) .
thats a fact .
i´m gonna practice now . writing doesn´t really help your skills , does it ?

CU-P, GA-Y, er SB-Z....whatever you name is- You make it out like because YOU can do something (supposedly) or because you learned with crap EVERYBODY should do that! I worked hard to get the equipment I have, and it helps alot in perfecting and learning techniques. Maybe if you stopped hating and started working YOU could get some stuff like me. I'm not tryin to show anybody up, or profess my "god-like skills." haha (by the way SZ-B,
"i don´t have to proove nobody no skillz"
GOOD english- also "Skills" is spelled with an "s") I'm just tryin to show others WHAT you CAN do with VDJ. This wasn't something that someone SHOULD do. Just showin some basic functions that the software provides. I know there are others better than me but I also know for a fact- if you practice with a good attitude while respecting those above AND BELOW you, you'll learn/progress MUCH faster. It seems you DO have something to learn from me.
